Monday, August 29, 2011

....these days are much more exciting

10 miles went very well this weekend- 13:23 pace and not complaining- especially since last Saturday I only did 5 miles and walked them all!  And- of course the Texas heat and a beeping watch does not help my pace much at all. Ahhhh- I truly miss the 9 minute mile days, but these days are much more exciting- I have my Baby to trot along in my running journey now- so I'm not alone! Its nice seeing Chris and all my other speedster running buddies fly by me at the training runs and on Saturday. But I stay positive and remember that I am now plus one, and its not all about me anymore- its all about her! (I felt like writing her, so I did! its still a while until we find out the sex, that is if we decide to)

I found out that me and Loretta (my friend from run group) are almost exactly a year apart in pregnancy due dates. Her due date was 2/20/2011 and mine is 2/24/2012. This was quite exciting, because she ran/ walked the Rock and Roll Half in November. So, maybe there is a chance for me! Loretta has run many marathons, so she is quite the experienced runner.. don't worry friends-- I know every person is different and I will listen to the doctor and most importantly my body and Baby... Loretta also said she took it easy in the summer and didn't run as long mileage, so I'm hoping that me keeping with the long runs, may help?

I'm not sure why I'm so obsessed with running the half in November- perhaps because my brother in law and almost sister in law will be flying in to run it or perhaps because I've always wanted to say "I ran a half while pregnant" or perhaps I'm just crazy after all.

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