Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Crime Scene and Prison Break

Lets' see- I survived tailgaiting at the first UTSA football game and yet another 10 mile run this last Saturday, 09-03-2011. My miles were a tad bit better than last week, 13:11 pace.
Running along the ravine in Alamo Heights/ Olmos Park, I noticed two parked police cars. Then I look further and there it was- an abandoned car in the lonely ravine. Well-- at least I think it was abandoned! I did not stay around long enough to find out. I decided to let the police do their jobs.

Undeniably I was in a crime scene from a movie, I the innocent jogger/ passer by-- watching the police men walk down the ravine to inspect the car, and all of sudden a "crazy" comes out with a gun telling everyone not to move.. Gosh- the many scenarios, stories, thoughts, dreams, ambitions that go through ones mind while running!  Perhaps I should choose a different sport?

Now for the baby- doing fine, I suppose- no crazy spells. I just wish I had someway of knowing each and everyday that all is OK inside me, I guess I just want to make sure everything is perfect. Again, just worried as always!

We have chatted about names a bit- if a girl- our minds are made up- Elisabeth Marjorie- Eli Mar for short. I love "Eli Mar". My grandmothers name is Elisa and Chris' grandmothers' name was Marjorie.

Lincoln Burrows
 Lincoln Joseph for a boy. Linc or LJ for short. Chris thought of the Lincoln name, a result of our most recent netflicks obsession, the "Prison Break" series.  Don't be alarmed Lincoln Burrows is the lead character, and yes, he was in prison on death row, but he was released and later proven innocent- so he is a good guy!  And- Joseph is Chris' middle name. Check out Lincoln on the left.

I think I've gained more weight in the last week than I have in the first 14 weeks of the pregnancy. I am 15 weeks now, will be 16 weeks on Friday, September 9th- same day as my next doctors appointment. Hopefully this appointment we will find out just exactly how much weight I gained, when I get my first sonogram, if I can travel to Ft. Wayne over Thanksgiving, and her thoughts on me run/walking the half marathon in November. Or, I may wait to ask about the marathon, because if she says "no" then I can be pouty for a shorter amount of time.

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