Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blue Moon.. I'll pass/ Run 4 miles- I'll take it..

Third doctors’ appointment done. We heard the heart beat and this time Chris recorded it!
1st Sonogram scheduled for tomorrow, Friday ( 17 weeks)..we are debating finding out. I think we will; but its’ cool to wonder too! We shall see if EliMarLincoln cooperates.
I’ve gained a total of 6lbs since my last appointment on August 8th.  10.5 total at exactly 16 weeks. Doctor said I may need to watch my calories more, since I’m not exercising  as much. WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN I AM TOLD TO STOP RUNNING?! Let’s leave that discussion for a later date.
I've decided to give up cinnamon rolls. The latest bash did not have enough icing to satisfy me, so I'm convinced its a sign- my addiction to them has ended. I will throw the remaining 8 in the trashcan effective immediately.
I had another runcrazedpreggo moment, so I decided to measure my waist and compare it to Chris’ measurements- he’s larger.  (at least for the time being)!
Date      Time      Waist Size
8/22       11am     31.5 inches
9/11       6pm       38 inches
9/12       4:45p     36 inches
Quite unpredictable. However, I read you can lose weight during pregnancy and its normal? Don’t worry I’m not going to try to lose weight- for now I’m only throwing away the cinnamon rolls-- all else will remain in pantry. 
Taken while at our "good" seats 9-10-2011
We traveled to Houston this weekend for the Purdue/ Rice football game. I kicked up my feet and relaxed at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston roof top pool. And, I submerged myself in the many fluffy pillows on the comfy beds for two nights! What a nice treat.
Purdue lost in a nail biting, record heat game! I’m usually up for baking in the sun & watching great football; but this time I chose to hide under the shade with other expecting mothers and small children.  I wanted Chris to stay at our awesome 50 yard line, 15th row seats, but he chose to hang with me in the shade.  (our seats were still great!)
We were wimps and only ran 2.5 miles on Saturday through downtown and Uptown Houston. We chose to make a sneak appearance at Houston’s version of Breakfast Club instead of rack up the mileage! Breakfast club is a Purdue tradition where college students get up at dawn, go to a local bar, dress up in Halloween costumes and get completely wasted on home game days. If it were other circumstances, I would have been right there with them, but instead I chose to continue my run and enjoy a nice breakfast with my husband.  
We also went to a meet and greet event at Sherlocks Pub. There was a live band. I passed on teh Blue Moon and made it a water and lemon night and watched the band and empty dance floor! It made me realize- its midnight and no one is dancing? Mind you- the song they were playing was “last dance with Mary Jane”-- but if I didn’t have a 38 inch waist staring at me I would have found a way to make the song danceable!
PS- Update:  Since I ran so little on Saturday- I made up with signing up for a 10 miler race this Sunday, doing a 4 mile run on Monday - first time ever without wearing the heart rate monitor, followed by another 4 mile run yesterday. Lets see how I do on Sunday.. Cheer for me!

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