About Me

This blog started in May, 2011 as "Runcrazedpreggo." The blog was a gatekeeper to track my first pregnancy while training for a half marathon. I ran the half marathon at 28 weeks pregnant in November of 2011 and gave birth in February of 2012.

The blog continued as I became a proud first time mom and continued to run. The trials and tribulations of a sleep deprived, breastfeeding, working mother who decided, despite all the long sleepless nights and grey hairs, I would continue to run.

I continued running so whole-heartedly, that I decided to train for my first FULL marathon. A week before I ran my first Full in November 2013, I found out I was pregnant with my second baby. I ran a full marathon when I was 7 weeks pregnant.

In 2014 after my second son was born, I changed the blog title to “San Antonio Run Mom” and added a corresponding facebook page, www.Facebook.com/sanantoniorunmom.

The blog then became my journey thru training for my dream marathon, the Chicago Marathon while being the mother of two children under 3! I conquered my dream marathon, and my blog continues to track my progress as a mom, wife, and marathoner.

Join in on the fun by following the blog or my facebook page-www.Facebook.com/sanantoniorunmom there is a never a dull moment.


I am not the runner who bans fast food restaurants during training season. I’m a mom who breastfeeds and works full time, so I need to get my fix of all foods when I “crave” them. I am not the fast runner, check out my run stats. My training runs average 11:30-12 minute miles, and my races are generally 9:30-10:30 paced. I am the runner who eats as much as she wants because she knows she's a runner. The runner that swore for many years that she would only run 5ks- then suddenly became obsessed with full marathons.

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