Sunday, August 7, 2011

Passed out

Run group yesterday went well. I ran 9 miles at about a 13 minute pace. As the weeks go by, my heart rate feels like its' getting higher quicker; but it only makes sense as the baby grows it takes more out of me?

I almost passed out at church today; I was standing for the first set off readings and suddenly started feeling dizzy. I was trying my best to stay standing, but I couldn't. I sat down and the room was spinning and my entire body instantly broke into a mild sweet. I went downstairs to grab some water and place a damp paper towel on my face. I felt a little better, but I have not had that passing out feeling in quite some time. Weird! Then after work, we went to eat; I had one Barbacoa taco a Big Red, and a Gordita! I drank my Big Red too fast, but the food was excellent.

Today is my first doctors appointment, I'm very nervous.  Technically, its my second, because the first is where the doctor confirmed the pregnancy, due date, etc. But, this still feels like my first. I am 11 weeks along and Dr. G said we should be able to hear the heart beat today. I'm pretty positive its not a sonogram, but I've read and heard mixed reviews on how the heart beat is heard. We shall learn together!

But I kind of feel like I've been losing weight in the belly area, so I am praying that all goes well.

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