Monday, August 22, 2011

eating an orange

As I sit here and eat my orange, I warn you-- this post is not going to be interesting, so if your sleepy this should do the job and put you out.

 13 weeks preggo with hubby- Port A, 8-20-2011
I'm 13 weeks now and no real differences. We took our last summer vacay this weekend to Port Aransas with the family. It was super duper relaxing! I slacked on running, I only walked four miles. My mother joined me- we took advantage of mother/ daughter time enjoying the shoreside views and lovely sunset. It was a relaxing trot through the island- I think I needed the rest from the usual 10 miles, but excited to get back to 10 this coming weekend! Chris slacked and ran 5- but we both agreed that it was very humid shoreside, even worse than our usual runs.

Took a bikini photo, and this time I think you can see the bump. Can't hide forever.

The task of telling my family, close friends, Chicago besties, etc. of the NEWS is complete. Last ones on the list are work. I'm going to tell them on Wednesday and probably post to facebook then as well. To my close friends and family it will be old news.. so I'm not really sure what to post and how to post. My creativity these days is going down the drain..
"No marathon for me.. having a baby is much more important"
"1st Marathon or 1st time Mommy? The blessing of Baby Herrberg comes first, Marathon you'll have to wait..Yes, facebook- its official- she's having a baby!"
"Being Preggo or Run 26.2? I'll take Preggo."
 "Marathon or Motherhood? First time mom of course!- Marathon on hold until next time!"
"Marathon or Motherhood? Baby Herrberg of course!- Sorry, marathon- there is always next time!"

We shall see what I choose. Oh yes, and I took my wellness assesment this morning, a work fitness program I am in, and since May 15, 2011- I gained 2.5 inches on my waist, one inch on my hips- not as bad as I thought. Keeping running in the mix is helping perhaps?
Until next time.

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