Monday, August 8, 2011

3 inch heels (go figure)

We heard the babies heart beat today! Talk about something spectacular that can silence a room instantly. I was chatting with the doctor as she placed the doppler on my tummy, asking questions, etc. . She said not to be alarmed if we didn't hear it, it all depends if the baby wants to cooperate. And then, there it was!  It sounded like a galloping horse, literally! Very fast paced- a lot faster than I imagined.  Doc said it beats twice as fast as a normal adult heart rate. 

She asked if I was getting used to "being pregnant". I told her not really- I'm not getting morning sickness and my tummy doesn't really seem to be growing.  Though, hearing the heart beat made it feel a little more "real". Chris was very excited to hear as well, his face lit up!

Pre pregnancy weight was 136.5 and I weighed in at 140 at todays appointment. However, I always weigh with shoes on and today I was wearing 3 inch heels, long pants, a midsleeve shirt, plus an undershirt (go figure)! So, I really think my weight is about the same as pre-preggo. But, weight is not important at this point, right?

My next appointment is Sept. 9th, and no sonogram until 15-16 weeks. Until my next appointment- I will play back hearing the heart beat in my mind- that will keep me content-for sure!

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