Monday, August 15, 2011


At Katelyn,s Quincenara, 12 weeks

Another 10 miles logged on Saturday for me, and 15 miles for Chris. My miles were at about 14 minutes even- with walking and some running. I thought I was moving much quicker, but apparently NOT!
Oh well- the important part is I finished and felt great!  Watching the group finish was very motivating, and I could not help thinking.. how fast would I be at 15 miles? There is plenty of time left for me to log a 26.2 race, but watching the others finish just makes me wonder. Next week is a taper down, so only 8 miles, but we will be on an end of summer mini vacay in Port A. So we will probably run on the beach, not sure how much I'll do- I tend to not be as motivated when run group isn't around.
My niece Katelyn's Quincenara was on Saturday. It was a blast, I managed to gather up enough energy to be on the dance floor for about 70% of the time, which is a huge accomplishment. Especially considering, that the last few Saturdays have been chill at the house relax kind of days. It was great to see my family- the cousins said the little baby bump is noticeable. My mom, for some reason is in denial, she said, yes, its there, but you still can't really tell. Ay, Helen- she'll snap eventually. She's so funny.

Me and Niece Melanie.. "a baby, there's a baby"
My niece Melanie, everytime she sees me she runs up to me and pets my stomach and says, "a baby, there's a baby.." its the little things that make me smile!
I'm officially at 12 weeks, so we shall see if this tired stuff stops since I'm nearing the end of the first trimester.

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