Monday, August 1, 2011

Early weekend nights! Rock!

What a long weekend! Friday was very restful, to bed by 8:30pm- only to wake up at 6am, for yet another 10 mile run. But- we went out to dinner at Chili's so I didn't feel like a complete bum! (we had gift cards)
My group ran 14 miles- I felt like I cheated because I only did 10.  However, we were all in agreement that 10 was good for me.  My pace was about a 13 minute mile, so declining but the humidity was pretty aggressive so I am happy to have finished. (I kind of feel like I am making excuses. Am I?)  The first couple of hours after the run, I felt great. Then, I got home showered and ate my Chili's leftovers and felt like a bus hit me- I slept until 3pm that afternoon!
I really hope this humidity and tiredness stops soon,   (plus my tendonitis is back this time in my left foot).
I hate feeling like I lose my entire day.I did hit the mall once I woke up, Dillards- 40% off clearance sale and Sears- 50% off clearance sale!
Chris and I later found the energy to go to Alamo Draft House to see Crazy, Stupid Love. Great movie choice and then another early weekend night! Never did I imagine I would be so excited about early weekend nights.
Sunday was Church, Denny's (thanks to my cousin MJ posting "Pancakes at Denny's" on FB- I decided I needed them too) !  Then, half day at the parents, narrowed down my dress choice to two for Katelyn's Quincenara and ate enchiladas. Was craving my mothers' homemade touch, so she delivered! Wonderful as always.

I was extremely exhausted this morning when I arrived to work, fighting to stay awake. I had to occupy myself by organizing my office to prepare me for moving to another building in Sept/Oct.  Soon, yes! I'm not looking forward to organizing my office plus my home all in the next months to come! I'm scared of the organization but not scared of the new bundle of joy that will bless us .. The time doesn't seem to be flying yet, but I hope it does soon!

Oh yes, and before I forget- Happy 10 weeks to me!

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