Thursday, August 4, 2011


If I listened to myself, I should have taken this full week off from running to help heal my foot. However, despite how exhaused I was today, I decided to go to run group. My main concern was losing my breathing and not being able to run 9 miles on Saturday. We did hills- 8 hill repeats. Not too bad.  The group finished their reps and I had two more to go; Chris did not want me to run them, but of course I had to finish. Plus, with needing to keep my heart rate at 140; there was not much running going on.  My watch is set to beep when it exceeds 140, needless to say it does a whole lot of beeping when I'm doing hills.  Chris of course led the group through the hills and was the first to finish. He's quite the overachiever. Chris is so funny, he said that I do "pouty walks".  I didn't think they were noticeable..  at times I think to myself "this dang watch, I could be running right now, but noooooo..." It is quite difficult to take me out of the competitive runner mode, but I'm getting used to it!
My bella bands came in today;  Of course I purchased the clearance bands.  I was surprised at how basic they were, a tube top with a lot more stretch- but they serve their purpose. They are meant to cover up un done buttons on pants and skirts and let you stay in pre-pregnancy clothes longer. I tried them on with several different pairs of pants and they seem like they will work.  More to come.

Today I made an impulse purchase;  Frosted Strawberry  Pop Tarts and Chocoloate Chip and Peanut Butter Chip cookies. When I purchased them I was determined that I would eat the entire package of both; I think I even hugged the boxes and jumped up and down as I placed them in my shopping cart!  But one pop tart and six cookies later, my craving was satisfied!

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