Monday, August 29, 2011

....these days are much more exciting

10 miles went very well this weekend- 13:23 pace and not complaining- especially since last Saturday I only did 5 miles and walked them all!  And- of course the Texas heat and a beeping watch does not help my pace much at all. Ahhhh- I truly miss the 9 minute mile days, but these days are much more exciting- I have my Baby to trot along in my running journey now- so I'm not alone! Its nice seeing Chris and all my other speedster running buddies fly by me at the training runs and on Saturday. But I stay positive and remember that I am now plus one, and its not all about me anymore- its all about her! (I felt like writing her, so I did! its still a while until we find out the sex, that is if we decide to)

I found out that me and Loretta (my friend from run group) are almost exactly a year apart in pregnancy due dates. Her due date was 2/20/2011 and mine is 2/24/2012. This was quite exciting, because she ran/ walked the Rock and Roll Half in November. So, maybe there is a chance for me! Loretta has run many marathons, so she is quite the experienced runner.. don't worry friends-- I know every person is different and I will listen to the doctor and most importantly my body and Baby... Loretta also said she took it easy in the summer and didn't run as long mileage, so I'm hoping that me keeping with the long runs, may help?

I'm not sure why I'm so obsessed with running the half in November- perhaps because my brother in law and almost sister in law will be flying in to run it or perhaps because I've always wanted to say "I ran a half while pregnant" or perhaps I'm just crazy after all.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Don't send the pregnant person grocery shopping..

Because she was only supposed to shop for Velvetta Shells & Cheese and bread, but came back with- Cinnamon rolls, cookies&cream ice cream, orange juice, (3) large bags of chips, honey baked chicken tenders in a bag, and instant mashed potatoes.  What can I say I was hungry. I would NEVER eat cinnamon rolls pre-preggo, but they were darn good. Especially after 30 short seconds in the microwave. Plus, there was $1.00 off coupon.

I should take stock in McDonald's - I must say, there sweet tea is amazing and only $1.00! Needless to say, I frequent the place a minimum of twice a week, and I'm not afraid every now and then to add a little sausage biscuit with egg & cheese to the order. I have not eaten one of those in years, and now I've had two within the last week!

I told my work the news this week, I did this cute flash card thing. Each of my co-workers took turns turning a card around.. each were labeled, 1) She's 2) Going (3 To Have a Baby 4) Surprise, Feb 24, 2011.
I carried card number 4.  They were really excited to hear the news, now my new name is CTG+1. (catherine the great)

I also finally posted to facebook- final outcome, "1st time marathon or 1st time Mommy- Baby Herrberg of course, marathon on hold until next year."  The truth is I'm not sure if next year will be too soon for me to race the marathon, because ideally I would like to train a FULL year. And, I probably won't be able to start training until April or May at the earliest. So that would be only 6 months to train. This year would have been perfect, because it was the first year we non-stop trained, but if not November 2012, I can postpone, as long as I run one in my lifetime!

Monday, August 22, 2011

eating an orange

As I sit here and eat my orange, I warn you-- this post is not going to be interesting, so if your sleepy this should do the job and put you out.

 13 weeks preggo with hubby- Port A, 8-20-2011
I'm 13 weeks now and no real differences. We took our last summer vacay this weekend to Port Aransas with the family. It was super duper relaxing! I slacked on running, I only walked four miles. My mother joined me- we took advantage of mother/ daughter time enjoying the shoreside views and lovely sunset. It was a relaxing trot through the island- I think I needed the rest from the usual 10 miles, but excited to get back to 10 this coming weekend! Chris slacked and ran 5- but we both agreed that it was very humid shoreside, even worse than our usual runs.

Took a bikini photo, and this time I think you can see the bump. Can't hide forever.

The task of telling my family, close friends, Chicago besties, etc. of the NEWS is complete. Last ones on the list are work. I'm going to tell them on Wednesday and probably post to facebook then as well. To my close friends and family it will be old news.. so I'm not really sure what to post and how to post. My creativity these days is going down the drain..
"No marathon for me.. having a baby is much more important"
"1st Marathon or 1st time Mommy? The blessing of Baby Herrberg comes first, Marathon you'll have to wait..Yes, facebook- its official- she's having a baby!"
"Being Preggo or Run 26.2? I'll take Preggo."
 "Marathon or Motherhood? First time mom of course!- Marathon on hold until next time!"
"Marathon or Motherhood? Baby Herrberg of course!- Sorry, marathon- there is always next time!"

We shall see what I choose. Oh yes, and I took my wellness assesment this morning, a work fitness program I am in, and since May 15, 2011- I gained 2.5 inches on my waist, one inch on my hips- not as bad as I thought. Keeping running in the mix is helping perhaps?
Until next time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today I went overboard at The Gap and, with but of course- preggo clothing purchases.

However, I was mindful and kept myself contained in the 10x10 clearance rack filled area of the store; and used a coupon in store and online (plus the clearance was an additional 25% off. I did peak at the "look at me" regular priced items but kept made it back to my 10x10 space. Okay, now I feel better.

I must say, I am quite the satisfied Gap shopper- They had some excellent choices! When I thought of maternity clothes- pre preggo, I thought of ugly, over sized tye dyed shirts and wide, baggy, crinkly material linen type- jeans/pants that made me feel like a mamma-patrol!  I found that Gap had quite the oppossite. Per the receipt on the left:
 (3)  "Pure Tanks" made of the Gap soft signature material that you never want to stop petting ($5.21, $6.74, and $5.98)
(1) pair 5 pocket knit black dress pants ($11.57) for work- expensive, but I splurged because I liked them.
(1) pair khaki capris ($9.25)- Poly/cotton blend material and long enough that I can put boots over them in the fall!
(1) black wrap dress ($6.93)- and I can wear it post preggos! I think I just may live in this dress
(1) pair purple slim fitting cargo pants ($9.84)- Perfect color for fall and I can wear with the many MANY boots that I have or with some nice and comfy flats.

Ok- now that I confessed and justified my purchases I not only feel better, but MUCH better. Okay, I'll confess to my online purchase as well.  It totalled about $60.00, on the tab were, the same capris as above but in black, (2) SUPER flattering pencil skirts, (1) long sleeve wrap cotton shirt, and (1) pair of dressy striped pants for work.

Now- the pregnancy clothes shopping is over, the pregnancy clothes shopping is over, the pregnancy clothes shopping is over. If I write it enough, maybe it will actually come true.

Monday, August 15, 2011


At Katelyn,s Quincenara, 12 weeks

Another 10 miles logged on Saturday for me, and 15 miles for Chris. My miles were at about 14 minutes even- with walking and some running. I thought I was moving much quicker, but apparently NOT!
Oh well- the important part is I finished and felt great!  Watching the group finish was very motivating, and I could not help thinking.. how fast would I be at 15 miles? There is plenty of time left for me to log a 26.2 race, but watching the others finish just makes me wonder. Next week is a taper down, so only 8 miles, but we will be on an end of summer mini vacay in Port A. So we will probably run on the beach, not sure how much I'll do- I tend to not be as motivated when run group isn't around.
My niece Katelyn's Quincenara was on Saturday. It was a blast, I managed to gather up enough energy to be on the dance floor for about 70% of the time, which is a huge accomplishment. Especially considering, that the last few Saturdays have been chill at the house relax kind of days. It was great to see my family- the cousins said the little baby bump is noticeable. My mom, for some reason is in denial, she said, yes, its there, but you still can't really tell. Ay, Helen- she'll snap eventually. She's so funny.

Me and Niece Melanie.. "a baby, there's a baby"
My niece Melanie, everytime she sees me she runs up to me and pets my stomach and says, "a baby, there's a baby.." its the little things that make me smile!
I'm officially at 12 weeks, so we shall see if this tired stuff stops since I'm nearing the end of the first trimester.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Belly Shaking

I went to Zumba class today and started realizing I can't do as many of the jump moves as I could before. My tummy was just too uncomfortable with the bouncing.
Plus, I ate four chocolate chip cookies with milk before class so that didn't help.
We danced with the belly dance skirts, lots of belly shaking, but I modified. It was actually really funny to watch- I felt like I was 80 because I was scared to shake too much. Is their such a thing?

Nothing else to report- still dreaming about the heart beat!

Monday, August 8, 2011

3 inch heels (go figure)

We heard the babies heart beat today! Talk about something spectacular that can silence a room instantly. I was chatting with the doctor as she placed the doppler on my tummy, asking questions, etc. . She said not to be alarmed if we didn't hear it, it all depends if the baby wants to cooperate. And then, there it was!  It sounded like a galloping horse, literally! Very fast paced- a lot faster than I imagined.  Doc said it beats twice as fast as a normal adult heart rate. 

She asked if I was getting used to "being pregnant". I told her not really- I'm not getting morning sickness and my tummy doesn't really seem to be growing.  Though, hearing the heart beat made it feel a little more "real". Chris was very excited to hear as well, his face lit up!

Pre pregnancy weight was 136.5 and I weighed in at 140 at todays appointment. However, I always weigh with shoes on and today I was wearing 3 inch heels, long pants, a midsleeve shirt, plus an undershirt (go figure)! So, I really think my weight is about the same as pre-preggo. But, weight is not important at this point, right?

My next appointment is Sept. 9th, and no sonogram until 15-16 weeks. Until my next appointment- I will play back hearing the heart beat in my mind- that will keep me content-for sure!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Passed out

Run group yesterday went well. I ran 9 miles at about a 13 minute pace. As the weeks go by, my heart rate feels like its' getting higher quicker; but it only makes sense as the baby grows it takes more out of me?

I almost passed out at church today; I was standing for the first set off readings and suddenly started feeling dizzy. I was trying my best to stay standing, but I couldn't. I sat down and the room was spinning and my entire body instantly broke into a mild sweet. I went downstairs to grab some water and place a damp paper towel on my face. I felt a little better, but I have not had that passing out feeling in quite some time. Weird! Then after work, we went to eat; I had one Barbacoa taco a Big Red, and a Gordita! I drank my Big Red too fast, but the food was excellent.

Today is my first doctors appointment, I'm very nervous.  Technically, its my second, because the first is where the doctor confirmed the pregnancy, due date, etc. But, this still feels like my first. I am 11 weeks along and Dr. G said we should be able to hear the heart beat today. I'm pretty positive its not a sonogram, but I've read and heard mixed reviews on how the heart beat is heard. We shall learn together!

But I kind of feel like I've been losing weight in the belly area, so I am praying that all goes well.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


If I listened to myself, I should have taken this full week off from running to help heal my foot. However, despite how exhaused I was today, I decided to go to run group. My main concern was losing my breathing and not being able to run 9 miles on Saturday. We did hills- 8 hill repeats. Not too bad.  The group finished their reps and I had two more to go; Chris did not want me to run them, but of course I had to finish. Plus, with needing to keep my heart rate at 140; there was not much running going on.  My watch is set to beep when it exceeds 140, needless to say it does a whole lot of beeping when I'm doing hills.  Chris of course led the group through the hills and was the first to finish. He's quite the overachiever. Chris is so funny, he said that I do "pouty walks".  I didn't think they were noticeable..  at times I think to myself "this dang watch, I could be running right now, but noooooo..." It is quite difficult to take me out of the competitive runner mode, but I'm getting used to it!
My bella bands came in today;  Of course I purchased the clearance bands.  I was surprised at how basic they were, a tube top with a lot more stretch- but they serve their purpose. They are meant to cover up un done buttons on pants and skirts and let you stay in pre-pregnancy clothes longer. I tried them on with several different pairs of pants and they seem like they will work.  More to come.

Today I made an impulse purchase;  Frosted Strawberry  Pop Tarts and Chocoloate Chip and Peanut Butter Chip cookies. When I purchased them I was determined that I would eat the entire package of both; I think I even hugged the boxes and jumped up and down as I placed them in my shopping cart!  But one pop tart and six cookies later, my craving was satisfied!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Early weekend nights! Rock!

What a long weekend! Friday was very restful, to bed by 8:30pm- only to wake up at 6am, for yet another 10 mile run. But- we went out to dinner at Chili's so I didn't feel like a complete bum! (we had gift cards)
My group ran 14 miles- I felt like I cheated because I only did 10.  However, we were all in agreement that 10 was good for me.  My pace was about a 13 minute mile, so declining but the humidity was pretty aggressive so I am happy to have finished. (I kind of feel like I am making excuses. Am I?)  The first couple of hours after the run, I felt great. Then, I got home showered and ate my Chili's leftovers and felt like a bus hit me- I slept until 3pm that afternoon!
I really hope this humidity and tiredness stops soon,   (plus my tendonitis is back this time in my left foot).
I hate feeling like I lose my entire day.I did hit the mall once I woke up, Dillards- 40% off clearance sale and Sears- 50% off clearance sale!
Chris and I later found the energy to go to Alamo Draft House to see Crazy, Stupid Love. Great movie choice and then another early weekend night! Never did I imagine I would be so excited about early weekend nights.
Sunday was Church, Denny's (thanks to my cousin MJ posting "Pancakes at Denny's" on FB- I decided I needed them too) !  Then, half day at the parents, narrowed down my dress choice to two for Katelyn's Quincenara and ate enchiladas. Was craving my mothers' homemade touch, so she delivered! Wonderful as always.

I was extremely exhausted this morning when I arrived to work, fighting to stay awake. I had to occupy myself by organizing my office to prepare me for moving to another building in Sept/Oct.  Soon, yes! I'm not looking forward to organizing my office plus my home all in the next months to come! I'm scared of the organization but not scared of the new bundle of joy that will bless us .. The time doesn't seem to be flying yet, but I hope it does soon!

Oh yes, and before I forget- Happy 10 weeks to me!