Friday, August 30, 2013


Summer is slowly coming to an end and it has been an awesome summer, especially since I was a pretend stay at home mom, as of May 31st. I say pretend, because my SUPER MOM has been with me almost every step of my summer.

Here is my confession, I was part of a Reduction in Force at UTSA. I am no longer the Event Manager for the Office of Research. They let go a total of 15 staff members in my immediate department. But, I wasn't mad or sad, I guess it was just a little weird? Yup, "weird" is the word, the process of the entire RIF just all went down a little awkwardly.  But, I can honestly say after looking back at the last three months, it was the best thing that could have happened to me!

It has been a productive summer, not only do I get the luxury of working out 5 times a week, but I have been able to spend TONS of  QUALITY time with my son and my mother.
I have had a blast this summer. My mom and I have been all over the place, taking Lincoln shopping, to playgrounds, to thrift stores, to Bill Miller's, to play areas around the City, and watching him grow, grow, grow.

And, of course spending time with my beloved, Chris Herrberg! We've been on vacation after vacation, and it was so relaxing! And, the NICE thing is that I didn't have to use any vacation time, I was able to get paid out my vacation, since part of my severance was a decent amount of paid time off. SCORE!!!

At first, it was a little hard for me to grasp that I was jobless, but after having a total of four job interviews with a variety companies, I know it's only a matter of time that I will find the job that is fit for me!  Now I realize that my resume is fabulous, so its now about finding a company that I adore and adores me back. OR, I have started the baby steps of beginning my own meeting planner business. I started a blog, "sherunsevents" that will eventually be focused on my business and also started sending out letters to UTSA departments and other smaller companies asking if they need assistance with event planning. Its baby steps, but its a lot further than I have EVER been in the stages of becoming independent. So, if YOU know anyone, keep my in mind.  Oh, my other blog is The blog is in the works, so it may not be as fun to read as this one is! (Hah, I don't even know if anyone reads this one anymore) I stopped posting my posts on facebook, just because I didn't want to annoy people, like "Ugh, her blog, again!" But, I'm going to post this one! : ) So if you haven't read in a while, I've written a few posts this summer, so check them out!

Back to the job search process. Now, when I interview or look at job postings, I weigh out all the job duties, company, hours worked etc, and ask myself- "Is this job really worth me leaving all of my "me" time.?" If the answer is "yes", then I apply for the  job, if the answer is "no", then I move forward!

And, the marathon training is coming along awesome. I run 15 miles tomorrow with my run group, and I've kept up with Coach Mary on all of my long runs! Vegas here I come!

And, Lincoln has added a ton more new words to his vocabulary, they are: Owl, "This way, Mom", over there, "Ding,Ding", heart, star, "Go, Spurs, Go", "Get down!", Eyes, Nano, and Grandma.
He also now walks over to his green chair, grabs his books, and sits down on his own and reads them! It melts my heart each time he does this!
Oh, and we bought him a Kindle on August 15th! It's quite the fun gadget. We watch Star Search, "Four Boys and a Babe" on Youtube among other stuff!

Lincoln also now has a ton of teeth, he has four on bottom, four on top and his molars are basically in at the bottom on each side.  And, yes, I am still breastfeeding. But, now he can actually go from wake up until like 5pm or 6pm without milk, sometimes even longer, just depends on the day.

In conclusion, this all day yoga pants, flip-flop, internet surfing, diaper changing, baby chasing momma may be turning back into the suit jacket, pencil skirt wearing momma soon. But, if its later, then I'm not going to complain. I am a true believer of you must take full advantage of every blessing that God grants you. Live life to the fullest and don't let stress get in the way of truly living every second of your life.

Live Love Laugh!

Thanks for reading,

-Mommy Herrberg

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Before I forget, Lincoln is slowly weening himself. Last Thursday was the first day he went all day with no boob! Hes still on the bottle, however, our strategy is to ween boob first, then bottle.

In addition, this Saturday he went 24 hours with no boob!

And, today, 81313, he hasn't had boob since 2am last night. We had a rough night...he didn't want to sleep...perhaps its teeth. They seem to be popping up out of the woodworks.

Oh, and I started another blog through a 30 day blog challenge. It is geared towards me starting my own business. Long story, but perhaps it cam happen sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I wasn't ready

I couldn't sleep last night because I was sad about my sons first haircut. They cut all his baby curls and I want them back!

We attempted to save them but they got lost in the shuffle of the craziness involved with his first haircut.

Not a thing worked to calm him, nope....not even a lollipop! But, thanks to grandma taking over and holding him down while she clipped away, we survived.

I hope his curls, come back! If they don't I suppose, I will carry around this little dose of sadness inside. I suppose it's part of letting my baby grow up. He looks so grown up with his new hair! Daddy was mentally ready for Lincoln to get his haircut, and I obviously was not.

Note to self, next kid (don't worry that will be a while...not going to jump into that yet..I'm not a super mom, and I'm not going to try to be anytime soon by adding another child to the mix).
Anyhow, next time Im waiting to cut the hair when Im ready!

In other news, the marathon training is in full swing. Yesterday we ran hills in 104 degrees weather. We are crazy.
We also traveled to Chicago and I ran my 7th half marathon. It was successful.....I loved the route and would run it again.

We had a blast in Chicago, Lincoln was again a trooper on the flights. He enjoyed pointing at all the big buildings and dancing on the streets of Michigan avenue!

I've also missed so many of Lincolns little milestones. He rode on a bus for the first time in Chicago. He says all sorts of words: this, no, yes, nano, grandpa, bus, truck, cookie and this is all I can.think of right now.

He also drank from a cup with no top for the second time yesterday! We probably could have started this sooner, because he acted like he had been drinking from a cup for years. Well, not really, but he did very well.

That's all for now.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Amazing Summer

I decided to take five minutes to write today.
Today was a wonderful day, Lincoln and I went to the zoo with his cousin David and my cousin Monica. And, Mr. Ernest.

We had such a great time in the water and our brief journey through the animal exhibits. I only take him to see the animals for as long as he will stay in the stroller, if he starts to get anxy, its "next".
When Daddy is part of the zoo outing, he gets out of the stroller, sits and waits for the animals, etc. But, not with momma. My favorite part of the zoo is the cool down, mini beach area. Lincoln has a grand old time in that space. He splashes him self, plays nice with others and lets momma follow him around. Every time I try to hold his hand to help him, he pushes it away, he's a tough cookie this kid. He fell today under my watch and his a little redness on his head. I felt like a bad mother hearing his loud pouty crying and his gasps.  I recovered well though, so I was quite proud of myself. I didn't get nervous or anything, I handled it like a real trooper. :) Yay for me!
After the zoo we went out to lunch at Bill Millers. Lincoln was on his best behavior. He ate all of his bean and cheese taco and some fries and almost three mini tubs of ketchup. He loves ketchup this one.

I am having such an amazing summer with this kid! My time away from work has allowed me to mature into motherhood. I now take him places without Chris or my mom and feel confident. (well somewhat).  I now have the skills to put him down to nap without him waking up. (well most of the time).  I now take him baths all on my own without him getting crazy or mad!

And, this summer has allowed me to get back into my running and exercising combination. Chris watches Lincoln on Monday and Wednesday evenings while I go to Endurafit classes, they are bootcamp style  70 minute classes. They include 1 mile warm up and cool down runs, bats, sledge hammers, jumping through rubber tires, bear crawling with rubber tires, lunges, planks, dummy slams, lots of weights, kettle bells, etc. And, we run as a family/ with our run group on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturdays. It's overwhelming at times, and my weight is not showing an improvement, but maintaining is better than gaining, I suppose.

Tomorrow Lincoln and I are going on a play date with my friend Shelly and her two boys, we are going to eat tacos at Oblate Café, and then an indoor playground after. Then, in the evening we will be leaving on our 6th or 7th trip of the summer. We will be going to Houston to visit Uncle Craig and Aunt Chelsea.

Lincoln and I have also spent a lot of quality time with Grandma/Nanny Helen. Its been really amazing. We take him to the play area at the mall, go shopping at CVS with all our coupons, have breakfast together, play outside in the garden etc. Its priceless watching the two of them together. He's a totally different person with Grandma; he reads books and loves to learn with her. He will with me but for a limited time frame. With Grandma, its non-stop!

I decided that Lincoln has done too many things for me to keep track of, so now I will just write when I can. Something is better than nothing.

Oh, and today we saw the elephant pee! It was crazy, it literally took him 6 minutes, and it was gushing out like three seven water hoses!

Oh, and I am still nursing.... It's tough and I never thought I would be doing it for this long, but I am secretly proud of myself!

Until next time!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A letter to my baby

Dear Lincoln,
I know I should have wrote this letter earlier, like on your first birthday. But, I just postponed, but now I'm writing at the perfect time. Pre- summer vacations and Post-Fiesta.

L, I try to remember to thank God everyday for blessing me with you. This last year had been filled with plenty of challenges, and only after the 6th month did I feel like I could breathe a bit.

L, I do remember when you were born, but I can't quite pin point or remember you being 7.7 lbs tiny or how it felt to hold you in my arms for the first time. And, I've learned that I'm not alone. Other mothers just can't remember either. But, I am very grateful that I wrote little details in my blog of my feelings and emotions in your early days and weeks. And, lord knows I have plenty of pictures.
I do remember that at about 11 days, you feel asleep in my arms through me dancing with you to blaring Zumba music. And, that I used to be able to carry you in one arm.

I remember small segments about the day you were born, like you were very soft and cuddly, like you latched on quickly, and that you had hair!  I remember the first time I held you that your Grandma was by my side because she was scared I was gonna drop you. But, honestly it felt like the most natural thing ever. It was so easy to hold you!

I remember being scared to change your diaper because you would scream. Little did I know that as you grew older you would not only scream, but you would turn, throw your hands up and down, and kick! I will now cherish the "screams only" era of diaper changes when the next one comes along.

L, I now come back to this letter on June 22, 2013, over two months after I started it. But, today I will finish it. Well, at least this letter.

I feel like a horrible mother, because I feel like I missed so many things that you have done. For example, I was trying to remember when we gave you your first "table" food. I know that we gave you your rice cereal at 3 months and 3 weeks, and that by 6 months you were eating three meals a day of baby food servings. But, I can't remember when we started to feed you bean and cheese tacos, etc. But, now, you eat pretty much everything. You are a big fan of beef tacos from Oblate Café, you enjoy pizza, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes. And, most of all Sweet Potatoes (made by Grandma).

We did find out a few months back that you are allergic to eggs. We were at Jim's eating Pancakes and Eggs, and you broke out in a rash almost immediately after the eggs. We also found out that you are allergic to dogs, but only when they make direct contact with you through licking.

You also are already a frequent summer flyer. Already this summer you flew to San Antonio to Orlando- Ft. Lauderdale to Atlanta to San Antonio (5-2013) and San Antonio to Ft. Wayne and Back.

The trip to Orlando/ Ft. Lauderdale was a blast, you loved the beach, the resort style pool, and of course, we already know you love staying at hotels. You stayed at a fancy resort in Orlando, because Mommy was attending her work conference. And, you stayed at the W-Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, because had to give mommy a deal because the other place we were going to stay at was under construction. You also got to pet a real life alligator, and rode on your very first boat, The Jungle Queen. It was basically a tourist ride through the Ft. Lauderdale canals where we got to see all the richy rich house.

You had a blast in Ft. Wayne Indiana (6-2013) with all your cousins and you were able to spend time with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Mark and Aunt Jane- and all your cousins. We also got to meet the newest Herrberg cousin, Louise.

L, I wish I could write more about every little detail of your life, but I've found that its just not possible. I hope that you will treasure this letter and my "journaling" when your older, because I am trying to hard to keep track of things. I love you more and more each day, your smile, your talking, your shouting, your climbing and all of your facial expressions. I especially love that people see, "You look all like your daddy, but your personality is exactly like your mommys!" 

And, at this very moment, Dad is in your bedroom, trying to rock you to sleep. You nursed with Momma for over two hours straight so I needed a break!!!

But, I still love you! I can't help but still stare down at your little adorable self while you nurse. I know these days will not last much longer. I love you with all my heart and soul.

Love you, Momma

A short glimpse of April

April 7 2013- What a fantastic Sunday! Lincoln "slept in" for the first time in his life! He went to bed late, around 11:30pm, then woke up again at about midnight due to his cough that he's had since Tuesday. But, still staying up late has never phased him, he still wakes up before 8:30am like clock work.
We were so off schedule we went to noon mass. So, I am still suffering many learning curves as a new mom! Like today, he started to walk, well jog down the main aisle at church, and I didn't know how far I should let him go.  The people in their chairs didn't help either, they were waving and talking to him. So, I let him go half way down and then I scooped him up and brought him back to our area. He wasn't really being bad, he was just being a I guess I will just follow my instinct like I do with everything else.
We also took him to Siclovia, an event that closes down a main street downtown and has tons of activities. He rocked it...he was playing and playing and walking and walking in the kids zone. And, he made his grand entrance...of course like he owned the place. This kid is going to be quite friendly for sure!
Yesterday was Baby Judes baptism! Lincoln did great. After, we went to lunch and then spent like 6 hours at the mall with Grandma.  And, he nursed in the AM around 830am, and then not again until like 2pm!! Another, first for him! But, then after 2pm he made up for it and nursed about 5 times. But it was fine he nursed at all the right times


Baby Boy is One and we have a walker!!!

He woke up at 5:30am on his birthday, ate and laid with mamma until about 8:30am.  He also peed on me.

I'm so glad I remembered to buy the pinata on Wednesday. I was able to find one on with two day shipping and it was way better than the ones in the party aisle at Walmart, and cheaper too. But, now I will try to create an event checklist geared towards bday parties, so next year I can buy the pinata ahead of time.  I had researched them but just forgot to buy it.
Some notes to self to note for Lincoln's next birthday:
*Momma's don't eat until 10 hours after the start of party so don't run 3 miles in the morning without eating breakfast and only eat cereal after. Poor planning on my part, I should have went to Jim's to eat pancakes with Lincoln like I wanted to instead of running.

* Plan to be super super early, I did plan to be early, but our run took longer than I paid for it with feeling way stressed before the party because I didn't have time to organize myself while unloading, hence not being able to find certain things that I know I took. Oh well, the party still went just fine!
* A year ago today I was carrying my boy in my tummy, and now he's here smiling at me. Very surreal. He keeps me on my toes with his constant need for nursing, even as an older baby.  But I've learned to accept the cuddles, coos, and big huge smiles I get from him when he's done with his milk.  Many women stop at a year, and trust me I would if I could, but I cant., and I won't.  When I started nursing I couldn't wait for it to end, but now, its different.   I've learned that I need to treasure the gift of the ability to make it to a full year of nursing that God gave to me. Some women have to exclusively pump, some can't due to health issues, etc. But, I was able to have my little boy latch immediately. 

Lincoln's First Birthday Party was a huge success, we had about 75 or more people in attendance and about 18 children. We played games, ate junk food, cake, and opened gifts. Lincoln's Grandma Nanny Helen taught him how to blow out the birthday candles, but he was a tad overwhelmed to do so when it came time. But, it was fine, his look of surprise/shock was priceless. It was so great to see all my family and friends singing happy birthday to my son! It gave be such a proud feeling knowing that I have so much support and love for my little boy!

The worst thing that happened at the party as the chili for the hot dogs was late, but that was it, and many didn't even notice.
His party was at B and N party house, basically a bar with a party room connected to it. Many may frown upon having a kids party at a bar, but those that did hopefully eliminated themselves from attending the party if they had their own opinion.
Lincoln received a lot of clothes, his first motorized car, a fire engine car, and a two seater wagon from his grandma and grandpa.

I ended up hiring a photographer, and I'm so glad that I did, we were able to capture over 200 excellent photos.

I am finishing this blog on 6.22.13, over four months from his party date, so I don't remember too much, but hey at least I'm finishing this!

Some other moments in "OneVille"

03-01-13 Lincoln had slight fever more upper left teeth coming in (as of 6/22/13, he has four teeth on top and four teeth on bottom)
03- 02 -13 Daddy worked today due to tax season, so Lincoln and I met Cousin Lyla, Grandma and Grandpa at Jim's. Then, I took them over to The Pearl Farmer's Market for the first time. It was a great day. So, Lincoln does this side jerk dance move, that is hilarious.

03-02-13- Lincoln ran his first official 5k race today. It was the UTSA diploma dash. Chris ran with Lincoln because he's awesome. I finished in 30:22, which was pretty great considering I didn't do much running since November.  It was a really cold morning, there were lots of strollers, and Lincoln loved watching everyone.

03-03-13 -  We took Lincoln on his first park outing to the park at Landa Library. I love this park. I'm not sure why we didn't take him here earlier. He got asked on play date! It was an interesting day at the park, there were plenty of parents that were stuck in 80s and lots of scenes from movies.  We went to Mama Margie's for dinner after and Chris fed Lincoln hot sauce, he didn't quite like it at this time.

03-04-13 We took him to my work bowling outing and he was dancing to tootsie roll. This boy just loves his dancing. Also, another new thing is he copies his dad's heavy breathing/ deep breaths. Its quite hilarious.

3-10-13 that moment when your husband gives your son his first tortilla chip (was today)

3-12-13  We took Lincoln to "The Cove" for the first time with Erika, Pepper and Emme. He held my hand the entire time we were sitting in the playground then he got brave the second time around and was standing on his own. He was throwing the mulch in and out of the sand box and was as happy as can be.

3-13-13 WE HAVE A WALKER!!!!!! He went full fledge walking with grandma today and did a lot of steps with us. But more steps with grandma. We took him to Schlotzkys and the Landa Library Park again, yes, park two days in a row he may get used to this.  Oh, he ate dirt for the first time today. He over dramatized a fall and fell to his face, it was so sad to see, but he recovered nicely. (oh, and I'm still nursing)

3-17-13- Mommy and Daddy had a date night for St. Patrick's Day while Erika and Pepper watched Lincoln. He had an absolute blast playing with Emme. When we got to the house to pick him up, he was on Erika's lap all comfortable practically asleep.  Very cute!

3-23-13 I have been sick since 3/17.  Right now I am laying in bed waitng for lincolns last feeding and I can overhear Chris reading to him a book that has english and spanish...priceless! Chris is reading away and Lincoln is doing his baby talk right along with him. I went to the doctor yesterday and am on antibiotics and cough medicine.I tried to hold out but I was getting worse.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

January & February bliss (published in April)

My husband, the accountant, tells his wife, the English major, "You really need to read your blogs in detail before posting them, you have several grammatical errors."
Hence, it is now April and I am "barely" posting my January blog.

I have had very little time in this journey to write as much as I would have liked. I did, however discover that Blogger has a mobile application! So, I've been able to type all of my blog thoughts, as they happen or as I remember them, straight to my phone.  Pre- discovery of the app. I would write my thoughts in an email each time and would end up with several drafts pasted together. While, that has been great- it is still difficult to accurately edit a posting from my phone. But, at least it gets the post started.

So, if this post seems a little out of whack as far as detail and order, that's because it is.
I wrote most of the below while either nursing my child, or riding in the car next to my child while Daddy drives. Because, that, my friends, is the only free time I get to write.

January 20th and January 21st-  Lincoln decided that he wanted to not fall asleep until midight after he refused to take any naps during the day. My newborn memories came back. Nothing was working to get him to bed, the usual nursing didn't even work! He was very fussy. Daddy had to walk him around in circles through the house like he did when he was a newborn and that worked.
Update 1.27- Lincoln continued to act like a newborn with his sleeping patterns until 1/23 but he is now back on track. I think he was having teething issues or perhaps a growth spurt, but I will never know.
January 26th- We had a great weekend in the 70's! Yesterday, Saturday 1/26 will probably be Chris' last Saturday off until after tax season, so we made the most of it. Started off with an almost 4 mile run at 11am on the riverwalk near the Pearl Brewery. Then, I can't really remember what happened after that, but I know it was a very very fun day, because then I would to have written about it! : )
February 1st- Lincoln is yet again on a crazy sleep pattern, but this time it is because he is sick with allergies.   We also had a Babysitter interview today. Her name is Ms. Brandy, who we met through our friends Roz andvRaf. I felt like a grown up interviewing her, it took me back to my college days, when I was interviewed for a babysitting job.
We really liked her a lot and are going to use her for the 1st time on Friday, for my mom's birthday celebration. Update:  (4.13.13) Ms. Brandy babysat three times total, and then I think she got really busy, (or that's what I will tell myself) because she never returned my calls or text. She is a college student and had a full time job, so it is very likely. Lincoln really liked her. So, we are on the search again for a babysitter that can sit at our house. My mom is full time during the week so I like to let her get her rest at other times.

Friday, February 3rd- 2nd date night since Lincoln was born and 1st night ever for a babysitter! The night was a success, Lincoln had a blast with the babysitter and didn't give her trouble according to what she told us. And, the best thing is he didn't drink too much milk, maybe 2 ounces! Which was a big surprise. I think he was so excited to have a new person to play with that he kind of forgot about milk. Or, he was waiting for mommy to get home.

Saturday February 4th- This weekend proved that Chris and I, plus one can still be spur of the moment. Chris found out Friday that he did not have to work on Saturday, so we decided to take a road trip to H-town to see his little brother, Craig and sis in law Chelsea! Craig and Chelsea as a maried couple are so very cute, they cook together and wash the dishes together and hold hands all the time. I'm so happy for them!
We had a great time in Houston, Lincoln slept through the night for the first time while staying the night at his Aunt and Uncles!

Other updates:
* Lincoln decided while nursing that playing with my nose, teeth, eyes, and mouth is no longer intriging. He now found my other boob and plays with it! Lol,but fine with me, its better than his hand in my face for an entire 30 minute nursing session!
February 1, 2013- This weekend,  I decided that I'm signing up for my first full marathon in or around November 2013!!! Just not sure which one.
February 7, 2013- 2nd night with a babysitter.
February 8, 2013-  Today was daddy's first Saturday of work. But, that didn't stop me and my L. We met grandma and grandpa at Jims on Broadway for breakfast, then went to our second home, The Pearl Brewery.  Chris ended up meeting us there later. It was a drizzly day but we made it work. Uncle Forrest met us there, and it was my mom and dads first time there too. They enjoyed it, so now I can get them to come with us more often.  After Pearl, we went home and watched "what to expect when your expecting". I kept Lincoln nursing throughout most of the movie so dad and I could sit and actually watch the movie. Hey, whatever works.
Now, we are on the way to a surprise birthday party for my aunt at the Cadillac Bar, but children are allowed since the party is in a private room.
We tried to stay home in hibernation for the evening, as its the perfect weather to do so,but Lincoln needed to get some "air". He's sitting next to me in the car right now as we head to the party, he's singing! This kid loves the party!
February 13, 2013- The kids 2nd lent, but first time getting ashes. It was so cute, he was getting a little fidgety, and then it was him and his dad's turn to get ashes. The women placed them on Lincoln's forehead, and instant silence. It was like the holy spirit calmed him, and then church ended and we went outside and Lincoln was so happy, he was proudly sporting his ashes like he was the coolest kid in the world (well he is!)
And, (tonight) the holy spirit also decided that Lincoln needed to wake up from 1am-2am to eat and say Happy Valentines Day. But, Linc has had the case of a bad cough again, so its given him a tad trouble getting to sleep through the night. But, I will take one wake up over three wake ups like he did last Sunday, which was the start to his cough.

A quick update as of today, 4 13 13 the day I finally had time to post. Lincoln will be going to daycare for a whole week starting Monday. Grandma and Grandpa are going on a much needed vacation! Wish mommy luck, I know he will love playing with all the kids, etc. Its just a new experience taking and picking him up every morning and afternoon, etc. More to follow on that.

Oh, and I signed up for the Chicago Rock and Roll Half today.. I'm excited. I decided this is what I needed to get myself out there and run on a schedule again. I've been consistently working out three-four times a week with my boot camp, yoga, and Cardio classes, but running maybe only twice a week. So, I will add the running back.  I am happy to say that I have maintained my 39lbs lost from post baby since August, so I'm excited! I gained a total of 44lbs, so I still have give or take 5lbs to go, but I am happy where I am at.  Which I never thought I would be able to say! : )

Thanks for reading, sorry so sporadic, but hey, thats my life!
Stay tuned for Lincoln Turns One.

January 22, 2013- Daddy's Birthday. Lincoln made him a drawing! We then went to Don Pedro's for dinner with the family. A Sweet Day!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The trip to Nashville and beyond

The flight- San Antonio to Atlanta to Nashville.  The first stretch was one hour and 42 minutes. He of course ate from Mommy, then played a bit, then he got fussy towards the last 20 minutes. So, I sang him his favorite, "old macdonald had a farm...e-i-e-i-o." He likes me to sing it in a loud monotone voice. :) so, when we were getting out of the plane, the lade behind us asked him if he learned, old macdonald, then said, if you didn't the whole plane did. Of course, she said it jokingly. Hmmm.. I wonder if next time I should record myself singing it and give him headphones.
The Georgia to Tennessee stretch was under one hour. He slept almost the entire flight, well after eating from mom for about 20 minutes worth of mile and playing for a little while. And this time, mommy didn't have to sing. But I did have to lift him in the air over a dozen times so I got my exercise in for the day! But, still the power of the boob, it kept him comfy on both flights! And, almost forgot we got to eat Checker's in ATL, so Rally's like fries, were awesome.

During the trip, Lincoln continued to go in and out of his fever and developed a bad cough. He was still in good spirits considering.  He did keep my mom and I on our toes each night. He had trouble staying asleep due to a cough that came along with the fever. We probably only slept one four hour stretch the whole time we were there. My mom was my savior though, she was able to rock him to sleep almost everytime he woke up, so I didn't need to nurse him to bed. Lincoln still generally refuses to go to bed when he's with me during his night wakings, without me nursing. And, trust me I've tried long and hard. So, that's why Chris does the rocking at night, and if it doesn't work, then we know he's hungry.

Lack of sleep didn't stop us from having a good time. We had lots of adventures; a day in Franklinin, Tennessee. An evening in Downtown Nashville. A day of shopping in Opryland and lots of quality family time with Lincoln's cousins! Mommy even got to walk in and out of the country bars for a total of 5 minutes. That live country music is the best thing ever, its undescribable how fun and full of energy each of those live music venues are in Downtown Nashville. I was only in each venue for probably two minutes, and I walked out full of energy and happy to have witnessed great live performances- country music at its finest for sure. Can't wait to go back with my hubby and whoever else is interested!!

Lincoln enjoyed himself, almost everywhere we went he had everyones attention. We would be at restaurants or inside shoppes and he would start smiling at girls and waving and giving them "eyes". It was so so cute. My little boy has developed quite the lovable, friendly, flirty personality.
Lincoln also enjoyed playing with his cousin Rylan. Rylan is three or four, but the perfect age to entertain! It was there first time meeting, and Rylan stretched himself out on the floor and L immediataly jumped on him and started slapping his face and pulling his hair. It was cute, because I have no idea where he got that from. Rylan just played along and started yelling "lincolns hitting me, he's hitting me, and I didn't even do anything!" Lincoln also enjoyed playing with Rylans kitchen set. For some reason the kitchen set gave Lincoln confidence. So much, that the first time he was neat it, he stood in front of it, he took his hands off the stove and took two steps all on his own! He's taken steps before, but these were different, he had this look of confidence I just can't explain. Can't believe a play stove set could do that to a boy, but it did. Now I need to go purchase him a stove of his own!

Today (1 8 13) L did the cutest thing during dinner time. My mom made chicken soup with vegetables. I was eating my soup and feeding lincoln a jar of mixed fruit and oatmeal. I decided to give him small pieces of carrot on the steel spoon I was using. He loved them, after each serving of carrots, he would smile large and chuckle! He did this like ten times, and his daddy even witnessed it. I also went into work later this morning so I was able to lay with Lincoln in and out of sleep and nursing from 7:30am when he woke up until 9:30am. It felt like I slept in, and I totally needed it, after his frequent night wakings in Nashville. The trip was fabulous, and I can't wait to go back with my hunny. There is something about that live country music in every single bar on Broadway street that just gets me riled up everytime! And, all the singers are amazing, truly! The small town feel of Franklin was nice too. I nursed Lincoln on a red bench in front of the "franklin theatre" and felt so maternal. It was like a scene from an old film. We were so comfy just us on our little bench!

1 13 13 Lincolns first train ride at brackenbridge park with his friend emme. He had a great time and wasn't scared in the tunnel. He was just looking and absorbing every little thing he could. My little boy is so great, he loves being outdoors and around people.

1 17 13 Lincoln is eleven months today. He is still grabby grabby on my face while nursing, the nursing necklace from my fab friend Cindy worked for a bit. But not long! Oh and Lincoln shares now, he enjoys feeding us his food, of course after he has taken his own bites.

Invites for his birthday went out today, well some. I have a stack that will go out tomorrow. I ran out of stamps. Next time, its vistaprint for invites (just like our Christmas cards), can't beat it, I design them, they place postage, address them, and mail them! I wanted to design my own invite using several different pictures and some collages, so everyone had a different invitation so that's why I did a DIY project. But, it was way too stressful. I hope people enjoy the invites, because they were a lot of work.  

The venue has been chosen. It was chosen solely based on size. Its going to be in a party room that is attached to a bar. But, its a separate room with no smoking, so I'm not worried, if people decide not to come based on its location, then I'm sorry they missed it. But, the room is huge and it was the only way I could fit all my family, close friends and their children. Even so, I was still not able to invite the entire crew like I would have liked to.  All other places I could find would have barely been able to fit kids only! And most of them had two hour time limits. And, the weather in Feb. is too "iffy" for an outside location like the adorable kiddie park near brack. I'm excited, its going to be a great time. I already have some fun ideas that I will put into play to include a DJ, of course. It wouldn't be a Rodriguez party without a DJ  I'm still trying to figure out how I am going to compile the pictures from his first year together.. that's the current stresser!  I have some ideas, but still!
I thank God everyday for my little boy. He has developed quite the spunky, fun loving personality. He loves to travel like his momma, and he likes to get his way like his momma. But, he has the heart of gold and the personality filled with passion like his Dadda! Stay tuned for his first birthday!

At the hotel in Nashville with Grandma on his best behavior
At our lunch restaurant choice in Franklin, Tennesse, such a great small town country feel!
Momma Nursing in Franklin out in the open on a bench enjoying the view and weather! So domestic!!
On our stroll in Tennessee