Saturday, June 22, 2013

A short glimpse of April

April 7 2013- What a fantastic Sunday! Lincoln "slept in" for the first time in his life! He went to bed late, around 11:30pm, then woke up again at about midnight due to his cough that he's had since Tuesday. But, still staying up late has never phased him, he still wakes up before 8:30am like clock work.
We were so off schedule we went to noon mass. So, I am still suffering many learning curves as a new mom! Like today, he started to walk, well jog down the main aisle at church, and I didn't know how far I should let him go.  The people in their chairs didn't help either, they were waving and talking to him. So, I let him go half way down and then I scooped him up and brought him back to our area. He wasn't really being bad, he was just being a I guess I will just follow my instinct like I do with everything else.
We also took him to Siclovia, an event that closes down a main street downtown and has tons of activities. He rocked it...he was playing and playing and walking and walking in the kids zone. And, he made his grand entrance...of course like he owned the place. This kid is going to be quite friendly for sure!
Yesterday was Baby Judes baptism! Lincoln did great. After, we went to lunch and then spent like 6 hours at the mall with Grandma.  And, he nursed in the AM around 830am, and then not again until like 2pm!! Another, first for him! But, then after 2pm he made up for it and nursed about 5 times. But it was fine he nursed at all the right times


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