Friday, August 30, 2013


Summer is slowly coming to an end and it has been an awesome summer, especially since I was a pretend stay at home mom, as of May 31st. I say pretend, because my SUPER MOM has been with me almost every step of my summer.

Here is my confession, I was part of a Reduction in Force at UTSA. I am no longer the Event Manager for the Office of Research. They let go a total of 15 staff members in my immediate department. But, I wasn't mad or sad, I guess it was just a little weird? Yup, "weird" is the word, the process of the entire RIF just all went down a little awkwardly.  But, I can honestly say after looking back at the last three months, it was the best thing that could have happened to me!

It has been a productive summer, not only do I get the luxury of working out 5 times a week, but I have been able to spend TONS of  QUALITY time with my son and my mother.
I have had a blast this summer. My mom and I have been all over the place, taking Lincoln shopping, to playgrounds, to thrift stores, to Bill Miller's, to play areas around the City, and watching him grow, grow, grow.

And, of course spending time with my beloved, Chris Herrberg! We've been on vacation after vacation, and it was so relaxing! And, the NICE thing is that I didn't have to use any vacation time, I was able to get paid out my vacation, since part of my severance was a decent amount of paid time off. SCORE!!!

At first, it was a little hard for me to grasp that I was jobless, but after having a total of four job interviews with a variety companies, I know it's only a matter of time that I will find the job that is fit for me!  Now I realize that my resume is fabulous, so its now about finding a company that I adore and adores me back. OR, I have started the baby steps of beginning my own meeting planner business. I started a blog, "sherunsevents" that will eventually be focused on my business and also started sending out letters to UTSA departments and other smaller companies asking if they need assistance with event planning. Its baby steps, but its a lot further than I have EVER been in the stages of becoming independent. So, if YOU know anyone, keep my in mind.  Oh, my other blog is The blog is in the works, so it may not be as fun to read as this one is! (Hah, I don't even know if anyone reads this one anymore) I stopped posting my posts on facebook, just because I didn't want to annoy people, like "Ugh, her blog, again!" But, I'm going to post this one! : ) So if you haven't read in a while, I've written a few posts this summer, so check them out!

Back to the job search process. Now, when I interview or look at job postings, I weigh out all the job duties, company, hours worked etc, and ask myself- "Is this job really worth me leaving all of my "me" time.?" If the answer is "yes", then I apply for the  job, if the answer is "no", then I move forward!

And, the marathon training is coming along awesome. I run 15 miles tomorrow with my run group, and I've kept up with Coach Mary on all of my long runs! Vegas here I come!

And, Lincoln has added a ton more new words to his vocabulary, they are: Owl, "This way, Mom", over there, "Ding,Ding", heart, star, "Go, Spurs, Go", "Get down!", Eyes, Nano, and Grandma.
He also now walks over to his green chair, grabs his books, and sits down on his own and reads them! It melts my heart each time he does this!
Oh, and we bought him a Kindle on August 15th! It's quite the fun gadget. We watch Star Search, "Four Boys and a Babe" on Youtube among other stuff!

Lincoln also now has a ton of teeth, he has four on bottom, four on top and his molars are basically in at the bottom on each side.  And, yes, I am still breastfeeding. But, now he can actually go from wake up until like 5pm or 6pm without milk, sometimes even longer, just depends on the day.

In conclusion, this all day yoga pants, flip-flop, internet surfing, diaper changing, baby chasing momma may be turning back into the suit jacket, pencil skirt wearing momma soon. But, if its later, then I'm not going to complain. I am a true believer of you must take full advantage of every blessing that God grants you. Live life to the fullest and don't let stress get in the way of truly living every second of your life.

Live Love Laugh!

Thanks for reading,

-Mommy Herrberg

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