Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I wasn't ready

I couldn't sleep last night because I was sad about my sons first haircut. They cut all his baby curls and I want them back!

We attempted to save them but they got lost in the shuffle of the craziness involved with his first haircut.

Not a thing worked to calm him, nope....not even a lollipop! But, thanks to grandma taking over and holding him down while she clipped away, we survived.

I hope his curls, come back! If they don't I suppose, I will carry around this little dose of sadness inside. I suppose it's part of letting my baby grow up. He looks so grown up with his new hair! Daddy was mentally ready for Lincoln to get his haircut, and I obviously was not.

Note to self, next kid (don't worry that will be a while...not going to jump into that yet..I'm not a super mom, and I'm not going to try to be anytime soon by adding another child to the mix).
Anyhow, next time Im waiting to cut the hair when Im ready!

In other news, the marathon training is in full swing. Yesterday we ran hills in 104 degrees weather. We are crazy.
We also traveled to Chicago and I ran my 7th half marathon. It was successful.....I loved the route and would run it again.

We had a blast in Chicago, Lincoln was again a trooper on the flights. He enjoyed pointing at all the big buildings and dancing on the streets of Michigan avenue!

I've also missed so many of Lincolns little milestones. He rode on a bus for the first time in Chicago. He says all sorts of words: this, no, yes, nano, grandpa, bus, truck, cookie and this is all I can.think of right now.

He also drank from a cup with no top for the second time yesterday! We probably could have started this sooner, because he acted like he had been drinking from a cup for years. Well, not really, but he did very well.

That's all for now.

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