Thursday, January 17, 2013

The trip to Nashville and beyond

The flight- San Antonio to Atlanta to Nashville.  The first stretch was one hour and 42 minutes. He of course ate from Mommy, then played a bit, then he got fussy towards the last 20 minutes. So, I sang him his favorite, "old macdonald had a farm...e-i-e-i-o." He likes me to sing it in a loud monotone voice. :) so, when we were getting out of the plane, the lade behind us asked him if he learned, old macdonald, then said, if you didn't the whole plane did. Of course, she said it jokingly. Hmmm.. I wonder if next time I should record myself singing it and give him headphones.
The Georgia to Tennessee stretch was under one hour. He slept almost the entire flight, well after eating from mom for about 20 minutes worth of mile and playing for a little while. And this time, mommy didn't have to sing. But I did have to lift him in the air over a dozen times so I got my exercise in for the day! But, still the power of the boob, it kept him comfy on both flights! And, almost forgot we got to eat Checker's in ATL, so Rally's like fries, were awesome.

During the trip, Lincoln continued to go in and out of his fever and developed a bad cough. He was still in good spirits considering.  He did keep my mom and I on our toes each night. He had trouble staying asleep due to a cough that came along with the fever. We probably only slept one four hour stretch the whole time we were there. My mom was my savior though, she was able to rock him to sleep almost everytime he woke up, so I didn't need to nurse him to bed. Lincoln still generally refuses to go to bed when he's with me during his night wakings, without me nursing. And, trust me I've tried long and hard. So, that's why Chris does the rocking at night, and if it doesn't work, then we know he's hungry.

Lack of sleep didn't stop us from having a good time. We had lots of adventures; a day in Franklinin, Tennessee. An evening in Downtown Nashville. A day of shopping in Opryland and lots of quality family time with Lincoln's cousins! Mommy even got to walk in and out of the country bars for a total of 5 minutes. That live country music is the best thing ever, its undescribable how fun and full of energy each of those live music venues are in Downtown Nashville. I was only in each venue for probably two minutes, and I walked out full of energy and happy to have witnessed great live performances- country music at its finest for sure. Can't wait to go back with my hubby and whoever else is interested!!

Lincoln enjoyed himself, almost everywhere we went he had everyones attention. We would be at restaurants or inside shoppes and he would start smiling at girls and waving and giving them "eyes". It was so so cute. My little boy has developed quite the lovable, friendly, flirty personality.
Lincoln also enjoyed playing with his cousin Rylan. Rylan is three or four, but the perfect age to entertain! It was there first time meeting, and Rylan stretched himself out on the floor and L immediataly jumped on him and started slapping his face and pulling his hair. It was cute, because I have no idea where he got that from. Rylan just played along and started yelling "lincolns hitting me, he's hitting me, and I didn't even do anything!" Lincoln also enjoyed playing with Rylans kitchen set. For some reason the kitchen set gave Lincoln confidence. So much, that the first time he was neat it, he stood in front of it, he took his hands off the stove and took two steps all on his own! He's taken steps before, but these were different, he had this look of confidence I just can't explain. Can't believe a play stove set could do that to a boy, but it did. Now I need to go purchase him a stove of his own!

Today (1 8 13) L did the cutest thing during dinner time. My mom made chicken soup with vegetables. I was eating my soup and feeding lincoln a jar of mixed fruit and oatmeal. I decided to give him small pieces of carrot on the steel spoon I was using. He loved them, after each serving of carrots, he would smile large and chuckle! He did this like ten times, and his daddy even witnessed it. I also went into work later this morning so I was able to lay with Lincoln in and out of sleep and nursing from 7:30am when he woke up until 9:30am. It felt like I slept in, and I totally needed it, after his frequent night wakings in Nashville. The trip was fabulous, and I can't wait to go back with my hunny. There is something about that live country music in every single bar on Broadway street that just gets me riled up everytime! And, all the singers are amazing, truly! The small town feel of Franklin was nice too. I nursed Lincoln on a red bench in front of the "franklin theatre" and felt so maternal. It was like a scene from an old film. We were so comfy just us on our little bench!

1 13 13 Lincolns first train ride at brackenbridge park with his friend emme. He had a great time and wasn't scared in the tunnel. He was just looking and absorbing every little thing he could. My little boy is so great, he loves being outdoors and around people.

1 17 13 Lincoln is eleven months today. He is still grabby grabby on my face while nursing, the nursing necklace from my fab friend Cindy worked for a bit. But not long! Oh and Lincoln shares now, he enjoys feeding us his food, of course after he has taken his own bites.

Invites for his birthday went out today, well some. I have a stack that will go out tomorrow. I ran out of stamps. Next time, its vistaprint for invites (just like our Christmas cards), can't beat it, I design them, they place postage, address them, and mail them! I wanted to design my own invite using several different pictures and some collages, so everyone had a different invitation so that's why I did a DIY project. But, it was way too stressful. I hope people enjoy the invites, because they were a lot of work.  

The venue has been chosen. It was chosen solely based on size. Its going to be in a party room that is attached to a bar. But, its a separate room with no smoking, so I'm not worried, if people decide not to come based on its location, then I'm sorry they missed it. But, the room is huge and it was the only way I could fit all my family, close friends and their children. Even so, I was still not able to invite the entire crew like I would have liked to.  All other places I could find would have barely been able to fit kids only! And most of them had two hour time limits. And, the weather in Feb. is too "iffy" for an outside location like the adorable kiddie park near brack. I'm excited, its going to be a great time. I already have some fun ideas that I will put into play to include a DJ, of course. It wouldn't be a Rodriguez party without a DJ  I'm still trying to figure out how I am going to compile the pictures from his first year together.. that's the current stresser!  I have some ideas, but still!
I thank God everyday for my little boy. He has developed quite the spunky, fun loving personality. He loves to travel like his momma, and he likes to get his way like his momma. But, he has the heart of gold and the personality filled with passion like his Dadda! Stay tuned for his first birthday!

At the hotel in Nashville with Grandma on his best behavior
At our lunch restaurant choice in Franklin, Tennesse, such a great small town country feel!
Momma Nursing in Franklin out in the open on a bench enjoying the view and weather! So domestic!!
On our stroll in Tennessee

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