Friday, December 21, 2012

On december

This post starts mid-December, let's see when it gets published.

We are on way to ATX to see Baby Jude, Lincoln's newest cousin.
We just finished Lincoln's first photography session, and he did pretty awesome! I'm excited to see the end result. I was hesitant to do a session with him this young, but I'm glad I did!

We have done a lot this December with the kid! He went on his first Riverboat ride on 12 1 12, I had a downtown hotel stay to use at el trop, so we used it on our anniversary weekend. We also ran to the pearl brewery and took L to "tamale fest" where he ate his very first tamale.

L also went to his first Farmers market last weekend 12 8 12, where we spent a few hours watching his uncle forest buy fresh produce, bread, soups, pies, etc. Lincoln ate his first piece of lettuce fed to him by uncle forrest, I don't think he liked it very much!

Oh yes and at about 8 months the kid is now in love with crawling, he didn't like it at first, but now he won't stop at all. Its so much fun (and a lot of work) watching him crawl around and pull up on everything he can. He knows when he's suppossed to stop, and turns his head to see if we are watching..the cutest stuff! 

We took ;-) lincoln to my work yesterday 12 20 12 and he had a blast getting so much attention from all of mommys work friends.

Daddy made sure that our chistmas lights were up the day after thanksgiving for us all to enjoy for as long as possible!

So far L has seen three santas and has been great with them all. We started a family christmas tradition of breakfast with santa at rivercenter mall! It was the first year so there were probably about 33 people there, so we had santa at our fingertips which was nice. I know as people find out about it more will come, but for now its our little secret, but we welcome you to join us next year. We had yummy ihop pancakes!

Weight update...still 2 lbs away from pre baby weight, but feel great! I've maintained my current weight for the last three months and am off weight watchers.  But I still try to be somewhat aware of what I am eating. And make it a point to exercise at minimum twice a week.

We had a blast visiting Jude, he looked so small compared to L. I was so out of whack, due to lack of sleep, tons of breastfeeding, and c-section that I can't even really remember when L was that small. I remember but its all a little bit foggy. We also got to see Mommy's friend Ashley who lives in Austin, she calls me her boyfriend. Lately, I go a little crazy when my diaper is changed, luckily Ashley was there to help Mommy change a huge poopy diaper. Mommy wants to try "early potting training" with me but I have yet to deelop any pattern whatsoever with my poops, so that may not work out. Plus, its extra stress for mom too.

Chris and I have both been off from work for the last week. We've had fun staying home, playing with our L and taking him all around town.

Lincoln has been taking full advantage of sleeping in, he will wake up between 7am and 8am, dad will feed him some food, then he comes back and lies down nursing with me until almost 10am. (Well he's son that the last two days at least) Of course falling into a nap. So, its nice to sleep with him so close and cuddled for that hour or so. He's so comfy, and I get more rest too!

He loved Christmas festivities, he stayed up on christmas eve until 11:30pm partying with us. I thought it was going to mess with his bedtime schedule but he went back on track after one night. There were at least 100ppl at my parents this year!  Daddy dressed as santa and the kids looked at him in amazement, the highlight of the party for sure!  Lincoln had a ton of gifts to open, he wasn't that into opeing but he loved to play with them. He owned maybe 6 toys and now he has atleast 20!

Mommy got a nursing necklace from aunt cindy, she loves putting it in my face but I still get passed it to pick her nose and hit her face. But, it does help some..

In our time off, we moved the furniture in the house around to make it more crawl, sit up, pull up, stand up, and soon to be walking friendly!  Its so much easier on us, a lot less chasing on our part. We have not purchased any baby gates, so we took the time to rearrange and make our space more Lincoln friendly. He loves the new space so much and we do to. One day, we will have one large space to devote just to playing. Well, we can do it now, once we get rid of more stuff in this house. Baby steps. But for now, I'm really impressed with how much we did and how much larger our living spaces feel and look ! Yay, us! Thank you husband for going "hgtv" on us!

12 28 through 12 30- Aunt Chelsea and Uncle Craig came to visit me from Houston.  We took Lincoln running on the riverwalk and to the farmers market again.
Bernadette also came to visit me and brought me and mommy gifts from Chicago.

Mommy is in charge of planning my first birthday party, she's having trouble finding a place that's fulfills at least half of her wisjlist. She has a lot of ideas and its currently driving her a littly batty, but I know she will figure it out soon. Three of L's top teeth have finally pushed through where you can actually feel them, they have a small gap on top, waiting to be filled. He's been pulling himself up and walking and moving on his own, he seems to be building up the leg power to start to walk, but I'm a new mom so what do I know? Only time will tell... 1-3-13- today was my first day back at work from a long 13 day break from vacation, all paid and no PTO used. I am truly blessed to work at a University, not a teachers schedule but I will take it. Of course, my 1st day back at work and L gets his first fever! We are so lucky that grandma nanny Helen was here and ready to care for him with open arms on her first day back from vacation. I'm pretty sure its due to teething. He hasn't been extremely fussy during the day with my mom, and it seems like just now at 10pm, he's starting to sweat a bit. Doctor says it should be gone in 24 hours (started at 730am). I feel so helpless. We all have been holding him close, and I've been nursing him for the last two hours. He did still drink 20 ouncesof milk while I was at work and ate solids, so his usual milk guzzling self. Less solids than norm., but he ate some, so that's good. I've been nursing him since 8:30pm and its now 10:30pm. Our third attempt to put him to bed. But, seriously I know he needs me now a lot more since he's not feeling well, so nursing is a minor thing I can do to help soothe him. I am so grateful to have this bond with my baby boy. Anything for my baby. (Update: his fever broke over night, and we successfully flew out to Nashville and are having a lot of fun with family.) But, we do have to be up at 5am for Lincoln's 2nd flight! This time to Nashville to visit his newest Baby girl cousin! Stay tuned. Nashville! Nashville! Here we come!

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