Friday, December 21, 2012

sweet november....

November came and went, so here I am late again with my post! Ok, ok, lets get this blog started.
The big race.
I did it, I half way trained for the half marathon and still ran a a superb time; 2 hours 10 minutes! 
My training I call "the brest mom training", I call it this because I chose to be a mom first, and I used the majority of my energy and time to nurse my baby instead of run.  I am not a mom who produced massive amounts of milk, so I could not leave him for long and sacrifice my pumped milk, I had to save every ounce of extra milk for the time I had to be away which was while at work.

And, Lincoln is what I call a marathon nurser. He has to eat even in his older months at least every three hours but more like 2 hours or else he gets hungry (unless he's distracted!) So, I never had the time to go on super long runs without him getting hungry.
However it did take me some time to run 6 miles, at times close to an hour and a half. So, I thank my husband for watching Lincoln through the handful of times I actually did 6 miles!
My training consisted of:
* My highest mileage was 6 miles
* Average pace 12 minute miles
* If I didn't want to run I didn't
* Ran two- three times a week (full training would have been 5 times a week, but there was no way!)
* Zumba, yoga, and strength training once a week for probably 15 out of 22 weeks
* Never ran before 8am (took advantage of all the sleep I could get)
* Each time I ran it was probably 90 plus degrees outside, perhaps that explains my slow pace
* Went on weight watchers to help lose weight, because I had trouble getting to full running, did lots and LOTS of walking in for the first three ish months of training

The above may sound easy but it wasn't. I felt guilty going on long runs, because I always thought Lincoln wanted to eat. Chris did his long runs in full training mode with the run group ever Saturday at 6am!  I stayed home and nursed and had morning walks with our child.  Chris would get home full of joy and tell me I ran 12 miles today, I did a half today, etc.  I was so very proud of him!

But me, I had to literally force myself to run because I was so tired that I would rather sleep than run. But with Gods hand  I got through it all. I managed to complete my 6th half marathon post baby at 10 minute miles! How, I'm not sure, especially because I cannot do that pace currently. Plus, I even stopped for beer on the way!
I used the crowd, the music, and the voice inside me saying, "you can't let a slow time be put in writing, get it done!"  And, knowing I would see my baby boy at mile 9 helped can I say, IMMENSELY.  I stopped, kissed and even took pics with him for about a minute and a half.. hmmm so my time is actually better, lol.

I met a guy after mile 9, I was trying to motivate him, but instead he motivated me.  I told him the most mileage I had ran was 6 miles and I had an 8 month old son, he looked at me like "just great, this chic is beating me and she just had a kid." But, he was very nice,  and said don't let me slow you down. I said okay, see you later have a good race. He stayed with me for the next couple of miles and then I saw him behind me and then I couldn't find him. I think I passed him, but he helped me build my confidence. I was like I better stay up with this dude its only his 3rd half! Awww the things that get runners through. 

Post race was rough, my right ankle, which was giving me issues.  Pre -race it was already hurting badly, but I was not going to let it get in the way. I let it go numb during the race and paid for it after.  I thought I was going to be sore an entire week like I was after I ran preggo...But I was back to normal by 48 hours. For the exception of my ankle! Oh, and I ran in brand new never ran in before shoes and no blisters! Long story on why I had to do that, trust me I know better!

So that is the race from what I remember over one month later.  Perhaps my new years resolution will be to post as soon as things happen! That's why blogging is not my profession (yet!) Its just a hobby!
On to more fun, Lincolns first flight- 11 15 12
Lincoln survived his first flight! He was a rockstar, on the way there he sucked on his sippy cup for about thirty minutes while sitting in grandmas lap! He flirted with the twentysomething girl behind us for about five minutes and then ate for 45 minutes (the power of the boob), and then slept for about one hour.  It was such a relief hearing the flight attendants and some passengers saying "he was such a good baby."  Whew, it could have went either way, but thankfully this time it went our way! Advice for your first baby flight: do whatever your baby wants, put earplugs in his ears, be over prepared in case any challenges arise!  A special thank you to my mom Grandma "nanny" Helen- talk about lifesaver in every aspect!

Now the flight back, went great to, he ate for about an hour and slept the rest! However the walk through security was not so easy this time! Chris decided he wanted to pack the cactus jelly we received in our wedding amenity, and got stopped. Then, I forgot to sort all the baby food, so I got stopped.  So, the security guards wanted me to stand by two bags and once, and there was Lincoln kicking away, as Grandma was already in front of the line getting through.  I slowly stopped, and then the security agent, said, "just breathe momma"- so I did and then Chris was able to go with his bags, I sent grandma with the breast milk to get inspected and I stayed while the baby food was getting inspected. Oy, the joys!

We had such a blast in Phoenix. Lincoln meet all of his Indiana cousins and was able to spend time with his grandma and grandpa from Indiana. The trip went by way to fast.  The wedding was amazing, Lincoln lasted about 8 minutes, long enough for the wedding party to get down the aisle, the Father to greet us, and then, there it was, he went into his fit and decided to let everyone in the church know he was there (as if he didn't already make a grand entrance with his blue collarred shirt and vest and tie). Thank you Jesus for my brother in law John... in my panic, I motione to John asking if he would carry Lincoln out for me.  Of course, he was kicking and screaming and I couldn't quite slide through the pew with Lincoln on my own, in a semi fitted strapless dress, and high heels! Mommas that have mastered this science, I envy you! Lincoln was crying quite loudly, and I did not want to walk outside with him, because I would miss the vows, the reason we all traveled to Phoenix in the first place! With John's help we successfully made it to the back of the church, I successfully but my boob in Lincoln's mouth, and I successfully was able to watch Chelsea and Craig exchange their vows with my child knawwing at my boob.  Too bad he missed them, but I am sure they are on video tape. Even the photographer was like, "Oh, poor baby, got hungry.." And, I was like (in my  head of course) No, poor baby got mad because Chelsea and Craig were the center of attention and he was not.  Ohhh, I love my baby, I think he came out like his father, always the life of the party.  (or maybe that's me).

None the less, the trip was successful! I'm going to stop writing now, because then this post will never get posted.

Today we are taking pictures with a photographer and traveling to Austin to see Evette and David's new Baby, Jude.  Last night Lincoln decided that he was on vacation, and did not get to bed until 11:30pm or later, and woke up at 4:15am. Hopefully he doesn't pull this event at Evette and David's- because it will be all about Jude for tonight and tomorrow!!

Awww, I just love my baby boy!!! Until next time!!
11-17-12 or earlier- while nursing he likes to pick my nose, hit my lips, touch my eye brows, slap my arm, or my chest each time he feeds unless he is utterly exhausted which is usually only one feeding out of 6-8. They say nursing jewerly helps with this, but I haven't quite invested the time into searching for it and it just seems way too pricey
11-24-12 another overnight trip, but this time to Fredericksburg, Texas
12 2 12- he has four teeth that you can see but not quite feel yet, all on the top and of course still going strong with his two bottom teeth that he had at about 6 months
12 15 12 breakfast with santa, lincolns first pancaks
12 6 12 he started eating and loving cheerios thanksgiving he could not stop eating mashed potatoes since about 8 months or earlier, he can't stop eating refried beans!
11 7 12 mommy and daddy first alone date to a black and white ball, the first and only time shes ever pumped and dumped ( i did it to be safe, i probably was ok, but you never know)
Race gear! More pics to come later, maybe.. ! !

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