Monday, November 5, 2012

Lincoln learns to.....

I have not a clue where to begin with this posting as there is so much that has happened since I wrote in late August. Our little boy is almost 8.5 months now, I can't believe it!!!  So, the event planner in me decided that writing in a list format would be the easiest.
  • 08-31-2012  At Lincoln's 6 month doctor visit he was 17.5lbs and 28 inches long. The doctor checked on his rash and said it is baby eczema and there is really no "real" way to treat it, we just need to put lotion on him as often as possible. He did give us a presciption for more creams. But, the funniest thing is he had been battling the rash pretty bad on his face for the four weeks prior to his appointment and then when we took him to the doctor, of course it clears. So, Dr. Ramon was not able to see the worst of it. But, the good news is, thanks to God it hasn't come back as strong. He does however get allergic reactions to Sweet Potatoes and Squash, so those are pretty much eliminated from his diet.    
  • 08-14-2012  My little sitter, (see pic at left), he started to sit up all on his own, 3 days prior to turning six months. Was a surprise to me. Well, I should have known it was coming. I still nurse him on the my brest friend pillow and about two weeks prior he starting pulling off the breast and sitting up and would stare at me with the "i'm done" face. So, I think the brest friend pillow gave him the support he needed to start sitting up on his own...
  • 08-17-2012 Lincoln turned 6 months and we took him to get his very first studio portraits, at Sears!  He did really well and we got some really neat photos! I am so glad he was sitting up for them, it was so much easier to take the pics!
  • 09-01-2012 His first time in a swimming pool was a success. Thanks to Stephanie and Robert for inviting us for Labor Day Festivities at their house. I felt so much more comfortable having his first pool time be in a house pool rather than a public pool! You should have seen him just splashing away and loving being the center of attention just like his mama! LOL

     10-6-12 First time spending time on the beach in Port Aransas. This was a great family moment, I was finally able to take a picture that I always dreamed of taking. The one with us all walking together holding hands facing the water! Priceless!  
  • We bought him floor mats at Sam's and he just loves them, he sits on them for a long period of time and rolls around on them too.  A super great investment!
  • For the last month, he has been walking around his play pen like a little trooper. He holds on with one hand, but mostly two and can balance on his own for maybe half a second. Adorable!
  • 10-27-12 Chris and I had our first alone date! We attended San Antonio Beer Fest. We were gone for about four hours, it felt nice to get out, but it confused our baby.  He's used to spending his Saturday's with us, and wondered why he wasn't going with us. He repaid us by not sleeping through the night. But, his allergies have also been affecting him so he has a tad trouble breathing at night, which can be why he did not sleep through.
  • 10-27-12 First 10k post baby- I ran my first 10K race post baby (only my 2nd race post baby) and did great! Of course not my fastest, but ran it in 1 hour and 8 seconds, which is much faster than I have been training at! I did kind of strain my ankle since I was training at 11-13 minute miles and ran under 10 minute miles, but I am taking good care of it, since the half marathon is this SUNDAY!!


  • Baby crawls- It took him a little bit to actually start crawling, he started about 4 weeks ago, he doesn't neccesarily love to crawl, but he can do it to reach a toy he really wants. But, he does pull him self to standing now and loves to stand with help. He loves walking around holding onto the side of the crib.
  • He now eats four meals a day in baby food and I  finally caught up to him on breast milk. I mean I can finally pump as much in  a day that he eats, well almost, sometimes I am 5-6 ounces off, but we have some saved so I can keep up with him. Which I am very proud to say that he has went 1 month and a half without having to supplement the 2-6 ounces per day that we were having to do before. I was blessed with a hefty milk eater, so I am not able to freeze and save as much breastmilk as I would like too. But, I am fortunate that its been 8.5 months and I am still successfuly nursing! A heartfelt accomplishment and goal of mine!
  • About 1 month ago, we moved crib and playpen down
  • He's been in size three diapers for the last two months, but he will probably move into size fours by next month or sooner.
  • He now knows how to wave, well not a full wave, but he gets the idea and can and will wave at you if he really likes you. :) As of probably on or before my 8 month birthday.  

  • My frog hat, from my Godparents, Dave and Evette Alejandre!!
    I love my new hat, a present from my Godparents, my Godparents, Evette and Davide will have my baby cousin Jude on or before December 25th 2012!!!
  • His 8 month birthday 10-17-12
    11-3-12 The first time I heard him say "da da da da da". Apparently Chris had heard him say it before, but just decided not to tell me!

Some confessions: I feel like a horrible mom, because I did not follow the mommy trend of the oh so famous, sleep training! I know its suppossed to start as early as 3 months but not later than 7 months. However, I just can't bear to let him cry himself to sleep. Well, during the night we don't go get him  right away if he cries, we wait it out and most of the time he falls back to sleep. If he cries for longer than about 10-15 minutes, we go get him and see what's wrong. And, most of the time when we go get him, he is crying for reason. See below.

1) He accidentally peed outside of his diaper and soaked his clothing
2) He got his leg and hand caught inside the crib side and they are dangling out (yes I know there are bumpers, we don't have one, and we know he would push through it anyway)
3) Or the most recent thing that happened this week, he was sitting up in the far corner of the crib and both of his little legs were dangling outside of the crib and he was hitting his head back and forth on the crib wood! The poor baby, you should have seen how frustrated he was all lonesome in the corner of the crib crying his eyes out!

I just can't bear to let the kid "cry it out", especially considering what he does to himself out of  frustration! I am however, quite happy that he has been graduated to sleeping in his room by himself in his crib since he was 2 months old! So, sleep training I know, I know all you mom's out there who have done it, but right now its just not for me.

Oh and mommy is now 2.5lbs away from pre-baby weight! Almost there!
Stay tuned for:
Mommy's 1st half marathon post baby (only having trained at most 6 miles), 11/11/12
Lincoln's first vacation and flying experience for Uncle Craigs marriage to Aunt Chelsea in Phoenix, to begin 11/15/12-11/19/12! 

Below are pics from Lincoln's 1st Halloween, October 31, 2012

First pumpkin patch experience 10.21.12 Alamo Heights Methodist Church

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