Friday, December 21, 2012

On december

This post starts mid-December, let's see when it gets published.

We are on way to ATX to see Baby Jude, Lincoln's newest cousin.
We just finished Lincoln's first photography session, and he did pretty awesome! I'm excited to see the end result. I was hesitant to do a session with him this young, but I'm glad I did!

We have done a lot this December with the kid! He went on his first Riverboat ride on 12 1 12, I had a downtown hotel stay to use at el trop, so we used it on our anniversary weekend. We also ran to the pearl brewery and took L to "tamale fest" where he ate his very first tamale.

L also went to his first Farmers market last weekend 12 8 12, where we spent a few hours watching his uncle forest buy fresh produce, bread, soups, pies, etc. Lincoln ate his first piece of lettuce fed to him by uncle forrest, I don't think he liked it very much!

Oh yes and at about 8 months the kid is now in love with crawling, he didn't like it at first, but now he won't stop at all. Its so much fun (and a lot of work) watching him crawl around and pull up on everything he can. He knows when he's suppossed to stop, and turns his head to see if we are watching..the cutest stuff! 

We took ;-) lincoln to my work yesterday 12 20 12 and he had a blast getting so much attention from all of mommys work friends.

Daddy made sure that our chistmas lights were up the day after thanksgiving for us all to enjoy for as long as possible!

So far L has seen three santas and has been great with them all. We started a family christmas tradition of breakfast with santa at rivercenter mall! It was the first year so there were probably about 33 people there, so we had santa at our fingertips which was nice. I know as people find out about it more will come, but for now its our little secret, but we welcome you to join us next year. We had yummy ihop pancakes!

Weight update...still 2 lbs away from pre baby weight, but feel great! I've maintained my current weight for the last three months and am off weight watchers.  But I still try to be somewhat aware of what I am eating. And make it a point to exercise at minimum twice a week.

We had a blast visiting Jude, he looked so small compared to L. I was so out of whack, due to lack of sleep, tons of breastfeeding, and c-section that I can't even really remember when L was that small. I remember but its all a little bit foggy. We also got to see Mommy's friend Ashley who lives in Austin, she calls me her boyfriend. Lately, I go a little crazy when my diaper is changed, luckily Ashley was there to help Mommy change a huge poopy diaper. Mommy wants to try "early potting training" with me but I have yet to deelop any pattern whatsoever with my poops, so that may not work out. Plus, its extra stress for mom too.

Chris and I have both been off from work for the last week. We've had fun staying home, playing with our L and taking him all around town.

Lincoln has been taking full advantage of sleeping in, he will wake up between 7am and 8am, dad will feed him some food, then he comes back and lies down nursing with me until almost 10am. (Well he's son that the last two days at least) Of course falling into a nap. So, its nice to sleep with him so close and cuddled for that hour or so. He's so comfy, and I get more rest too!

He loved Christmas festivities, he stayed up on christmas eve until 11:30pm partying with us. I thought it was going to mess with his bedtime schedule but he went back on track after one night. There were at least 100ppl at my parents this year!  Daddy dressed as santa and the kids looked at him in amazement, the highlight of the party for sure!  Lincoln had a ton of gifts to open, he wasn't that into opeing but he loved to play with them. He owned maybe 6 toys and now he has atleast 20!

Mommy got a nursing necklace from aunt cindy, she loves putting it in my face but I still get passed it to pick her nose and hit her face. But, it does help some..

In our time off, we moved the furniture in the house around to make it more crawl, sit up, pull up, stand up, and soon to be walking friendly!  Its so much easier on us, a lot less chasing on our part. We have not purchased any baby gates, so we took the time to rearrange and make our space more Lincoln friendly. He loves the new space so much and we do to. One day, we will have one large space to devote just to playing. Well, we can do it now, once we get rid of more stuff in this house. Baby steps. But for now, I'm really impressed with how much we did and how much larger our living spaces feel and look ! Yay, us! Thank you husband for going "hgtv" on us!

12 28 through 12 30- Aunt Chelsea and Uncle Craig came to visit me from Houston.  We took Lincoln running on the riverwalk and to the farmers market again.
Bernadette also came to visit me and brought me and mommy gifts from Chicago.

Mommy is in charge of planning my first birthday party, she's having trouble finding a place that's fulfills at least half of her wisjlist. She has a lot of ideas and its currently driving her a littly batty, but I know she will figure it out soon. Three of L's top teeth have finally pushed through where you can actually feel them, they have a small gap on top, waiting to be filled. He's been pulling himself up and walking and moving on his own, he seems to be building up the leg power to start to walk, but I'm a new mom so what do I know? Only time will tell... 1-3-13- today was my first day back at work from a long 13 day break from vacation, all paid and no PTO used. I am truly blessed to work at a University, not a teachers schedule but I will take it. Of course, my 1st day back at work and L gets his first fever! We are so lucky that grandma nanny Helen was here and ready to care for him with open arms on her first day back from vacation. I'm pretty sure its due to teething. He hasn't been extremely fussy during the day with my mom, and it seems like just now at 10pm, he's starting to sweat a bit. Doctor says it should be gone in 24 hours (started at 730am). I feel so helpless. We all have been holding him close, and I've been nursing him for the last two hours. He did still drink 20 ouncesof milk while I was at work and ate solids, so his usual milk guzzling self. Less solids than norm., but he ate some, so that's good. I've been nursing him since 8:30pm and its now 10:30pm. Our third attempt to put him to bed. But, seriously I know he needs me now a lot more since he's not feeling well, so nursing is a minor thing I can do to help soothe him. I am so grateful to have this bond with my baby boy. Anything for my baby. (Update: his fever broke over night, and we successfully flew out to Nashville and are having a lot of fun with family.) But, we do have to be up at 5am for Lincoln's 2nd flight! This time to Nashville to visit his newest Baby girl cousin! Stay tuned. Nashville! Nashville! Here we come!

sweet november....

November came and went, so here I am late again with my post! Ok, ok, lets get this blog started.
The big race.
I did it, I half way trained for the half marathon and still ran a a superb time; 2 hours 10 minutes! 
My training I call "the brest mom training", I call it this because I chose to be a mom first, and I used the majority of my energy and time to nurse my baby instead of run.  I am not a mom who produced massive amounts of milk, so I could not leave him for long and sacrifice my pumped milk, I had to save every ounce of extra milk for the time I had to be away which was while at work.

And, Lincoln is what I call a marathon nurser. He has to eat even in his older months at least every three hours but more like 2 hours or else he gets hungry (unless he's distracted!) So, I never had the time to go on super long runs without him getting hungry.
However it did take me some time to run 6 miles, at times close to an hour and a half. So, I thank my husband for watching Lincoln through the handful of times I actually did 6 miles!
My training consisted of:
* My highest mileage was 6 miles
* Average pace 12 minute miles
* If I didn't want to run I didn't
* Ran two- three times a week (full training would have been 5 times a week, but there was no way!)
* Zumba, yoga, and strength training once a week for probably 15 out of 22 weeks
* Never ran before 8am (took advantage of all the sleep I could get)
* Each time I ran it was probably 90 plus degrees outside, perhaps that explains my slow pace
* Went on weight watchers to help lose weight, because I had trouble getting to full running, did lots and LOTS of walking in for the first three ish months of training

The above may sound easy but it wasn't. I felt guilty going on long runs, because I always thought Lincoln wanted to eat. Chris did his long runs in full training mode with the run group ever Saturday at 6am!  I stayed home and nursed and had morning walks with our child.  Chris would get home full of joy and tell me I ran 12 miles today, I did a half today, etc.  I was so very proud of him!

But me, I had to literally force myself to run because I was so tired that I would rather sleep than run. But with Gods hand  I got through it all. I managed to complete my 6th half marathon post baby at 10 minute miles! How, I'm not sure, especially because I cannot do that pace currently. Plus, I even stopped for beer on the way!
I used the crowd, the music, and the voice inside me saying, "you can't let a slow time be put in writing, get it done!"  And, knowing I would see my baby boy at mile 9 helped can I say, IMMENSELY.  I stopped, kissed and even took pics with him for about a minute and a half.. hmmm so my time is actually better, lol.

I met a guy after mile 9, I was trying to motivate him, but instead he motivated me.  I told him the most mileage I had ran was 6 miles and I had an 8 month old son, he looked at me like "just great, this chic is beating me and she just had a kid." But, he was very nice,  and said don't let me slow you down. I said okay, see you later have a good race. He stayed with me for the next couple of miles and then I saw him behind me and then I couldn't find him. I think I passed him, but he helped me build my confidence. I was like I better stay up with this dude its only his 3rd half! Awww the things that get runners through. 

Post race was rough, my right ankle, which was giving me issues.  Pre -race it was already hurting badly, but I was not going to let it get in the way. I let it go numb during the race and paid for it after.  I thought I was going to be sore an entire week like I was after I ran preggo...But I was back to normal by 48 hours. For the exception of my ankle! Oh, and I ran in brand new never ran in before shoes and no blisters! Long story on why I had to do that, trust me I know better!

So that is the race from what I remember over one month later.  Perhaps my new years resolution will be to post as soon as things happen! That's why blogging is not my profession (yet!) Its just a hobby!
On to more fun, Lincolns first flight- 11 15 12
Lincoln survived his first flight! He was a rockstar, on the way there he sucked on his sippy cup for about thirty minutes while sitting in grandmas lap! He flirted with the twentysomething girl behind us for about five minutes and then ate for 45 minutes (the power of the boob), and then slept for about one hour.  It was such a relief hearing the flight attendants and some passengers saying "he was such a good baby."  Whew, it could have went either way, but thankfully this time it went our way! Advice for your first baby flight: do whatever your baby wants, put earplugs in his ears, be over prepared in case any challenges arise!  A special thank you to my mom Grandma "nanny" Helen- talk about lifesaver in every aspect!

Now the flight back, went great to, he ate for about an hour and slept the rest! However the walk through security was not so easy this time! Chris decided he wanted to pack the cactus jelly we received in our wedding amenity, and got stopped. Then, I forgot to sort all the baby food, so I got stopped.  So, the security guards wanted me to stand by two bags and once, and there was Lincoln kicking away, as Grandma was already in front of the line getting through.  I slowly stopped, and then the security agent, said, "just breathe momma"- so I did and then Chris was able to go with his bags, I sent grandma with the breast milk to get inspected and I stayed while the baby food was getting inspected. Oy, the joys!

We had such a blast in Phoenix. Lincoln meet all of his Indiana cousins and was able to spend time with his grandma and grandpa from Indiana. The trip went by way to fast.  The wedding was amazing, Lincoln lasted about 8 minutes, long enough for the wedding party to get down the aisle, the Father to greet us, and then, there it was, he went into his fit and decided to let everyone in the church know he was there (as if he didn't already make a grand entrance with his blue collarred shirt and vest and tie). Thank you Jesus for my brother in law John... in my panic, I motione to John asking if he would carry Lincoln out for me.  Of course, he was kicking and screaming and I couldn't quite slide through the pew with Lincoln on my own, in a semi fitted strapless dress, and high heels! Mommas that have mastered this science, I envy you! Lincoln was crying quite loudly, and I did not want to walk outside with him, because I would miss the vows, the reason we all traveled to Phoenix in the first place! With John's help we successfully made it to the back of the church, I successfully but my boob in Lincoln's mouth, and I successfully was able to watch Chelsea and Craig exchange their vows with my child knawwing at my boob.  Too bad he missed them, but I am sure they are on video tape. Even the photographer was like, "Oh, poor baby, got hungry.." And, I was like (in my  head of course) No, poor baby got mad because Chelsea and Craig were the center of attention and he was not.  Ohhh, I love my baby, I think he came out like his father, always the life of the party.  (or maybe that's me).

None the less, the trip was successful! I'm going to stop writing now, because then this post will never get posted.

Today we are taking pictures with a photographer and traveling to Austin to see Evette and David's new Baby, Jude.  Last night Lincoln decided that he was on vacation, and did not get to bed until 11:30pm or later, and woke up at 4:15am. Hopefully he doesn't pull this event at Evette and David's- because it will be all about Jude for tonight and tomorrow!!

Awww, I just love my baby boy!!! Until next time!!
11-17-12 or earlier- while nursing he likes to pick my nose, hit my lips, touch my eye brows, slap my arm, or my chest each time he feeds unless he is utterly exhausted which is usually only one feeding out of 6-8. They say nursing jewerly helps with this, but I haven't quite invested the time into searching for it and it just seems way too pricey
11-24-12 another overnight trip, but this time to Fredericksburg, Texas
12 2 12- he has four teeth that you can see but not quite feel yet, all on the top and of course still going strong with his two bottom teeth that he had at about 6 months
12 15 12 breakfast with santa, lincolns first pancaks
12 6 12 he started eating and loving cheerios thanksgiving he could not stop eating mashed potatoes since about 8 months or earlier, he can't stop eating refried beans!
11 7 12 mommy and daddy first alone date to a black and white ball, the first and only time shes ever pumped and dumped ( i did it to be safe, i probably was ok, but you never know)
Race gear! More pics to come later, maybe.. ! !

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lincoln learns to.....

I have not a clue where to begin with this posting as there is so much that has happened since I wrote in late August. Our little boy is almost 8.5 months now, I can't believe it!!!  So, the event planner in me decided that writing in a list format would be the easiest.
  • 08-31-2012  At Lincoln's 6 month doctor visit he was 17.5lbs and 28 inches long. The doctor checked on his rash and said it is baby eczema and there is really no "real" way to treat it, we just need to put lotion on him as often as possible. He did give us a presciption for more creams. But, the funniest thing is he had been battling the rash pretty bad on his face for the four weeks prior to his appointment and then when we took him to the doctor, of course it clears. So, Dr. Ramon was not able to see the worst of it. But, the good news is, thanks to God it hasn't come back as strong. He does however get allergic reactions to Sweet Potatoes and Squash, so those are pretty much eliminated from his diet.    
  • 08-14-2012  My little sitter, (see pic at left), he started to sit up all on his own, 3 days prior to turning six months. Was a surprise to me. Well, I should have known it was coming. I still nurse him on the my brest friend pillow and about two weeks prior he starting pulling off the breast and sitting up and would stare at me with the "i'm done" face. So, I think the brest friend pillow gave him the support he needed to start sitting up on his own...
  • 08-17-2012 Lincoln turned 6 months and we took him to get his very first studio portraits, at Sears!  He did really well and we got some really neat photos! I am so glad he was sitting up for them, it was so much easier to take the pics!
  • 09-01-2012 His first time in a swimming pool was a success. Thanks to Stephanie and Robert for inviting us for Labor Day Festivities at their house. I felt so much more comfortable having his first pool time be in a house pool rather than a public pool! You should have seen him just splashing away and loving being the center of attention just like his mama! LOL

     10-6-12 First time spending time on the beach in Port Aransas. This was a great family moment, I was finally able to take a picture that I always dreamed of taking. The one with us all walking together holding hands facing the water! Priceless!  
  • We bought him floor mats at Sam's and he just loves them, he sits on them for a long period of time and rolls around on them too.  A super great investment!
  • For the last month, he has been walking around his play pen like a little trooper. He holds on with one hand, but mostly two and can balance on his own for maybe half a second. Adorable!
  • 10-27-12 Chris and I had our first alone date! We attended San Antonio Beer Fest. We were gone for about four hours, it felt nice to get out, but it confused our baby.  He's used to spending his Saturday's with us, and wondered why he wasn't going with us. He repaid us by not sleeping through the night. But, his allergies have also been affecting him so he has a tad trouble breathing at night, which can be why he did not sleep through.
  • 10-27-12 First 10k post baby- I ran my first 10K race post baby (only my 2nd race post baby) and did great! Of course not my fastest, but ran it in 1 hour and 8 seconds, which is much faster than I have been training at! I did kind of strain my ankle since I was training at 11-13 minute miles and ran under 10 minute miles, but I am taking good care of it, since the half marathon is this SUNDAY!!


  • Baby crawls- It took him a little bit to actually start crawling, he started about 4 weeks ago, he doesn't neccesarily love to crawl, but he can do it to reach a toy he really wants. But, he does pull him self to standing now and loves to stand with help. He loves walking around holding onto the side of the crib.
  • He now eats four meals a day in baby food and I  finally caught up to him on breast milk. I mean I can finally pump as much in  a day that he eats, well almost, sometimes I am 5-6 ounces off, but we have some saved so I can keep up with him. Which I am very proud to say that he has went 1 month and a half without having to supplement the 2-6 ounces per day that we were having to do before. I was blessed with a hefty milk eater, so I am not able to freeze and save as much breastmilk as I would like too. But, I am fortunate that its been 8.5 months and I am still successfuly nursing! A heartfelt accomplishment and goal of mine!
  • About 1 month ago, we moved crib and playpen down
  • He's been in size three diapers for the last two months, but he will probably move into size fours by next month or sooner.
  • He now knows how to wave, well not a full wave, but he gets the idea and can and will wave at you if he really likes you. :) As of probably on or before my 8 month birthday.  

  • My frog hat, from my Godparents, Dave and Evette Alejandre!!
    I love my new hat, a present from my Godparents, my Godparents, Evette and Davide will have my baby cousin Jude on or before December 25th 2012!!!
  • His 8 month birthday 10-17-12
    11-3-12 The first time I heard him say "da da da da da". Apparently Chris had heard him say it before, but just decided not to tell me!

Some confessions: I feel like a horrible mom, because I did not follow the mommy trend of the oh so famous, sleep training! I know its suppossed to start as early as 3 months but not later than 7 months. However, I just can't bear to let him cry himself to sleep. Well, during the night we don't go get him  right away if he cries, we wait it out and most of the time he falls back to sleep. If he cries for longer than about 10-15 minutes, we go get him and see what's wrong. And, most of the time when we go get him, he is crying for reason. See below.

1) He accidentally peed outside of his diaper and soaked his clothing
2) He got his leg and hand caught inside the crib side and they are dangling out (yes I know there are bumpers, we don't have one, and we know he would push through it anyway)
3) Or the most recent thing that happened this week, he was sitting up in the far corner of the crib and both of his little legs were dangling outside of the crib and he was hitting his head back and forth on the crib wood! The poor baby, you should have seen how frustrated he was all lonesome in the corner of the crib crying his eyes out!

I just can't bear to let the kid "cry it out", especially considering what he does to himself out of  frustration! I am however, quite happy that he has been graduated to sleeping in his room by himself in his crib since he was 2 months old! So, sleep training I know, I know all you mom's out there who have done it, but right now its just not for me.

Oh and mommy is now 2.5lbs away from pre-baby weight! Almost there!
Stay tuned for:
Mommy's 1st half marathon post baby (only having trained at most 6 miles), 11/11/12
Lincoln's first vacation and flying experience for Uncle Craigs marriage to Aunt Chelsea in Phoenix, to begin 11/15/12-11/19/12! 

Below are pics from Lincoln's 1st Halloween, October 31, 2012

First pumpkin patch experience 10.21.12 Alamo Heights Methodist Church

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mom First, Runner Second!

Blog, What Blog?
That's how feel since its been way to long since wrote!

6. Yes, Lincoln is 6 months and these months have filled with fun yet tiring baby battles, but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

He's still a champion nurser minus the pulling off of my glasses while he's eating, the occasional spit up in my bra (lol) and the marathon nursing sessions, I am very thankful I've made it this far!

He has been battling some skin "issues". The pediatrician seems more confused than us, 1st it was a virus, then it was an allergic reaction. Now, we took him to the local pharmacist and he thinks its a fungal/yeast rash. We see the ped on Friday 8/31 for his 6 month follow up so we shall see what it is.

Today was Lincolns first trip the Children's Museum for his cousins birthday party, he loved it there and he wasn't afraid of Elmo!

Kind of surreal, two years ago I would look in awww at my cousins with their strollers, diaper bags and other baby gear and wonder am I really ready? And, walah, thanks to God, I'm now there too! I'm still working on mastering the super mom skill that I feel every mom but me has, but if I don't get there, I'll settle for honorable mention.

Rundown of Linc's actions, most he's been doing for a while:
Sits up on own, holds bottle, holds sippy cup, eats squash, carrots, bananas, sweet potatoes, Chicken, and Turkey.

And his baptism was fabulous, we had thirty + show up, we filled a good chunk of the church. Lincoln decided to use his multiple personalites to entertain his baptism guests. Us as parents and godparents worked as a team to make it through the service successfully. Boy, will we have stories to share with him about his baptism day. Thank heavens for his back up plaid shorts! :)

And, only 5 months and 3 weeks until his first birthday!

And, mommys running update:
Went to run group for first time twice this week. 6 miles is my longest mileage, and I decided I'm not going to kill myself to get the runs in. Mom first, runner second!

And, I am 6 lbs away from my pre baby weight as of 8.22.12 weigh in.
* Note, on the day I wrote this blog 08-26-12, Lincoln got his first tooth, and one week later he got his second tooth.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm a Mom

My excuse for being so far behind on this blog, is that "I'm a Mom".  Not a good enough excuse but still. So much time has passed, and I just feel so overwhelmed, and when I ever have an ounce of free time, all I want to do is sleep! (when instead I should be running).

However, I have managed to work out at least three times per week in the last month, so I'm on the way to getting back to my pre-pregnancy self, my goal is to fit into my grass green strapless dress I wore to my cousins wedding in Cancun in March of 2011 (just 2 months pre preggo).  I want to fit in it for my brother in laws wedding in November 2012 in Phoenix.  It is a very realistic goal, as November is quite far away. But, I also feel that posting it for all to see is another way to make me stay on track. I could actually probably fit in it at the end of summer. (but I'm being realistic). And, the funniest thing is I have not even tried it on, so it could in fact fit me, but I'd rather save myself the anxiety of trying it on and wait.

Lincoln eating sweet potatoes and almost the spoon too! 6-27-12
Enough about me. Lincoln is growing extremely fast, he eats quite the amount of breastmilk and has me pumping like crazy to try to keep up with his 27-36 ounce per 7am-6pm day self! Thats' not including his morning and evening feedings, geeze hes only four months, and I think even I would be stuffed with that much milk.  And, yes, now he is eating solid foods, we started him at 3 months and 3 weeks on rice cereal, and then introduced sweet potatoes on 6/19/12. He likes them both. Next food debut, will be soon.

My smiling machine, Lincoln, 06-26-12
He loves standing and he loves baby talking and he enjoys playing on his play mat, and of course he has a blast when he is with his grandma! He smiles too, and laughs out loud. Its' so super cute, apparently he does it all the time according to Chris and grandma but I've only heard him twice. 

Some more things that you missed while I didn't write:
April 15th- First walk with Lincoln in jogger stroller. We walked to Earl of Sandwich with Uncle Craig and Aunt Chelsea. He didn't really like it, but he was in growth spurt, so he doesn't like much in those stages.
April 20th- two month check up, 11lbs and 23 inches. He cried for about 8 seconds and was fine. We thought we would need to give him baby tylenol, but was not needed. That same day we went shopping at North Star Mall with grandma and at night we took him to his first FIESTA event, Alamo Heights night and he was the happiest 2 month old in attendance.
April 21st- first time mom and dad went out on a date, while grandma watched Lincoln at night. We chose to go to the Market Square during FIESTA. He did great! We were gone about 5 hours and of course he ate almost 20 ounces of milk! Its' not that I don't want to leave him with my mom to go out, its more that I want to save my precious breastmilk!!! LOL
April 30th- first 8 hour stretch at night, and kept it consistent. Ironically this was at the Four Points Sheraton Downtown in their crib. We did a "staycation" over FIESTA, and apparently Linc was as comfortable as Mom and Dad were, because he slept all night!!
He also graduated to a size one diaper probably at about one month, but is now a size two as of probably 3 months and one week. He loves his newest toy (we probably got it near May 5th), the kickin coaster he just kicks away and is exercising and doesn't even know it!!
May 1st, 2012- Lincoln graduated to sleeping in his crib, in his room alone! So, daddy graduated back to the bedroom. Our goal was two months for this, and we barely made it!
The fun pose ...! (all done with the infamous camera timer!) 05-08-2012

May 5th- 9th- Aunt Jill, Aunt Jina, and cousin Marley came to visit us from Indiana and Lincoln had his first trip to the San Antonio Zoo. It was way too hot for him, so we will wait til closer to the end of summer to take him back. He had a big poop about 20 minutes after we arrive and we had to change him on a bench in front of the monkeys! Poor baby he was so hot and irritated- until we made it into hippo-ville! Thank God for the hippos needing to be in cold air- Hello AC!

May 13th, 2012- My first mothers day was so sweet! Chris made me my favorite for breakfast, pancakes and all the trimmings. And, he came home with some beautiful flowers and told me to go shopping and pick out a purse! Lincolns' mothers day present to me was sleeping in until 8am and then some moon pies and my favorite chocolate chip cookies (packed by grandma)!  

May 19th- Beach to Bay in Corpus Christi! Mommys' first race post Lincoln and I kicked butt. Considering the most I had ran was three miles since his birth and only once.. doing almost 5 miles in the crack of hotness in Corpus at about a 12 minute pace was considered rocking the race! Not sure how I made it through but I did, and it felt so great! Now to keep up the rhythm to get back to my true 8:40 pace!

May 26th- One of the saddest days of my life. I found out my grandma passed away. I am very grateful that she was able to meet my Lincoln. I think thats' one of the things she was waiting for! I miss her so much. You know the funny thing is Lincoln had been sleeping his 8 hours pretty much since April 30th, and then on the night before her passing and through the funeral days he started waking up once during the night. I think its because he sensed my misery and stress because of losing her. Its funny how babies notice everything!

Lincoln (from San Antonio) & Nathan (from Chicago)

June 1st- 4th- Nathan & Cindy from Chicago came to visit us

June 16th- David and Evette, Lincolns' godparents got married through the church, renewing their vows of 4 years of marriage. (they were married but not through the Catholic church) In order to baptise Lincoln, they needed to be married through the Catholic Church and Evette needed her confirmation. So, they made the sacrifice to do both in order to baptise our son! Evette took an 8 week class, and they made the time to get married too.. Lincoln had fun at the ceremony and after party!

June 17th Chris' first fathers day. We went to Cracker Barrel in the morning and Lincoln decided he wanted to play the "be loud and crazy" game with mom and dad. So, there we were taking turns back and forth holding and calming him. But, his present to dad was taking a nap when our food arrived to the table! And, the day continued by spending time at my mom and dads with family. And, we finally got to take our family photo with no one missing! 

June 21st-23rd Mommy got sick with mastitis, a breast infection that is fairly common during nursing. It was the worst, I was very very weak.  I went to bed on Thursday night with a 99 fever and major chills. I put on my winter scarf, socks,gloves and hat and slept in them, and still was not warm! I woke up with a 103 fever and was very weak.  My OB was not returning my phone calls quickly so I was left sick for almost all of Friday. I started feeling better on Tuesday, but still am a little weak because of it. But, now my milk supply is suffering because of illness, I hope it gets back up (because its already not high as it is)
June 22nd- Lincolns 4 month check up He was 15lbs and 26 inches long!!! Gained 4lbs and 4 inches in two months. He was in the 25th percentile for weight now hes up to 75-90% and for his height he's going to be tall according to the doc...

Mommy with Lincoln in Houston
 June 22nd- 24th - Lincoln and Family visited Aunt Chelsea and Uncle Craig in Houston for the first time. He did very well on the drives! Considering I was so weak, I still wanted to make the visit, as I know Chris enjoys his time with his family, and I figured they could help with Lincoln. And, they did!

On May 5th, I set the following goals for myself (baby steps):
Run one mile without stopping did this at beach to bay 05-20-12
Lose 3 lbs- done as of 6/14/12 but stayed the same ever since (but I did lose 18 lbs once I got home from the hospital and some in between) So 25.5 total down and about 14 left to go!
Get back to my pre baby running pace of 11:20 miles or better  (currently as of 6/28 still at 12 minute miles)
Successfully complete my leg of beach to bay relay marathon on 5.20.12 Completed the longest almost five miles, most challenging leg at about a 12 minute pace. It was SUPER hot too!
Start Zumba and pilates on my lunch break 06/04 started going at least 1-3 times to rec center on my lunch break
Start eating left overs or meal lunches instead of eating out (working on this one)

Lincoln Chilling at Grandmas! He is so hilarious!
Sorry to bore you with all the details, but this helps me keep track of the Day in the life of Lincoln, Catherine and Chris.  Look forward to my post on his baptism July 22nd!!!

My Four Month Portrait

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Breastmilk is precious!

My Breastfeeding struggle- one of the largest things i've learned so far
"Something is wrong with my breastmilk"
I learned that it takes exactly three weeks for baby to become adjusted to "mommy being at work". (well a breastfeeding mommy that is). I say this because at three weeks is when all heck broke loose with my breastfeeding. Here I was complaining because I wasn't pumping enough milk, and because I thought he was feeding too much. Well, that was just petty stuff.

The way my milk drink snuggler looks at
me during breaks in feedings!!

On Monday, April 16th, marking my third week back at work, Lincoln started to refuse my precious liquid gold pumped milk! My mother called me at work and said "He's not taking your milk, I smelled and tasted it, and it doesn't taste sweet like it usually does?"  OH NO!! I thought- is this the end to my little "milk drunk" snuggler?   What to do? Of course turn to Mr. himself, the answer to all my questions. (LOL, but really!) What I found was that the problem could be excess lipase and I may have to scold every pumping session of milk or I could risk it going bad within 24 hours.  After turning to my very small breastfeeding support group; my cousin Gracie, my only three friends that I know who breastfeed, Loretta, Tanya, and Shelly; our local La Leche contact, and Similac Strong Moms' hotline, the best information I found was on .  Simply Rebekah was in fact my life saver.
My support group was there for support, but most had never heard of the issue and those that did had very little information. I'm sure they were thinking.. "How weird is she!?" But, I learned the more you share you breastfeeding issues, questions, concerns with other bf mom's the more you learn from one another! After carefully reading Rebekah's article, I found that scalding was likely my answer. So, there I went starting the milk "experiments"....  As if putting a powered pumping machine with plastic breast shields over your nippity nips every two hours while at work isn't enough.... now i have more steps added.
1) once pumping session ends, place milk in bottle warmer, plug in warmer and let the heating begin
2) place thermometer inside milk and wait until the thermometer hits 175 degrees, turn off bottle warmer
3) Move bottle into an ice bath and let milk cool for 5-10 minutes
4) Place milk in refrigerator

As you can see many steps.. and yes, its tiring.. There I go after each pumping session (four times in a work day!) running to the break room to get fresh ice and water, waiting for the thermometor to beep, etc. I broke down and spent $14.99 on a digital thermometer, because it beeps when it gets to 175 degrees, and I don't have to sit and watch it. I would have never known to to solve this issue if it wasn't for my guardian angel, Rebekah! (I mean geeze, even my pediatrician thinks/thought I was crazy!) He said there is no such thing as "excess lipase" and I should not be scolding my milk. And, so I listened and tried not scolding, and he wouldn't take it.. so psssshhht to my pediatrician. He can stick to caring for my baby, but when it comes to boobs, I'll stick to and Simply Rebekah!
my milk drunk snuggler, 04-28-12 (look at his little hands)  

Oh and before I forget, let me mention the infamous "freezer stash". So, of course if he isn't taking my milk, then he's not taking the "stash" either. Gratefully I only had about 27 ounces of precious milk stored (the rest he took prior to me discovering the liapse issue). I've read several other womens' lipase stories and they have had 100's of ounces stashed that had to go to WASTE!! So, I recommend a test run for all breastfeeding moms before they start freezins non stop! So, despite it all, I am one of the lucky ones, indeed. Though, when we get desperate for milk (which is quite often), sometimes he does take milk from my old stash. But it has to be mixed with formula.. so not all 27 ounces was wasted!  So, now I have to scold before I freeze and it will last about two weeks max.

So, if you were not convinced that I am a dedicated breastfeeding mom, I hope your convinced now!  As my mom says, once I put my heart and mind into something, I won't let anything get in the way. The "F" word isn't bad, but I only want to use the formula if I need it! So far he has to take very little or none each day to make up the difference for the amount of milk I pump at work each day (which is about 13 ounces max). But, I try my best to squeeze in pumping sessions whenever possible, because the more liquid gold the better.  The low amount that I pump is a whole other breastfeeding issue, but I am making it work, so that is all that matters.

And, you know the funny thing is that through all of the these recently found struggles, I never once cried! Wowza's I guess that means that post pardum has left this house.. I really feel like I should have been balling my eyes out, but I kept my head up and made it work. But, if I didn't find the details in Rebekah's blog, I think my eyes would have been tear filled for quite some time. So, thanks again to her, and all other women who took the time to write and share about their struggles with lipase or breastfeeding in general. Because, lord knows it is not EASY!

Oh, and you probably are thinking.. what the heck is "excess" Lipase, can it be cured or removed from the body? Well, there is not enough research on it to determine if changing your diet will help, but most moms who tried changing their diet, found that it did not work.. so I'm not abnormal, okay.. : )

Don't worry breastfeeding stories are put to rest for a while, the next post (which is actually almost done) will be all about Lincoln, his growth, his graduation to sleeping in his crib in his room all by himself. And, daddy Graduating back to the bedroom, etc.!

Thanks for listening, and any breastfeeding feedback/ motivation/ cheers are always appreciated!!!

P.S. This post is coming out hand in hand with the controversial "Time" cover page of a 27 year old mother breastfeeding her three year old bub. Do I agree with it? Its a mothers choice; if her bub still wants her milk and she is ok giving it to him, then so be it! It takes a ton of commitment to breastfeed, if she wants to do it for more than 12 months and is able, then good for her. Now, would I do it.. I honestly doubt my boobies will produce for that long! But if I was a mother who had not breastfeed, I am sure I would be like "heck no" but I've been through the experience and I know what it takes, so now I have no bias whatsoever.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bunnies and Mommy fights at Walgreens...

4.12.12. - Lincoln will be 8 weeks tomorrow (Friday, the 13th) and 2 months this coming Tuesday. (He is two months now!! Wow, and 9 weeks tomorrow, 4.20.12)
6 weeks
Lincoln had his 4th baby shower on March 31st, hosted by my boss and his wife and their house in the Hill Country of Helotes, Texas. We were showered with great gifts and friends, and this time Lincoln was here to enjoy all the goodies. He was so great. He needed to be feed about twice but that was expected. We are so grateful!

I've managed to survive my first week of half days at work (April 9th-13th). The in laws and Aunt Jane were here to take care of Lincoln, April 9th-12th and gave Grandma Helen a break since she would start watching him full time April 16th-20th.  He also started to smile, pretty much as soon as his Grandparents from Indiana arrived.. 04-07-2012 (Chris says he was smiling a little before). He was smiling in his sleep before then, but more noticeable awake smiles came at that time.

Today was the first day Chris took Lincoln to grandmas in the morning (Thursday 4.12.12). He made it OK and he is content and happy to be at grandmas.  It was weird for me, it was the first time since his birth that I was alone at the house without Lincoln or anyone... Odd feeling indeed. I was able to brush my teeth without almost swallowing the toothpaste & take a shower without feeling guilty for taking forever while someone else was carrying him, and hoping he was not hungry! Monday-Wednesday my mom came to our house to watch him. He has been doing great with her, taking about 4-6 pumped 3 ounce bottles per 8am-530pm day.

And, I've been pumping 12 ounces (4 bottles) consistently at work so its great considering I was going to throw the pump out the window when I first started to pump. (I'll tell you the story later about my nervous breakdown with the electric pump) 12 ounces is great since I have enough stored to make up the difference. (DISCLAIMER: as of 4.19.12 pumping has changed for me, will update you on next post, too sad to discuss now and ruin this post) And, the best thing is that I drip about 3 ounces during my feedings once I get home, so I have been saving those as well. I wish someone would have told me this was something I should do, because I would have had a much bigger stash of milk. But, beggers can't be choosers. I will take what I can get! And, trust me EVERY drop counts! We call it liquid gold. Grandma tells Lincoln every time she feeds him, "get ready for liquid gold.." (well she actually sings it to him...) So the kid is probably going to grow up thinking he was really drinking gold! BTW, whomever made up the phrase "no use crying over spilled milk" wrong...  If this milk spills, I WILL cry! (please pray that my pumping remains consistent with his feedings!(and that we overcome my current issue))
But, honestly I think the nursing has been the hardest part, especially in the beginning. I was the one that had to be up for his feedings and growth spurts. I really wish someone would have told me about those.. literally feeding every hour for about 12 hours straight.. and not from a bottle straight from my boobs! Ouch.. but now that I know I am mentally prepared!  But now that I am able to pump, I feel a big relief. Don't get me wrong, I love the bonding, I love how he coos and does little squirms at the boob, they are hilarious. He latches and his faces are so cute, its as if he's thinking "this is my food source and no one, I mean no one better mess with them." Its so super adorable!  I think daddy gets jealous..
Enough about me and my milk filled boobs.. Oh wait one more thing.. Lincoln found daddys' nipple, its kind of hilarious to watch him when he's about to start a feed and Chris is holding him.. he has this crazy head bop and his mouth is wide open.. I really need to get it on videocamera.

Easter Sunday, finally I get to be held by Grandma...look at his little hand!
And now, for the phrase, I never thought i'd be able to live the day to say.. ta dah--- He's been doing awesome at nights!  Since the arrival of Chris' parents & Tia Jane (March 31st) he's started a night sleeping trend, he will sleep 3-5.5 hours starting anywhere from 815pm-11pm, and then wake up again between 2am-3am and sleep until 530am-630am, which works excellent for our work schedules!
Still not sleeping 8 hours, but according to books that I've read, "through the night" for a newborn generally means 5-5.5hours, which he is doing. I still want to cry when I hear babies younger than him are sleeping 8 hours. I mean hello, don't  they need go potty and need a diaper change at least if they are not hungry? But I guess some people are not as concerned with changing them quickly as I am. And, perhaps I will get over that too.. i just feel so bad when his little bottom is red, and I blame myself! (note, ANOTHER growth spurt took place after I wrote this, JINX!) Boy was it a tough one, but atleast it was on the weekend, and its over now)

The family on Easter Sunday, 4-5-2012 (Lincolns first easter)
Lincoln also did excellent on Easter Sunday (04.15.12). He slept all through church, ate when we got home and was ready for his day at Grandmas' with all his friends! Though our journey to grandmas' took longer because we had to stop at Walgreens to pick up sodas and bread, and mommy almost fought with the ladies in line in front of her. A lady had coke zeros' and they wouldnt scan, and the cashier made everyone wait until the manager came to key in a certain key stroke, so the line didn't go quickly. I was so upset that I left the line and went to another. BUt again I picked the wrong line. I got over it, but I was angry. Its funny how every precious moment seems so much more valuable once you have a little one!   We made it to grandmas and it felt like people needed to take numbers to hold him. It was great, he loved every minute of it, and did not cry while being held in different hands. And, of course Mommy and Daddy loved it as we were able to breathe just a bit.. ! I couldn't even finish a full feeding because after one boob, someone wanted to hold him, he would last about an hour then get hungry again. So, there I was feeding him every hour, but it worked out well so that everyone held him when he was content!

More to follow, decided to post, before none of this makes sense anymore. Lincoln loves you all, please keep us in your prayers that I figure out my current issue.. UGH, I'm seriously having a case of WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAPPEN TO ME!!! I mean this is a VERY RARE issue and of course, yours truly is on the list.. But, like Grandma Helen says, God does not give you anything you can't handle, and Breastfeeding is something that I put my whole heart into, so I'm not going to let this get in the way of it. (details to follow, too much to write and its not my favorite subject right now)

Next Post: Cathy's issue discussed and LINCOLNS first FIESTA!!