Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bunnies and Mommy fights at Walgreens...

4.12.12. - Lincoln will be 8 weeks tomorrow (Friday, the 13th) and 2 months this coming Tuesday. (He is two months now!! Wow, and 9 weeks tomorrow, 4.20.12)
6 weeks
Lincoln had his 4th baby shower on March 31st, hosted by my boss and his wife and their house in the Hill Country of Helotes, Texas. We were showered with great gifts and friends, and this time Lincoln was here to enjoy all the goodies. He was so great. He needed to be feed about twice but that was expected. We are so grateful!

I've managed to survive my first week of half days at work (April 9th-13th). The in laws and Aunt Jane were here to take care of Lincoln, April 9th-12th and gave Grandma Helen a break since she would start watching him full time April 16th-20th.  He also started to smile, pretty much as soon as his Grandparents from Indiana arrived.. 04-07-2012 (Chris says he was smiling a little before). He was smiling in his sleep before then, but more noticeable awake smiles came at that time.

Today was the first day Chris took Lincoln to grandmas in the morning (Thursday 4.12.12). He made it OK and he is content and happy to be at grandmas.  It was weird for me, it was the first time since his birth that I was alone at the house without Lincoln or anyone... Odd feeling indeed. I was able to brush my teeth without almost swallowing the toothpaste & take a shower without feeling guilty for taking forever while someone else was carrying him, and hoping he was not hungry! Monday-Wednesday my mom came to our house to watch him. He has been doing great with her, taking about 4-6 pumped 3 ounce bottles per 8am-530pm day.

And, I've been pumping 12 ounces (4 bottles) consistently at work so its great considering I was going to throw the pump out the window when I first started to pump. (I'll tell you the story later about my nervous breakdown with the electric pump) 12 ounces is great since I have enough stored to make up the difference. (DISCLAIMER: as of 4.19.12 pumping has changed for me, will update you on next post, too sad to discuss now and ruin this post) And, the best thing is that I drip about 3 ounces during my feedings once I get home, so I have been saving those as well. I wish someone would have told me this was something I should do, because I would have had a much bigger stash of milk. But, beggers can't be choosers. I will take what I can get! And, trust me EVERY drop counts! We call it liquid gold. Grandma tells Lincoln every time she feeds him, "get ready for liquid gold.." (well she actually sings it to him...) So the kid is probably going to grow up thinking he was really drinking gold! BTW, whomever made up the phrase "no use crying over spilled milk" wrong...  If this milk spills, I WILL cry! (please pray that my pumping remains consistent with his feedings!(and that we overcome my current issue))
But, honestly I think the nursing has been the hardest part, especially in the beginning. I was the one that had to be up for his feedings and growth spurts. I really wish someone would have told me about those.. literally feeding every hour for about 12 hours straight.. and not from a bottle straight from my boobs! Ouch.. but now that I know I am mentally prepared!  But now that I am able to pump, I feel a big relief. Don't get me wrong, I love the bonding, I love how he coos and does little squirms at the boob, they are hilarious. He latches and his faces are so cute, its as if he's thinking "this is my food source and no one, I mean no one better mess with them." Its so super adorable!  I think daddy gets jealous..
Enough about me and my milk filled boobs.. Oh wait one more thing.. Lincoln found daddys' nipple, its kind of hilarious to watch him when he's about to start a feed and Chris is holding him.. he has this crazy head bop and his mouth is wide open.. I really need to get it on videocamera.

Easter Sunday, finally I get to be held by Grandma...look at his little hand!
And now, for the phrase, I never thought i'd be able to live the day to say.. ta dah--- He's been doing awesome at nights!  Since the arrival of Chris' parents & Tia Jane (March 31st) he's started a night sleeping trend, he will sleep 3-5.5 hours starting anywhere from 815pm-11pm, and then wake up again between 2am-3am and sleep until 530am-630am, which works excellent for our work schedules!
Still not sleeping 8 hours, but according to books that I've read, "through the night" for a newborn generally means 5-5.5hours, which he is doing. I still want to cry when I hear babies younger than him are sleeping 8 hours. I mean hello, don't  they need go potty and need a diaper change at least if they are not hungry? But I guess some people are not as concerned with changing them quickly as I am. And, perhaps I will get over that too.. i just feel so bad when his little bottom is red, and I blame myself! (note, ANOTHER growth spurt took place after I wrote this, JINX!) Boy was it a tough one, but atleast it was on the weekend, and its over now)

The family on Easter Sunday, 4-5-2012 (Lincolns first easter)
Lincoln also did excellent on Easter Sunday (04.15.12). He slept all through church, ate when we got home and was ready for his day at Grandmas' with all his friends! Though our journey to grandmas' took longer because we had to stop at Walgreens to pick up sodas and bread, and mommy almost fought with the ladies in line in front of her. A lady had coke zeros' and they wouldnt scan, and the cashier made everyone wait until the manager came to key in a certain key stroke, so the line didn't go quickly. I was so upset that I left the line and went to another. BUt again I picked the wrong line. I got over it, but I was angry. Its funny how every precious moment seems so much more valuable once you have a little one!   We made it to grandmas and it felt like people needed to take numbers to hold him. It was great, he loved every minute of it, and did not cry while being held in different hands. And, of course Mommy and Daddy loved it as we were able to breathe just a bit.. ! I couldn't even finish a full feeding because after one boob, someone wanted to hold him, he would last about an hour then get hungry again. So, there I was feeding him every hour, but it worked out well so that everyone held him when he was content!

More to follow, decided to post, before none of this makes sense anymore. Lincoln loves you all, please keep us in your prayers that I figure out my current issue.. UGH, I'm seriously having a case of WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAPPEN TO ME!!! I mean this is a VERY RARE issue and of course, yours truly is on the list.. But, like Grandma Helen says, God does not give you anything you can't handle, and Breastfeeding is something that I put my whole heart into, so I'm not going to let this get in the way of it. (details to follow, too much to write and its not my favorite subject right now)

Next Post: Cathy's issue discussed and LINCOLNS first FIESTA!!

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