Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bottle up! 26.2 miles at last: mommy conquered her first marathon

I conquered motherhoods' first 26.2 and then some!

Miles 18-26.2

The truth is it does in fact get better: not the best yet, but better.

5 weeks- Today (3-24-12) I learned a good lesson: stop worrying about learning parenting from what you read or hear, develop your own pattern and learn from your own experiences. If you keep trying to grow through the advice of others- you will never find your own path. Do not get me wrong, the advice I've read and learned from others is great, but it does complicate things. I've always been a person to set an example for others to follow and I'm not sure how I let parenting get in the way of that. Perhaps because I had zero practice, and thought I needed to be the poster mom for "what to expect as a parent"... Let's face it I'm used to being the poster child for everything else in my immediate family; I'm the runner, I'm the one who went thousands of miles away for college and conquered; I'm the one married through the church; I'm the one who always listened to my parents :), etc.

I am a poster mom, no matter what anyone says!
So why can't I be the poster mom? Well the truth is  I can- but in my own way. Not neccessarily like the SUPER moms whose kids slept 8 hours after month one; the moms who were able to be up and running errands with their newborn as of three days old; the mom who can pump 5 ounces out of each of her boobs without even trying; the mom who can hold their crying baby and in less than 30 seconds they are soothed, back in their crib and asleep!!!! The trick is to "trust my instinct"...  I think this is the best advice ever for new mothers especially.

all bundled up March 10, 2012, 3 weeks 1 day
Because frankly, when we hear the famous words, "it gets better" it only makes us more deliroius as we anxiously await this "holy day" of it "getting better"! I finally stopped waiting and instead am taking each day at a time and trusting my own instinct. After all, I am his mother- the one who carried him for 39 weeks- so I should know best, right?

Trusting your instinct also comes into play in the marathon world, as you are the one that knows your body and how much running you can handle! If you need to stop, you stop. If you need water, you get water. If you need a stretch you stretch.

Lincoln after he was put to sleep "the Cathy way"
So it relates to the mommy world too, if baby cries and I can't figure it out, I put him down for a while and access the situation. If baby keeps crying and I know he doesn't have a case of the six signs: (hungry, dirty diaper, needs swaddled, too hot, too cold, sleepy) .. I then start crazy dancing with him; he has five favorite songs. (No Te Veo, The Time, My Humps, She's like Texas, and The Lazy Song)  If this doesn't quiet him, I change his clothes, brush his hair and sing to him very loudly. By this time, he is so traumatized at how crazy I am that he usually gets calm. Perhaps because he is in complete shock. Whatever the case, he's officially soothed! This is a big accomplishment; soothing my child "the Cathy way"!  And, moms all around the world have their own ways too..

For most I'm sure its much easier but oh well...I am the mom who discovered that retail therapy does work. I am the mom who found the equation to get diapers for less than 4 cents each (cvs and Ask me about my algebra math tricks that got me the deal and I will be happy to share. 

I am however, still searching for getting the of so magical, getting to sleep quick potion (for myself that is).  I had a case of the "how come noone ever told me blues" this made me sad:
How come no one every told me:
  1. Bowel movements after C section are never the same
  2. Back aches from "hell" literally
     "milk drunk" state of mind a breastfeed baby gets in after they are fed!
  4. And, CLUSTER FEEDS- Lincoln had his first (after I realized what it was it was probably his 2nd or third) cluster feed also known as growth spurt on Sunday, March 11th. (3 weeks, 2 days young) He literally was on the boob every hour for 24 hours! I was freaked out, I thought my milk wasn't getting to him, but later after speaking with a lactation consultant I found out that "growth spurts/ cluster feeds" are normal. And they happen at at least four times by the time he is two months. Luckily its over now and I know what to expect. But I really wish i knew these existed. Talk about sore boobs!
  5. I wish I knew that breasfeeding the first baby is the hardest and it is OK to pump and give daddy bottles for at least one night in the beginning so mommy can rest. But noooo there I was solely breastfeeding all the way through even through turmoil, a big huge cut on my tummy and MAJOR sleep deprivation. If you had a csection and its your first baby, and your nursing, bottle up, I didn't but I will next time if neccessary..
  6. (more to follow) there is so much I wish I would have known!
3-12-12- (3 weeks, 3 days) First trip to grandmas

First outing on Friday night at Don Pedros with grandma! 3-16-2012, 4 weeks!

3-16-2012 4 weeks- I made it to the finish and decided to celebrate with our first Friday night outing. I would have much rather went home to sleep but I decided against. We went to Don Pedros with the family. Lincoln behaved wonderfully, he soaked in the loud sounds of the Mariachis, enjoyed the smells of homemade Mexican food, and did not get scared when the" Queso Flameado" arrived at the table. He was bright eyed and bushy tailed starring at all the southside action taking place around him!
Latest appointment, Friday March 23rd, I weighed 156lbs, apparently only lost two pounds in two weeks but I know I definetely have lost inches around my waist since I can now fit into to my fat pre preggo clothes. But, hey atleast I can forego the waistbands!

Advice to the advice givers: Its better not to hear "it gets better" because then you want it to happen quickly (especially if you have an ounce of overachiever blood) and I have many ounces of it... Its best to say, "I will pray for you and can't wait to hear how it goes." Because lord knows this girl needed the prayers. I would not have made it this far without the prayers and guidance of my friends and family; but again I must give major kudos to my mom and Chris! They are the bestest ever.

(note, this blog was actually started and completed about two or more weeks ago, so the next one should, and i say should be coming soon)

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