Saturday, July 23, 2011

Extreme Peeing

This peeing business is getting extreme. I was excited because for once I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night and pee. But then I realized that it was likely because I was awake by 520am to make our 6am run group. I just peed twice in less than ten minutes..Yes, Really!
I've done four ten milers since I found out I was PG- but this was the first one where I used the heart monitor with the dang beep alert set for when my heart rate reaches 140. It was tough not to push myself, but its totally worth it! I was proud of myself- 10.05 miles in 12 minute flat pace. Running without pushing yourself is actually kind of fun, I just am so used to pushing myself to finish- that its a bit difficult.  I realize that run group is getting suspicious in my declining pace so I told two people today and will likely  tell our coach this week. I could feel someone staring at me and sensing my holding back in running so I told her why.  She then told me  she had to stop running last season due to PG but then she later miscarried.. I was speechless and all the words I could find to say were "its still early for me too" who says that!! Then she passed me... I saw her at the end of the run and she apologized for not saying congratulations and explained to me that she had a "history."

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