Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Noticed a small pooch

Went to run group this afternoon and did hill training. It was a total of about 2 miles so no stress. Its tough running hills with my heart rate monitor beeping every five seconds, but I made it through.  I told my immediate run group today! Our entire run group is about 100+ but our immediate group that we train with during the week is about 10-15 ppl.  
Coach Mary said she sensed it because she was noticing a small pooch and she knew I did not have it before! (of course she said it jokingly)  The group was excited, now I can run in peace at my new pace, and not feel like they are staring.. My pace was probably an even 10 minutes or less pre having to watch my 140 heart rate. I feel like I can still do that pace, but in this heat, I am definitely not going to try it.
I was the last one to finish the hills, it was cute- the group cheered for me as I finished. I was exempt from the ab and agility exercises. Do not think my baby would enjoy all the bouncing and clinching of my tummy.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Jean Skinny Capris

Today I purchased my first pair of maternity clothing- jean skinny capris, size medium from Ross- $4.99. I tried them on and was surprised at how comfortable they were. I think it will be a little bit until I wear them but if I have one of those days that none of my regular clothes fit me, I now have something to turn to!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Extreme Peeing

This peeing business is getting extreme. I was excited because for once I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night and pee. But then I realized that it was likely because I was awake by 520am to make our 6am run group. I just peed twice in less than ten minutes..Yes, Really!
I've done four ten milers since I found out I was PG- but this was the first one where I used the heart monitor with the dang beep alert set for when my heart rate reaches 140. It was tough not to push myself, but its totally worth it! I was proud of myself- 10.05 miles in 12 minute flat pace. Running without pushing yourself is actually kind of fun, I just am so used to pushing myself to finish- that its a bit difficult.  I realize that run group is getting suspicious in my declining pace so I told two people today and will likely  tell our coach this week. I could feel someone staring at me and sensing my holding back in running so I told her why.  She then told me  she had to stop running last season due to PG but then she later miscarried.. I was speechless and all the words I could find to say were "its still early for me too" who says that!! Then she passed me... I saw her at the end of the run and she apologized for not saying congratulations and explained to me that she had a "history."

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I think I had my first real weird food craving. I was determined that I wanted pizza! Mind you it was already 930pm! Then the pizza drive was going to be difficult so I settled for three bean and cheese tacos from TC's. Please tell me this faze stops soon!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

8 weeks and still playing flip cup

My Big 30th bday bash was yesterday. Chris and I made the decision to tell everyone who attended the party. I figured it would be pretty obvious, if me "little miss life of the party" was not drinking on her 30th birthday!  And, rather than lie to some of our closest friends and family members,this was the time to tell them. Besides the fact that my family totally did not understand the concept of keeping it a secret until I was at least twelve weeks. Oh well..

All were very excited and had no idea! My best buds Anna and Flora literally jumped up and down for what felt like two full minutes. It was cute.
My mother went around the room trying to capture the "telling" moment as we approached each different group. Very mom-like, indeed.

The evening was filled with plenty of dancing followed by a ten mile run at 6am this morning! It was awesome- Cindy, my bff from Chicago flew in for the bday festivities, so we were able to run together. We did great, considering Cindy was not used to this crazed weather. Under 12 minute pace for 9.89 miles. And, a very hilly route!

Now we are off to Port Aransas to meet up with Eli, Evette, David, Erika, Pepper and Jen.  The continuation of a well planned 30th birthday weekend. And, yes I am still playing flip cup, but of course not with beer.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A mother knows

My mother and Aunt Mary Alice were the very first to find out, but only by accident!
We went on a mini vacay to Coushatta, LA. Upon arrival to our hotel, they gave us a smoking room. There was no way in heck I was putting myself and my child through the misery of sleeping in the room, plus Mary Alice has asthma.
I tell my mother, "tell them I'm pregnant.!" My mom immediately loved the idea, but it didn't seem to be working. The front desk told her they did not have non smoking available. I immediately began to look for other hotel options in the area, but most were sold out of non-smoking rooms. 
I plopped down to sit on the floor of the hall way to access my next plan of action for hotel rooms. My mom then decided she was going above the front desk, she had enough! She approached the desk again and said she needed to speak to a manager, because "my daughter is pregnant and my sister has asthma" and hotels in the area are sold out! They explained the manager was not there, but that they were able to find  us a nonsmoking room. Funny, how a little perseverance works every time. My mom comes to me in the hallway flashes me the room keys, and whispers "stick your stomach out, stop standing up straight". I chuckle to myself.
We arrive in the room, and I say, "Mom, you didn't have to lie to the front desk about me being pregnant." She responds, "Its' OK Cathy, don't feel bad we have our room now and its fine." I repeated the same line to her... and my Aunt yells, "Helen, she's telling you she's pregnant!" My mom looks at me and immediately starts screaming at the top of her lungs, "She's pregnant, she's pregnant, she's pregnant, thank you Jesus..."
Mary Alice gives her a pillow to yell into because she is so loud. Unforgettable moment for sure!
My mom said she had a sense that she wasn't lying- so its true, "a mother knows."

Friday, July 8, 2011


I am in flight headed to Chi for our annual Summer trip. Eli is coming and I will be seeing some of my closest friends.  This is going to be a difficult trip considering a Cubs game in the bleachers and a bday dinner are involved.  I don't mind not drinking, its just the secret part that will be difficult.  But it will get even more difficult considering I am in the middle of the Big 30 birthday month.  The birthday bash is in two weeks followed by a beach party weekend with my closest friends.. And, I won't be far enough along to tell the entire group.  My current plan is to tell my brother plus one other person that will be at the house...only because I will need help hiding the secret for a weekend that I titled "college spring break style"!