Saturday, June 22, 2013

A letter to my baby

Dear Lincoln,
I know I should have wrote this letter earlier, like on your first birthday. But, I just postponed, but now I'm writing at the perfect time. Pre- summer vacations and Post-Fiesta.

L, I try to remember to thank God everyday for blessing me with you. This last year had been filled with plenty of challenges, and only after the 6th month did I feel like I could breathe a bit.

L, I do remember when you were born, but I can't quite pin point or remember you being 7.7 lbs tiny or how it felt to hold you in my arms for the first time. And, I've learned that I'm not alone. Other mothers just can't remember either. But, I am very grateful that I wrote little details in my blog of my feelings and emotions in your early days and weeks. And, lord knows I have plenty of pictures.
I do remember that at about 11 days, you feel asleep in my arms through me dancing with you to blaring Zumba music. And, that I used to be able to carry you in one arm.

I remember small segments about the day you were born, like you were very soft and cuddly, like you latched on quickly, and that you had hair!  I remember the first time I held you that your Grandma was by my side because she was scared I was gonna drop you. But, honestly it felt like the most natural thing ever. It was so easy to hold you!

I remember being scared to change your diaper because you would scream. Little did I know that as you grew older you would not only scream, but you would turn, throw your hands up and down, and kick! I will now cherish the "screams only" era of diaper changes when the next one comes along.

L, I now come back to this letter on June 22, 2013, over two months after I started it. But, today I will finish it. Well, at least this letter.

I feel like a horrible mother, because I feel like I missed so many things that you have done. For example, I was trying to remember when we gave you your first "table" food. I know that we gave you your rice cereal at 3 months and 3 weeks, and that by 6 months you were eating three meals a day of baby food servings. But, I can't remember when we started to feed you bean and cheese tacos, etc. But, now, you eat pretty much everything. You are a big fan of beef tacos from Oblate Café, you enjoy pizza, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes. And, most of all Sweet Potatoes (made by Grandma).

We did find out a few months back that you are allergic to eggs. We were at Jim's eating Pancakes and Eggs, and you broke out in a rash almost immediately after the eggs. We also found out that you are allergic to dogs, but only when they make direct contact with you through licking.

You also are already a frequent summer flyer. Already this summer you flew to San Antonio to Orlando- Ft. Lauderdale to Atlanta to San Antonio (5-2013) and San Antonio to Ft. Wayne and Back.

The trip to Orlando/ Ft. Lauderdale was a blast, you loved the beach, the resort style pool, and of course, we already know you love staying at hotels. You stayed at a fancy resort in Orlando, because Mommy was attending her work conference. And, you stayed at the W-Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, because had to give mommy a deal because the other place we were going to stay at was under construction. You also got to pet a real life alligator, and rode on your very first boat, The Jungle Queen. It was basically a tourist ride through the Ft. Lauderdale canals where we got to see all the richy rich house.

You had a blast in Ft. Wayne Indiana (6-2013) with all your cousins and you were able to spend time with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Mark and Aunt Jane- and all your cousins. We also got to meet the newest Herrberg cousin, Louise.

L, I wish I could write more about every little detail of your life, but I've found that its just not possible. I hope that you will treasure this letter and my "journaling" when your older, because I am trying to hard to keep track of things. I love you more and more each day, your smile, your talking, your shouting, your climbing and all of your facial expressions. I especially love that people see, "You look all like your daddy, but your personality is exactly like your mommys!" 

And, at this very moment, Dad is in your bedroom, trying to rock you to sleep. You nursed with Momma for over two hours straight so I needed a break!!!

But, I still love you! I can't help but still stare down at your little adorable self while you nurse. I know these days will not last much longer. I love you with all my heart and soul.

Love you, Momma

A short glimpse of April

April 7 2013- What a fantastic Sunday! Lincoln "slept in" for the first time in his life! He went to bed late, around 11:30pm, then woke up again at about midnight due to his cough that he's had since Tuesday. But, still staying up late has never phased him, he still wakes up before 8:30am like clock work.
We were so off schedule we went to noon mass. So, I am still suffering many learning curves as a new mom! Like today, he started to walk, well jog down the main aisle at church, and I didn't know how far I should let him go.  The people in their chairs didn't help either, they were waving and talking to him. So, I let him go half way down and then I scooped him up and brought him back to our area. He wasn't really being bad, he was just being a I guess I will just follow my instinct like I do with everything else.
We also took him to Siclovia, an event that closes down a main street downtown and has tons of activities. He rocked it...he was playing and playing and walking and walking in the kids zone. And, he made his grand entrance...of course like he owned the place. This kid is going to be quite friendly for sure!
Yesterday was Baby Judes baptism! Lincoln did great. After, we went to lunch and then spent like 6 hours at the mall with Grandma.  And, he nursed in the AM around 830am, and then not again until like 2pm!! Another, first for him! But, then after 2pm he made up for it and nursed about 5 times. But it was fine he nursed at all the right times


Baby Boy is One and we have a walker!!!

He woke up at 5:30am on his birthday, ate and laid with mamma until about 8:30am.  He also peed on me.

I'm so glad I remembered to buy the pinata on Wednesday. I was able to find one on with two day shipping and it was way better than the ones in the party aisle at Walmart, and cheaper too. But, now I will try to create an event checklist geared towards bday parties, so next year I can buy the pinata ahead of time.  I had researched them but just forgot to buy it.
Some notes to self to note for Lincoln's next birthday:
*Momma's don't eat until 10 hours after the start of party so don't run 3 miles in the morning without eating breakfast and only eat cereal after. Poor planning on my part, I should have went to Jim's to eat pancakes with Lincoln like I wanted to instead of running.

* Plan to be super super early, I did plan to be early, but our run took longer than I paid for it with feeling way stressed before the party because I didn't have time to organize myself while unloading, hence not being able to find certain things that I know I took. Oh well, the party still went just fine!
* A year ago today I was carrying my boy in my tummy, and now he's here smiling at me. Very surreal. He keeps me on my toes with his constant need for nursing, even as an older baby.  But I've learned to accept the cuddles, coos, and big huge smiles I get from him when he's done with his milk.  Many women stop at a year, and trust me I would if I could, but I cant., and I won't.  When I started nursing I couldn't wait for it to end, but now, its different.   I've learned that I need to treasure the gift of the ability to make it to a full year of nursing that God gave to me. Some women have to exclusively pump, some can't due to health issues, etc. But, I was able to have my little boy latch immediately. 

Lincoln's First Birthday Party was a huge success, we had about 75 or more people in attendance and about 18 children. We played games, ate junk food, cake, and opened gifts. Lincoln's Grandma Nanny Helen taught him how to blow out the birthday candles, but he was a tad overwhelmed to do so when it came time. But, it was fine, his look of surprise/shock was priceless. It was so great to see all my family and friends singing happy birthday to my son! It gave be such a proud feeling knowing that I have so much support and love for my little boy!

The worst thing that happened at the party as the chili for the hot dogs was late, but that was it, and many didn't even notice.
His party was at B and N party house, basically a bar with a party room connected to it. Many may frown upon having a kids party at a bar, but those that did hopefully eliminated themselves from attending the party if they had their own opinion.
Lincoln received a lot of clothes, his first motorized car, a fire engine car, and a two seater wagon from his grandma and grandpa.

I ended up hiring a photographer, and I'm so glad that I did, we were able to capture over 200 excellent photos.

I am finishing this blog on 6.22.13, over four months from his party date, so I don't remember too much, but hey at least I'm finishing this!

Some other moments in "OneVille"

03-01-13 Lincoln had slight fever more upper left teeth coming in (as of 6/22/13, he has four teeth on top and four teeth on bottom)
03- 02 -13 Daddy worked today due to tax season, so Lincoln and I met Cousin Lyla, Grandma and Grandpa at Jim's. Then, I took them over to The Pearl Farmer's Market for the first time. It was a great day. So, Lincoln does this side jerk dance move, that is hilarious.

03-02-13- Lincoln ran his first official 5k race today. It was the UTSA diploma dash. Chris ran with Lincoln because he's awesome. I finished in 30:22, which was pretty great considering I didn't do much running since November.  It was a really cold morning, there were lots of strollers, and Lincoln loved watching everyone.

03-03-13 -  We took Lincoln on his first park outing to the park at Landa Library. I love this park. I'm not sure why we didn't take him here earlier. He got asked on play date! It was an interesting day at the park, there were plenty of parents that were stuck in 80s and lots of scenes from movies.  We went to Mama Margie's for dinner after and Chris fed Lincoln hot sauce, he didn't quite like it at this time.

03-04-13 We took him to my work bowling outing and he was dancing to tootsie roll. This boy just loves his dancing. Also, another new thing is he copies his dad's heavy breathing/ deep breaths. Its quite hilarious.

3-10-13 that moment when your husband gives your son his first tortilla chip (was today)

3-12-13  We took Lincoln to "The Cove" for the first time with Erika, Pepper and Emme. He held my hand the entire time we were sitting in the playground then he got brave the second time around and was standing on his own. He was throwing the mulch in and out of the sand box and was as happy as can be.

3-13-13 WE HAVE A WALKER!!!!!! He went full fledge walking with grandma today and did a lot of steps with us. But more steps with grandma. We took him to Schlotzkys and the Landa Library Park again, yes, park two days in a row he may get used to this.  Oh, he ate dirt for the first time today. He over dramatized a fall and fell to his face, it was so sad to see, but he recovered nicely. (oh, and I'm still nursing)

3-17-13- Mommy and Daddy had a date night for St. Patrick's Day while Erika and Pepper watched Lincoln. He had an absolute blast playing with Emme. When we got to the house to pick him up, he was on Erika's lap all comfortable practically asleep.  Very cute!

3-23-13 I have been sick since 3/17.  Right now I am laying in bed waitng for lincolns last feeding and I can overhear Chris reading to him a book that has english and spanish...priceless! Chris is reading away and Lincoln is doing his baby talk right along with him. I went to the doctor yesterday and am on antibiotics and cough medicine.I tried to hold out but I was getting worse.