Saturday, June 25, 2011

Full Marathon, not anymore..

We started training for our first full marathon in early June. I will see how I progress to see if I can even do a half- I'm pretty sure the full will be out of the question. We had run group this AM-  I ran nine miles at just under 10 minute pace. I was satisfied esp. considering the South Texas humidity.
I was also the DD  for Sheryl's party. Which is a change for me- but I kind of love it!
We decided to keep the pg thing a secret until I am further along. So it was a little difficult being around very close friends and keeping my mouth shut. But I know its for my own good should complications occur. I had fun "pretending" to make myself mix drinks so people would not become suspicious. My poor husband convinced himself to drink way too much because he didn't want our friends to notice that he wasn't drunk and question the need for me as the DD.

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