Saturday, December 9, 2017

Make today awesome don’t wait until tomorrow

Did you make it to the Girls on the Run Bexar County 5K this morning? I did!
Waking up this morning was hard. I’ve been sick all week, so I didn’t want to get out of bed early on a Saturday. But, anything for Girls on the Run Bexar County, right?!

I rolled out of bed put on my blue Heart and Sole shirt, my colorful tights and coffee in hand I made way to Comanche Park. Upon arrival, there it was, that adrenaline boost, that boost that only a race as special as the Girls on the Run 5K can bring! All the daughters with their moms, dads, coaches, guardians and mentors at their sides lining up for the start. The smiles, the laughter, the pure JOY is addicting.

I am the Marketing team lead for this wonderful organization. I chose to take on this volunteer role to get Project Management experience and I not only am getting that, but I fell, FELL deep in LOVE with the idea, the mission and the purpose of this organization.
You see, I have two boys, 3 and 5- no girls. But, a niece and some close younger cousins that I cannot wait until it is there turn to cross that Girls on the Run finish line! Like, I am literally counting the days.

I say this organization and race is amazing and if you are still wondering why, here’s more. Today at the race, a young girl showed up after the race had started, she was there to run a 5k, but the 5k had left without her. But, do not fret, our fearless leader, Executive Director, Minka Misangyi without hesitation, raced by her side.  She stayed by her side every moment of the race. The race may have started without her, but Minka made sure this young girl made it to the finish line. If this doesn’t get you, then I have more.  

A young girl was running out on the course today, she fell hard during the route was bleeding and bruised. They taped up her leg and asked her if she was done, she was not done, she wanted to finish. With a white bandage wrapped around her knee, a slight limp across the finish, and a fellow runner at her side, she finished the race. It didn’t matter the time, she made it!  The courage these young girls show every step of the way, makes me the most proud to be a part of Girls on the Run Bexar County.

Now, it’s your turn, come race with us in May or join the fun and volunteer with us! You will be GLAD you did! 

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