Monday, April 24, 2017

A thought becomes reality- FIESTA 2017

What is FIESTA? To those born and raised in a City that is not San Antonio, they may mistake it as an excuse to party. Don’t get me wrong: it is a time to party, meet up with friends, eat a lot and sometimes drink a lot. But, It’s more!  It’s about Family Traditions, and the true culture of San Antonio. 
Three weeks pre-FIESTA I shop Amazon, Goodwill, online stores and my own closet for my perfect FIESTA outfits- I mean it’s 10 days long, so I must prepare. 
There are those events my husband and I attended since he moved to San Antonio from Chicago, 11 years ago.  We are blessed that those events now turned to family outings with our 2 and 5 year old, boys. 

Attending the mini parade at the State School FIESTA stays close to my heart because my late grandma, Elisa attended every year. She sat in the shade under “her” tree, waved during the parade and had that smile I will never forget. Her spirit is still alive under that tree. To me that is the true meaning of “Viva FIESTA!” 

FIESTA is different for me this 2017. It started with a thought 2 years ago-  my son Wrigley was three months and I was struggling with marathon nursing sessions, pumping 4 times a day at work & sleepless nights. FIESTA Medals are another tradition and are created in support of local eateries, animals, not-for-profits, sports teams, etc., but there was one missing!  Not anymore! This year, that thought became reality, the “Breast Medal” made its debut this 2017! Because breastfeeding deserves a medal too!

Click Here to get your very own Breast Medal. It's great for FIESTA and even to gift to a nursing mother on mother's day!  Cost is $8.00 and $1.00 of each medal sold will go back to a local non-profit in support of breastfeeding, La Leche League of San Antonio.

I have many more thoughts, watch me move those thoughts to reality. 
Follow me on Facebook:  San Antonio Run Mom 

 #vivafiesta #breastmedal #fiestamedalmaniacs #normalizebreastfeeding

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