Saturday, January 16, 2016

Please join me for one whole minute a day

Yesterday at work our Human Resources department sent an email introducing a new fitness employee initiative, entitled "the fit minute". It is an initiative to be active for one whole minute everyday during the work day. The email included a link to a youtube video that showed examples of exercises to try for this one whole minute. So, me, being the fitness motivator that I am [insert sarcasm here] I gather up two coworkers, turn on the timer on my fit bit and begin doing squats. The minute felt like it was not ending, and then I realized I had paused my watch at 12 seconds. After probably about 25 squats or so, my legs felt sore! I became upset. What happened to me? I used to be the boot camp attending, squat, burpee etc etc. with no pain, no soreness person. I figured out what happened to this me, well, while running my second marathon I changed my exercise routine. I decided to incorporate higher mileage and sprint training this time around, because I felt that the boot camp did not improve my time for my first marathon. And, I frankly did not have the time after running 4 times a week to add an hour boot camp class plus travel to/from the class. Long story short, I dislike the fact that I was sore from 25 squats! So, yesterday marked the first day to my new challenge: pausing for a minute a day and doing squats. I would like to say that I will do 100 squats a day like I did today, but I am not sure if 100 will happen every day. So one minute is easier to think about. Check out this photo, this is me today, during my 100 squats. And, yes, I am not very low, but I WILL get better.
Who wants to join me in devoting 1 minute to fitness per day, it can be squats, jumping jacks, sit ups, or whatever your heart desires. Oh, and for me (and all you other runners) running does not count, I will still devote 1 minute on the days that I run to squats or an exercise that is not running related. Who's in? Its only one whole minute!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Car Line Anxiety

To those that have conquered car line for several years, to those that have yet to experience it, and to those who have only experienced it about 10 times- which is me, this is for you. My husband is the carline expert, but this week things have changed, I am now in charge of morning carline for Lincoln at his big boy school. I was in charge of dropping him off at his previous school, but there was NO CARLINE. Chris schedule from work has been altered, so my days of driving into work, anxiety free, have changed. When Chris picked up Lincoln from school yesterday, he asked him how the morning went, Lincoln's reply was, "Fine, but mommy doesn't know how to do carline!" Well, there is a lot to learn. For example, today. Lincoln had rolled down his window on the way to school. We arrive in "the circle" and he says "No, I can't leave yet, I want to roll up the window." And, since the carline police always stress, "Make sure all things are done before reaching carline": goodbyes, food, etc. and probably rolling up the window too. He gets out of the car and continues to stress his need to roll up the window. The teacher then says, "Okay, Lincoln, you can roll up the window while Mommy gets you your back pack." Thank you, sweet baby Jesus, I could just see it now, the breakdown in the middle of carline all because the line could not stop for 3 seconds to let my baby roll up the window. But, yes, I get it, there are other people waiting, but still. This is part of my anxiety with carline, you never know what will come up. Then, on Monday when I dropped him off, the "traffic man" was not there directing, so I was a little off. I tell Chris this, his response, "Its okay, he is not always there." Chris makes everything seem so easy! Do you have or did you have carline anxiety?