Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Should I be worried?

1/27/12 –
36 weeks
I walk by my packed hospital bags (my large vera bradley tote and Lincs' Vera Bradley Baby Bag) in my bedroom at least ten times each day and can't help but wonder when the day will come for him to be born. Will he be as scheduled on 2/17/12 or will my water break and contractions start to come earlier than planned. I really hope its’ as planned, since I am such a scheduler, but I am trying my best to be prepared for both.
I'm NOT ready to not be pregnant anymore- but I am ready to see my boy! In fact- I know I will miss being pregnant- it has been such an amazing learning experience for Chris and I. I will miss rubbing my belly and feeling Lincolns head, hands, feet, etc. sticking out!
However, we are both ready to take on the learning experience that many say will change our lives forever. Don't worry, we plan to remain the fun loving happy couple that we always have been. We will still take our vacations, try not to miss a family gathering, have our usual gatherings, but this time we will have someone extremely special to share all those moments with!  
 I greet Chris with a hug and a kiss when he gets home from work and can't help but think in less than two and a half weeks our usual greeting will change so much. He may no longer be coming home to a quiet house that smells like our oatmeal cookie scentastic plug in ;).It will be a much different smell and sound with a newborn in the house. 
 1/29/12 – 36 weeks three days
I had a reality check today and realized that I’ve never changed a newborns diaper, in fact I think I’ve only changed less than 10 diapers in my lifetime. Should I be worried?
And, then Chris wakes up on Saturday morning and says we only have two Saturday wake ups before our Saturdays’ change forever. Should I be worried?
My pregnancy dreams have been becoming more dramatic as the days goes on. Last night (1.30.11)  I dreamt that Freddy Krugger was going to steal me from bed and that Chris was going to be alone in the room with the basinet. And, I could hear my best friend Jen yelling the background. Freddy stole Cathy, he stole Cathy!. I always knew I hated Freddy Kruger!  Then I kept on hearing or thinking I was hearing crinkle noises in the bedroom and I felt like someone was in the room scratching on the walls. I hesitated to wake up Chris, because he already thinks I’m a little crazy. Lets’ hope my dreams stop being so vivid. I’m worried!

Me and Chris with the presents
Cucumber Game, on the left Tanya  & Anna
printed out and am about to send over 75 thank you cards as a result of our very successful third baby shower! Lincoln is really set now! Thank goodness for computers, I do not think my penmanship could have handled this many thank you cards! The shower was great fun. I enjoyed seeing all of my family in the same place. That doesn’t happen much- we had over 90 people in attendance and were set for 78 ppl. I managed to follow the doctors’ orders and stay seated as much as possible. I made the day of itinerary but left it in the hands of my family to handle. The games were actually a great success and proved fun to watch. There something crazy about watching girls pass a cucumber through their knees! We had some very coordinated and fit young ladies. I didn’t think the game would last long, but it did. It took about 15 minutes to get from 20 ladies to the top three!  Pin the rattle on the belly button was successful. We blew up a picture of myself with my bare belly and had guests place the rattle as close to my belly as possible! A fun game for sure!
Us with my parents - and the cake was awesome.. they ate it all!

Currently, Lincoln is enjoying curling up like a ball and placing his entire body on one side of my tummy  .. a lob sided tummy very funny to look at… I’m not worried, I kind of love it.

And, the greatest news of all, I was diagnosed as NORMAL (1/27/12) for fluid levels by my specialist. I am at 10.6, so from a low 1.8 at 32 weeks and 4 days to 10.6. She has cleared me from seeing her and given me her blessings. The last time I will see her is my last sonogram on 2/15/12.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers, they have worked so far. I made it from thinking I could deliver as early as 34 weeks to a scheduled 39 week delivery. I am indeed very grateful! I’m still on bedrest but that is the least of my worries.

My next post will be the two week count down, I probably won’t post it until the day before scheduled delivery or maybe even after, depending how soon..  I’ll try to write every day for the last 14 days of the pregnancy. Do you think he will come before 2/17/12? I’m not sure what I think.. Should I be worried?

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