Tuesday, January 24, 2012

...and he has a new Birthday & a Nursery waiting for him at home!

33 weeks 5 days 1.11.12 – My second appointment with the specialist was yesterday and it went well again. Fluids at 5.28, so a slight increase and I can’t complain. Saw Dr. G. on Monday, and she cleared me to work from home 4-6 hours a day. She also said at next appointment we would discuss baby birthdays (c-section) because she is pretty sure the baby will stay breech. However, she still said anything can happen!  I was pretty excited to be cleared to work some and to soon pick out a birthday. I mean it will be minimal work, answering emails, keeping my inbox clear (something I would never be able to do if I was actually in the office) and maintaining everyday paperwork for as long as I can. I also am working on a project to try and find a Communications intern to be a mini-me during the summer. Since, if all goes as planned, I will probably be working reduced hours at that time as well. Meanwhile, I am at home, watching my inbox, watching the price is right, and searching for the perfect take home outfit for Linc. I was going to use the gifts I’ve already received from my smaller showers, but then I thought what kind of a mother am I if I don’t buy him something new. But, seriously this task is harder than I imagined. My baby taste is more of a preppy/cheek and its’ hard to find just the right thing.. So, I may just end up going with something basic that I already have.
I did order a handful of outfits from both kohls.com and macys.com, so we shall see what I like if any at all.. If not, I can return.

Oh- and before I forget my lovely mother came over this week (Wednesday January 11th) and with my direction she completed the nursery! I am super relieved.  I am missing a few items for the finishing touches, but the basics are covered for sure. Hope you like it.

Third appointment with the specialist went well. Appointment was on Friday the 13th, and fluids were up once again, 6.23. Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, and blessings. They have been working. We will continue to pray!
Lets TRY to get our minds off the other items and move to some more FUN pregnancy stuff.  I failed to mention earlier in the blog, but I did develop the infamous “vertical line” on my tummy, its not too bad and seems to be getting lighter as I get closer to pregnancy. They say it all has to do with hormones, some women get it and some do not.. I think it developed somewhere around week 24 or so… On the plus side, my belly button has not popped out and doesn’t look like it will anytime soon. I am enjoying touching my tummy as the pregnancy draws closer and closer.  It really is quite odd to the touch. I mean never did I imagine I would actually be able to feel a head, a hand and a foot in my own stomach. Scary, but pleasant.

He moves constantly, sometimes his head is literally sticking out of my tummy and other times I can’t see or feel anything. At our last appointment his feet and hands were up over his face, so I think when he has them over his face is when I can feel the bulge and when he has them down, I don’t feel or see the bulge.  Chris says there is not a bulge on my tummy, but I think he’s just being nice.

My mother says, my stomach hasn’t “dropped”. I was like what does that mean is that something from the old times? She explained it to me, but I'm still not sure what it means. Currently, I’m at two fingers? I’m sure many of you already knew the “drop” story, but not me..
Yesterday (1.17.12) was the best specialist appointment yet. The fluids have increased to 8.1! Which is considered normal! Yay. Of course it is in the lower percentile right at 5%, but 5% for fluids is what they consider normal. Its not the same as growth percentile. And, today I experienced my first “real” pains in the tummy. They seemed very similar to Braxton Hicks contractions, because when I altered my laying position they would go away. But it hurt above the belly button, tummy got really hard, and then it felt like someone was punching me in the stomach and scratching at the same time (it kind of stung) but the punch lasted for at least a minute! And, I know this is only the beginning! But, happy to know my baby is active!  Doctor said these are normal and if they last longer than a minute more than five times in an hour then I should worry.
(1.18.12)( 34 weeks 5 days) is a great day! We received great news from my OB. She said she is going to take me to 39 weeks! Since the fluids have continued to increase, she feels confident that 39 weeks will be safe. So, 2-17-2012 is Lincolns’ birthday!! Unless of course, he comes earlier on his own. Super excited.  I cannot thank you all enough for all your support and prayers. Keep them coming!
(1.20.12) (35 weeks) Appointment with specialist this morning and all is still on the up & up. Fluids at 8.5, and I can now see specialist once a week instead of twice.

Today is Lincoln’s large baby shower thrown by Mom, Dad & brothers.  It will be a typical Rodriguez party, adult beverages, DJ music, fun games, and great food. But of course I will be seated as much as possible and follow doctors orders. Oh, and we are celebrating Chris’ 33rd birthday as well, which is on 1/22.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone. So I must sign off to go get ready for the gathering!   

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