Friday, November 11, 2011

Babies' R Us- Oh my!

Whoever thinks registering for baby stuff is fun! Not me, its’ not that I’m not excited to be scanning breast pumps, baby bottles, mini nail clippers & rectal thermometers-  Its just so much stuff, and then if the child doesn’t use it or hates it- your stuck with it. Its’ not like a wedding registry. If you register for a high dollar item like a blender or Calvin Klein china, you know you will use it- its’ just a matter of when and for how long.
But if the child hates the swing you buy him or doesn’t fit in it, if he can’t sleep well in a bassinet .vs. a crib .vs.  a Moses Basket .vs. a Boppy .vs. a  cradle, then whatever he doesn’t like you inherit forever. Or, you try to convince the returns staff at the store to take it back, which is just about as bad as dealing with a used car salesman.  I didn’t realize how many items available for a newborn to sleep in! Knowing my luck he will like to sleep on something very simple and I will not need any of the above.

And strollers- ohnmigod- who knew the selection. Jogger, Travel System, Lightweight, Umbrella, Snap & Go and on and on and! Yes, you’d think it would be easy to say I’ll take one of each. But, where the heck is someone going to find space to store (5) strollers, much less afford to pay for them!  I decided on a Jogger Travel System for those who are baby vocabulary impaired as I am. The travel system is the stroller that comes with the Infant Travel seat that attaches, so in the childs’ early months (the first 10 for a normal child) you never have to take the child out of the car seat, it simply attaches to the stroller. This baby vocab. was quite the challenge, I think I have the basics down, which is all I can handle right now.

This month has been filled with excitement or lack of. I sold my dear Sebring Convertible to CarMax, time for a big girl car. I was very close to sealing the deal at a Mazda Dealership, but the salesman chose to go back on his word more than three times, so he struck out and I walked out! I was so infuriated I wanted to hit him very hard, but I composed myself and said- I will take my business elsewhere, GOODBYE!

Then, I took the plunge and walked into Babys R Us for the first time in my entire life, spent three long hours scanning the perfect registry. Walked out very pleased, THEN I find out that all my items had been deleted and I would have to take the walk inside Babys R Us a second time. Don’t worry I will be getting a gift card and coupons for life (not really, but close)! But geeze… talk about frustrating. Good news is its done, both my Target and Babys R Us registries are complete!

This month has made me quite the trooper, strong enough to run 12 miles, walk out of a car dealership, handle walking into an intimidating store like Babys R Us, and most importantly mastering Baby gear vocab! Lincoln is going to be quite the educated fellow!

And- great news I signed up for the half marathon on Sunday, November 6th. Two days until race time and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

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