Wednesday, September 9, 2015

0.0 miles, worth it?

I am on Week 13 out of 18 of marathon training and today I logged 0.0 miles.
I ran 1.0 mile yesterday, yes a measly 1!
Am I mad at myself? Well, NO!
Yesterday was rough.
It was Lincoln's first day of soccer practice so I decided to meet the boys there.
I ran there, literally as fast as I could. Made it in 9 minutes and 4 seconds. Not bad for 94 degrees. I suppose to all the soccer moms I looked a tad odd, showing up drenched in sweat with my running water belt and Oakley sunnies, But I didn't care had to get a run in.

Soccer practice went well for L.  And,  then came the "after Lincoln's first practice EVER car event."

I carried the baby to the Jeep while Chris and Lincoln followed. As I was about to raise him into his car seat, there it went, the most amount of vomit I have seen in a long time. Wrigley was sick. And, I was drenched in a days worth of baby meals. But the worst part was watching my helpless 13 month old son look so beat down. 

We made it home and he nursed for comfort for three hours straight. All I wanted was to comfort him any way I could. He got sick again after his super long nursing session. This time it was all breast milk and yes, all over, yours truly, again. He was tired but didn't want to sleep just yet.

About an hour went by of more nursing, then he fell to sleep. I tried to get him to sleep in bed with me but he is used to his crib. I stayed in his room watching him sleep for 30 minutes, then I turned on the monitor and went to bed. 3 hours later, he woke up and stayed up from about 4am to 7am. And, yes, more nursing. My husband took over for 30 minutes from 5:45am to 6:15am. I was grateful for 30 minutes of straight sleep as I knew he was in good hands!

Now, for the moral of the story, little sleep, but I still chugged along an 8 hour work day and didn't miss a beat. But I did miss my 4 mile run today. 

My mother and husband decided it was best that I took a break since I was running on little energy. But, the fact is that I have trained for this marathon, 14 weeks, on very little energy. Wrigley still wakes up at night to nurse and he doesn't know the difference between waking up at 4am  when I have to be up at 530 am to run double digit miles. And, when I get home from my weekly runs, he's always ready for, yes, MORE of his momma's milk. My thoughts are, as exhausting as it sometimes can be, he's a baby and needs to drink his momma's milk and I am not going to deprive him just because I decided to train for my second marathon.

Honestly, today I was ready to run, but I listened to my mom and hubby.  Instead I  devoted my evening energy to grocery shopping at Whole Foods with the family. Chris shops, while I chase the children down the aisles. This week is customer appreciation week, 25 cents for a cup of coffee, this mom cannot pass up a caffeinated bargain.  In fact, I may return another day this week. Lincoln has become a professional Whole Foods shopper. During the chasing, he rammed his mini shop cart into the single serve cookies case, and I looked at him ready to speak. Before I could say a word, he said, "I know, those cookies are $5.00, they're expensive, I don't want one."
Enough said, a missed run WAS worth it. It was worth it to hear my son voice his opinion about $5.00 cookies. Its the little moments that we will remember for a lifetime. 

To all my friends that are wanting to complete an inner goal, but are overwhelmed. My advice is to try it with the motto in mind,  "family first!" Put yourself out there and go for YOUR goal whatever that may be.
For those that follow my San Antonio Run Mom Facebook page, you know that I post whether I run or not. Because every day is a victory whether it's taking a break to relax with family or doing a double digit run, you do what works for you to reach your goal!

Run on! Mom on! 5 weeks away from the Chicago Marathon! Thanks for reading. 

-San Antonio Run Mom 

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