Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Newborn and a Toddler

Hello Everyone,
I bet your thinking, oh, its baby # 2, Cathy isn’t writing her blog anymore. WRONG! I am writing I am just much slower to edit and publish. So, here goes 5 months later: the birth story, some firsts and some “day in the life of” moments. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned as I will continue to update as I can. Even it if is five months late, at least I am still writing. Love you all, and thanks to all for being part of my blog and our boys lives! 

Today (Well this was actually Saturday August 16th): 
I got peed on twice by my four week old; went to a swim birthday party for Bella; brushed my teeth for the first time at 2:30pm; ate breakfast while a four week old nibbled at my boob; nursed in the mothers room at Babies R Us, listened to my husband sing "Apples and Bananas" while my toddler danced in front of us both. And I was also able to squeeze in watching one episode of "Orange is the New Black".
And, this only accounts for about 20% of my day.
I bet many of you remember these days and some do not, but I must confess that I was quite a wreck during Lincoln's newborn days that I can't remember specific moments that I feel like I should be able to remember.....so this time I'm trying to remember as much as I can about both boys during this time that I will never ever get back.
Lincoln has shown nothing but love for his little brother, he says "I love you brother" what feels like every five minutes, and enjoys licking/ kissing him. And of course, he at times is not as gentle as we would like, but he's learning. He doesn't realize when he goes in for a kiss with his entire 30lb body it can really take a toll on his brother. I've become a professional at playing referee with Lincoln as he goes in for kisses while I'm trying to nurse at the same time. 

I am extremely grateful Lincoln is adapting well. I did learn however that Lincoln is not the biggest fan of sharing his grandma with Wrigley.....he has his moments, but he is definitely a grandma’s boy. When Lincoln met Wrigley for the first time, he was able to spend a good amount of time at the hospital with us which was nice, because I missed him so much! I had never spent a overnight without him so was a little (actually a lot) lost without my little fire cracker. So, my mom set up a reading corner for Lincoln in the hospital room.  I must detail the following moment: Grandma was reading to Lincoln. Wrigley starts to cry. Grandma tells Lincoln, I need to get your brother, he's crying. Lincoln says, "NO Ammah, Papa (aka Grandpa) get Wrigley, you stay here!"  And, so it begins. I think we forgot to mention to him that his Grandma would be shared too.


  Now on to nursing, Wrigley is not quite the marathon nurser as his brother was. His growth spurts seem to take up the daytime hours rather than the nighttime.  He latched like a champ at his first nursing session; he took about 4 minutes to get comfy at the boob, whereas Lincoln took 0 seconds to become comfortable, he was boob ready. But, Wrigley does take more time than usual...usually 15 minutes on each side on average, sometimes less and in the mornings triple that time. I just thank God that he's a strong nurser because breastfeeding is a gift that is very close to my heart that I have always been determined and dedicated to provide "lĂ­quid gold" to my children. (Update, [12.23.14] W is still nursing like a champ and Momma is also a mega producer with a lot of extra milk that I know need a deep freezer.  If you know of a sale or someone giving away a deep freezer, please let me know! I don’t want my liquid gold to go to waste. I would even consider donating some of my milk to a local mom in need, not thru a milk bank, as I currently do not have time to do the screenings required, but I am hoping to make time, as I have a lot of extra breastmilk).

And now for the birth story you've all been waiting for. I was scheduled for C-section at 8am on Friday July 18th.
  • On Friday July 18th despite our plans, I went into labor at my parents house at 2 am with full contractions!  
  • I was hesitant to leave to the hospital as I wasn't sure if I was being a wimp or if the contractions were real.(I didn't quite feel like I was dying as many people told me I would feel like.) 
  • At 2:30 am, we were greeted by my brother Mark arriving home from a night out. He was "left" at the bar, so his female friend graciously drove him home in the largest rain storm the City had seen in several years. 
  • The rain storm drove the power to go out which caused the alarm system to turn on, which in turn awoke my father. He trickled into the scene wearing his nighttime attire of only underwear, while Mark's female friend was moments away. I let Dad know I was in labor and Mark made a new friend. Father was not alarmed with the scene and was fast asleep. 
  • Mother awoke and entered the scene alarmed as can be. "Here", she said, "take these, your gonna need them".....As she covered me in a tiny raincoat, and handed me a pillow, she said it was for me to scream into during the contractions. She followed with a blanket to keep me warm and a stuffed animal to place at my back for padding. God bless her!
  • Meanwhile my brother wanted to document the scene so he started videotaping from his cell phone. 
  • Mark also wanted to carry me out the door, but instead he agreed to walk behind me as he held the umbrella over my head.
  • Yes, we drove to the hospital in the middle of the biggest summer rain storm! 
  • A 15 minute drive took us 40 minutes. 
  • In between yelling into the pillow as each contraction passed, I managed to tell Chris to take his time and drive safely. 
  • My nurse was like a drill sergeant, no sympathy whatsoever.
  • Was not able to take any drugs until I went to the operating table, so it was me and my contractions all natural! So, Wrigley can't say I didn't work hard for him! 
  • I was nervous as my birth plan was not a plan after all.
  • During contractions, I was apologizing to Chris for making him wake up early and him not getting a full nights rest. 
  • I was worried that my Mom would have to drive in the rain storm and wake up Lincoln earlier than scheduled. 
  • I apologized to the doctor for having to drive in the rain storm to come deliver me.
  • My OB did not deliver me, but someone in the practice did. 
  • Upon arrival to the hospital, I was asked to show my Drivers License to Security..Seriously !?!? 
  • Chris had to go back to the Jeep to get our ID's and I didn't see him until 40 minutes later, which seemed like an eternity. Mind you I was in full labor.
  • The power went out in the hospital due to the storm, so the AC was not working! I was sweating, my mouth was dry, and I was in complete pain!  Plus all the doctor and or assistants were sweating through their glasses. 
  • Wrigley was delivered at 5:44am! 
Post pardum has proven a tad less challenging this time around. Yes, we did spend his first week in and out of the peds.office and Methodist Children's Hospital/Kids Express because of low Bilriubin aka Jaundice and then his Circumcision on Day 7, but we made it all work. His Bili numbers rose and we were cleared thank God after day 8! 

I am the sole milk provider as you know, but this time I pumped as soon as I got home from the hospital, so I could have Chris or my mom give him a bottle when I was too tired. I am making more milk this time around, so should have plenty for my return to work on September 15th. (and I did!)
Preview of my first month as the mother of a toddler and newborn: 

12 days old, 9lbs; 2 weeks,5 days 10lbs; 7 weeks (according to our scale, its digital and he lays on it) 13 lbs; 3 months 29 days, 14lbs 7 oz; 5 months 16lbs 12 oz
1 week:
  • 3 days old- We visited church for the first time when Wrigley was three days old. 
  • we visited, Chic k Fil A, McDonald's, and Oblate Cafe, because we had no choice, really, our toddler needed to play and between appointments we had to eat! 
  • On Wrigley's First Week anniversary we went to The Twig Bookstore for story time and all of us dressed in Batman attire. 
  • Lincoln's Padrino’s, Evette, David (Jude) were so kind and took Lincoln for the majority of the day on a zoo date! Relief for us because we spent almost two hours at the hospital getting Wrigley’s last check up for jaundice. Also, Craig and Chelsea meet Wrigley for the first time on Week 1.
  • On Wrigley’s 8 day anniversary we went to Rosario's North to celebrate and both boys slept the entire time (well it took some rocking for Lincoln to get to sleep, but he eventually crashed out, poor baby was exhausted!
  • 11 days young, Main Street Pizza, and He had his grocery store debut at Whole Foods
2 weeks:
·         Family Photo Shoot at Picture People at Shoppes at La Cantera
  • We attended the “Latch On” event, Wrigley was the  youngest nursling in attendance. This was such an inspiring and motivating event to see over 240 women breastfeeding all at once. Touched my  heart that I am able to be part of this group.
    This event was held to kick off World Breastfeeding Week, very inspiring.
  • 7/31-We visited the San Antonio Shoe
  • 8/9/14, 1st family gathering, Alyssa's College send off at Tia Mache’s house
  • August 11th -First 4 hour stretch and has not done again since and he is 7 weeks [Update 12.23.14 – He is 5 months and 4 days and not sleeping thru the night. He’s done a 6 hour stretch once and the norm is 2-3 hours or less each night stretch. Lincoln slept thru the night at 8 weeks, but who is comparing…?]
  • 8/13/14, 1st hotel stay at La Quinta Downtown as we had a free certificate to use. Thank you Millie, April, John Mayli, Jazzy, Lyla, Lauren and Lillian for joining us on this summer outing. Our Lincoln had a blast and so did we.
3 weeks
·         Went to Kids Day in Travis Park and met Fatima. Mommy and Daddy had a beverage with Fatima at St. Anthony Hotel. It was super super hot, but Wrigley survived.
  • 3 weeks, 2 days- We went to an actual mass, we would have went earlier but Chris' car battery died so we didn't quite make it to mass on his 2nd week.
  • Mommy invited Aunt Jen, Erika, Emme and Baby Joe over for a play date with L (I'm noting this because with L at this point, I just wanted to roll into a ball and hide.) Thank you Jen and Erika for coming over, I needed some girl time, eventhough I was nursing for 80% of your visit!
  • Mommy’s follow up 3 week appointment was on 8/8/14 and I was 165lbs.
4 weeks
·         Attended a four day bible school at a local Christian Church with Lyla. Also attended Bella’s Birthday Party at the YMCA Thousand Oaks. Lincoln had a fantastic time swimming with daddy.He's been to South Park Mall twice, a girl has to shop.
5 weeks
·         Met Cousin Melissa Garcia
·         First plane ride to Chicago
7 weeks
·         Was on vacation in Chicago and Momma’s wallet was stolen
·         First Visit to Wrigley Field
8 weeks
·         Grandma Carol and Poppa Mark came to visit.
·         Momma went back to work at the Hotel Contessa

9 weeks
·         9/21/14- Attended Mason’s 1st Birthday party (Thank you Nichole Gonzalez for having us) Lincoln had a blast while Wrigley slept thru most of it.
  • 9/21/2014- Signed up to run the alamo13.1 half marathon in March 2015. Who knows how much I will actually train for it, but at least I have a goal.

10 weeks
·         Mommy got really, really sick. She finally went to the doctor to get meds, but had a rough weekend. Wrigley went into a sleep one hour only stretch and mommy got really, really tired.
  • OTHER- My total weight on delivery day was 186 lbs, I weighed 176 lbs on delivery day with Lincoln. So, I gained 10 more lbs total with Wrigley. I currently weigh 165 lbs. (Now 168 at 7 Weeks pp) (12.23.14- I am still 165 lbs.) I am the breastfeeding mother that keeps on her weight for a while to help regulate the milk and my food brings me the energy to produce milk.  It took me about 7 months with Lincoln to get even close to normal weight. 
As you can see, time did not stand still this time around, we were forced to continue as usual. Likely, because we have a toddler to entertain but also to keep my sanity.
With Lincoln, I think staying home for those two weeks contributed to my “loopiness”. But, my recovery with Lincoln was also much more intense.
This time post op was painful, but I knew what to expect and how to manage which helped. 
Stay tuned, we have a vacation planned... yes a vacation, I am so excited. Hopefully, he is sleeping longer stretches by that point. But, if he stays at the two-three hour stretches, I will take it, as Lincoln would wake up every 30-45 minutes at night!!! 

Thanks for listening, so much more to write, but this is a nice preview!  Update, as you all know, we did take our first vacation to Chicago when Wrigley was just six weeks old. He did excellent on the plane ride and on the 7 day vacation. He is a natural. I have more in store for the blog, but this is a good start. Merry Christmas to all and to all a great December and January!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Baby Boy # 2- Three days away!

I am scheduled to deliver Baby Boy # 2 THIS Friday, July 18th. It is a scheduled c-section, as this baby is also breech as Lincoln was (doc says she thinks I only make breech babies)- plus I was not going to risk going NATURAL after having a c-section. Not worth it to me.

Funny, but I think I'm just beginning to FEEL pregnant, and the fact that baby #2 is on the way is still not real to me.  My last day at work was this Friday, and I have this week to "rest", which I am taking full advantage of. Of course, I am giving my undivided attention to my King Lincoln, along with the help of my Rockstar hubby, together we are taking him to his daily YMCA play group and his weekly library group to keep him busy, because quite frankly I'm not sure how routine those things will be once the new one arrives. Its sad to me-- it makes me sad that my Lincoln will have to change his everyday routine so his mom and dad can accommodate the needs of his new brother. It makes me sad that he may become sad when his brother is born, becaue he will think that he's not on top of my world anymore. It makes me sad that he could get jealous watching his brother nurse. It makes me sad that I will have a long C-section recovery and won't be able to lift him and play as I usually can. But, hopefully I am overthinking this and he will still know that my world will never stop revolving around HIM.

As I sit here writing this blog in my underwear, because frankly none of my pregnancy bottoms are comfy anymore, I thank God and my family for all their support and blessings throughout my second pregnancy. Because of them, I can say I ran my first FULL Marathon with my baby boy inside me. Mind you, I was just 5 weeks pregnant, as I took the test right before the race and it wasn't quite the full color positive, so I knew it was a 50/50 chance. Then, we returned from Vegas, and it was confirmed bright blue on the test. But, it still counts! However, this pregnancy I chose to take a break on further race training as the seasons were switched. I would have had to run in colder weather and I didn't want to risk getting a relapse of the sickness I had at the start of my pregnancy for three full weeks. Which was not pregnancy related, my OB seemed to think it was a case of the flu, and she was very surprised that I fought it off all by myself! However, I have remained active through the pregnancy, working a full time job at The Hotel Contessa as their Senior Convention Planning Manager. The job can be stressful at times and involves a lot of running around. But I survived! I know work didn't think I would make it until my last day, because my tummy was growing quite large, but I made it!

This pregnancy has proven quite simple. Baby number 2 was conceived VERY quickly, quicker than imagined, but all in perfect time. Baby number 2 did not require me to be on bed rest for one second, I was on bed rest at 33 weeks with Lincoln. Baby number 2 allowed me to enjoy all the joys of winter into summer without morning sickness, and no major aches or pains. Which I didn't have either with Lincoln, so I've been blessed.

As I reach 39 weeks today, a few weeks ago, I had my first real contraction, the kind that I couldn't move and felt like I had been hit by a firetruck! Never had one of those with my Lincs! But, I haven't had one since. Last night I visited the bathroom at least a total of 10 times! That only happened in the first trimester with Lincoln.  Oh, and lets talk about the weight gain, I'm not shy. With Lincoln, I started the pregnancy at 136 lbs and ended at 176lbs, so gained a total of 40lbs. With this pregnancy, I started at 140lbs and am currently at 185.5lbs, so we will see where it ends up. I am much larger this time around. The baby is measuring two weeks ahead of schedule and some of my shirts that fit at the end of my last pregnancy, I struggle to get them over my belly. Oh well, its all for a good cause.

It will be a whole other journey getting the weight off, especially since I'm NOT looking forward to exercise. I say that but I just bought a new pair of Newton Running shoes and got really excited when they came in the mail today. I think I have mixed emotions about my post-pregnancy exercise routine. I know I have a long road to recovery, as I don't take any of the post C-section pain meds, so the pain lingers for much longer than a usual C-section. And, I remember the early weeks of nursing, the thought that in less than three days I will have a tiny baby learning how to nurse and my boobies will feel like they are getting ripped off for at least three weeks is not heart warming. But, nursing is one thing that I put my whole heart into, and I will do everything it takes to make sure it happens. After all, I did nurse Lincoln until two months before he turned two years old, and I have no shame!  It was the right thing for my son and kept him super healthy!
Baby number 2 also never once has had the hiccups and Lincoln had the hiccups ALL the time! Funny, the differences.

Also, during my last pregnancy I don't recall not having the ability to get up from certain seated positions like the floor, low chairs etc. without asking for help. My two year old has become quite the expert at coming to my rescue and yelling "Momma needs, HELP!"

So, as this pregnancy comes to an end, I ask for your support and prayers that we have a safe delivery. And, your help and encouragement to get through the early months with a newborn plus a fun, loving, joyful, full of energy, super talking two year old by our side as well!  Pray that my King Lincoln does well with the arrival of his baby brother and that my water doesn't break before Friday, I kind of like the idea of a scheduled birth. As you all know, I am a schedule type of gal!

July 18th is the day, the day after my 33rd birthday! I chose that day, because I delivered on a Friday with Lincoln so the day of week is perfect, and I figured I could still have a mini get together for my birthday without recovering from a huge slice in my stomach. But, he can come at any time, so we shall see. Either way, definitely a birthday present that a mother can only dream of, but I WILL get!

Apologies for only blogging once during this pregnancy, but a 2 year old takes time, a whole lot of it.
Lincoln still says that his little brothers name is going to be "Princess", so we shall see, the name is to be revealed post delivery as we have been back and for the for a while! 

Cheers! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I just want to feel normal again

Long time no post, so much to write about, but instead I want to focus on feeling normal again.

I've been sick with "who knows what" since 12/24- Christmas Eve. I've had fever of as high as 102, probably higher, but I was too weak to take my temperature in the middle of the night when I know it was at it's peak, and I also misplaced my (2) thermometers plus Lincoln's (2) so I can no longer measure my temp. Thermometer as birthday present, (anyone)?

I've had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cough that has caused me extreme pain in my upper back and under my arms. I've been sore in this area since 12/30.  Tanya, my chiropractor bestie said its probably a rib out. Seriously, I've ran 8 half marathons and a full marathon, plus done several intense exercise routines in my lifetime and I've never been sore for this long! Crazy. Every time I cough, I feel like my bones are going to fall out. And, when I sneeze or laugh out loud, its worse! Not to mention each time I carry my Lincoln, it takes every bone in my body and all the strength in my legs to lift my 28 pound baby boy. Which saddens me, because I want to be strong again, I'm his mother for crying out loud!

We traveled to the lovely Ft. Wayne, Indiana to visit our Indiana family- 12/25 - 12/30. Talk about the worst travel experience I have ever had in my life. (Even worse than when I flew 8 "ish" hours from London to Houston with an ear infection that was so bad, the doctor said I was very close to blowing an ear drum out). Chris Herrberg, my guardian angel, my strength, my world helped me through these horrible travel times. He had to roll two pieces of carry on luggage, plus the stroller with mountains of bags on top all on his own! Plus, he has to sit through the security checks on Lincoln's milk, snacks, etc. However, I, on the other hand chased an almost two year old through security into and out of the gift shop and down the about 200 yards through the terminal to our gate without shoes and with my pants falling off! Luckily when we arrived at the gate it was family boarding, so we were able to go right in and the chasing ended! And, the nice gate agent told Chris she would check our carry on bags at no charge! Merry Christmas to us!

Our total travel time was around 6 hours, included a plane change in Atlanta, and then on to Ft. Wayne. The less than three hour flight to Atlanta was horrid, I felt like I was sitting in a freezer the entire time and could not move! The Ft. Wayne flight got better, but I wanted to sleep and I couldn't because my nose felt so dry on the inside that I was not able to breathe.

Needless to say, we arrived in Ft. Wayne safely. At the airport, we were greeted by Aunt Jodi, & Cousins Chaise and Cameron Kahlenbeck. Cousin Chaise was holding a lovely sign lit up with Christmas lights that read "Herrberg". I wanted to take a photo, but I could barely see straight, hence no strength to reach for my camera.

We arrived at Casa Herrberg and were greeted by smiling faces which always feels great to see loved ones you have not seen in so long. And, the glow on my husbands face each time he sees his family is truly priceless! 

All I had the strength to do upon arrival at the Herrberg's was sit in Papa Mark's recliner, speak sparingly, and smile when I could. According to Uncle Chad, "I looked like hell." However, I appreciated his honesty, because that is exactly how I felt. I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach every time I moved and my cough and runny nose was taking the life from me. I didn't even have the strength to walk down to the basement to see my little Joy open his Christmas presents with his Indiana family. Heartbreaking, again! But, I thank God for my loving Indiana family, they watched Lincoln while Chris wrapped several presents that we had shipped from Texas. Thank goodness I had labeled all the gift bags and had somewhat of a list of who received what gift. I just could not move, none the less wrap gifts. And, the family also helped Chris chase Lincoln SEVERAL times up and down "those basement stairs".   I did however stir up the strength to make it downstairs at the tail end of opening gifts, so I was able to see Lincoln interact with his Indiana cousins. Priceless, indeed. Its so crazy how fast children grow and how happy being around family makes Lincoln. He is just like his parents, family is everything to him!

The sickness continued while I was in Ft. Wayne. Well one day, I felt well enough to take a shower put on make up and actually blow dry my hair and it was my first fever free day! Then, relapse... intense chills, major stomach aches and the cough from hell came back.  Even though I was sick, I still enjoyed the trip, watching my babies be as happy as can be was very uplifting. Even though I was not able to participate in the family winery outing and witness Lincoln's first time playing in the snow, I was content knowing that my babies were having a blast. And, I'm grateful for all the photos. (Thanks Chelsea Herrberg)!

And, thank you Herrberg Family from the bottom of my heart. I'm sorry I wasn't myself this Christmas, but I thank you for making me feel welcome even though I looked and probably acted like crud.  Thank you Jodi for serving me Christmas dinner in the recliner and even bringing me seconds. Thank you Craig and Chelsea for running a marathon with Lincoln throughout the entire Herrberg household. Thank you Aunt Jane and Uncle Delbert for staying upstairs with me during dinner so I didn't feel alone. And, thank you everyone for being the best family a girl could ask for!

So, its now January 5th and yesterday I had the sickness close to its worth. I threw my entire breakfast in the shower and could barely move afterwards!  I looked like a ghost according to my family. We drove to my parents house so Chris could compete in a horseshoe tournament, I didn't want my boys to feel couped up in the house because Mommy was sick. I was able to soak up the sunny 70 degree weather for about 12 minutes before I had to run inside to rest. I was scared to move in any sort of way in fear that I would be sick to my stomach. So I was walking stiff and sitting stiff for the entire day. So, yes that was me, the pale, mummy trying her best to make it through the evening on an empty stomach.

So, I write this blog because I am telling myself, if I write, it will help me feel normal again. But, the main reason I write this blog is to send a message to Moms and Dads with toddler aged children who feel normal right now: don't take it for granted.  Pick up your babies and fly them in the air. Take them outside (weather permitting) and kick the ball around the yard or chase them. Or, if you must stay in doors, take some time to read them books, throw the ball around with them, just do something (anything) active with them. Do this, for the parents like me that just don't feel normal right now, I will thank you for it... and so will your children! Trust me, what I've learned through this is that my strength is everything to me, because without out, I am simply not normal.

Thanks for listening.

P.S. My other guardian angel through this sickness has been my caldo, hot tea, lemonade making MOTHER! Simply cannot to say enough to thank her for everything she does for me each and every day!