Friday, October 14, 2011

Wish me LUCK! 12 mile Benchmark race tomorrow!

Well I bet you were hoping for my most recent waist measurement.  At this point this is for me to know and for you to never find out!  Just kidding, its 39 inches if you must know! I’ve gained a total of 18lbs half way through- which the doc. Insists is above the normal range. Not much I can do, I’m still running and doing Zumba once or twice a week. And, I really feel like its’ all belly weight, but I guess that’s what a pregnant women wants to feel!  And, yes of course I should up the take in of veggies, fruits, water,  & nutrients- which I am reminded of daily by, Nurse Chris.

Now for the most important news- doctor said that she is NOT cutting down my heart rate to 110- she said (exact words): “Weellll, most of my patients at this point are really down to walking and are getting very uncomfortable with exercising in general.” So, I asked, “Soooo, do I have to drop to 110?” She repeated the comment above and said I just need to watch myself closely!
My thoughts- I guess I’m not like most of your patients.  And best of all- I WILL be able to run my benchmark race this Saturday, 7:30am sharp- 12 miles. I will gauge how I feel after this race to determine if I will sign up for the half, I have until November 6th until the price goes up. 
Followers- Wish me luck tomorrow- know that if I don’t think I can finish I won’t ! Baby L is first, ALWAYS! I’m excited because Benchmark day is very similar to race day and I will be able to run a long side my group that I’ve been training with. So if I don’t get to do the race, I won’t be as disappointed. I”ll just treat this as the race! I did 10.66 last Saturday so I think I should be ready for the 12!  And- so we shall all find out!

Questions of the last two weeks: Do you have the nursery ready? Do you have a theme? & Are you going to be like that lady who delivered after she ran a full marathon? Answers: NO and Yes, Baseball (with focus on professional baseball fields) of course!  and Heck NOOOO!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pregnancy vs Marathon

Approaching the half way mark is a bit bizarre I must say. I’ve been getting the pregnancy stares, the “Can I touch your belly?” (Note: if you’re not my cousin, brother, family or real good friend) please don’t ask, its’ kind of odd to have someone strange touching your belly?  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been waiting for this point, but it can be a little eerie if you don’t know the person.
I thought the END of THE Questions would come after conception; I was wrong. Pregnancy is like training for your first marathon!!  You get many of the same, if not similar questions.  

Preggo Questions                             translated   to                        Marathon Questions
Is this your first baby?                                                                     Is this your first race?
Are you having more children after this one?                                   Will you be running more marathons?       
Comment: Ask me this question, once I’ve had the first                       
When are you due?                                                                       When’s the big race?
Do you want a boy or a girl?                                                           What’s your goal time?  
I can see your belly (your showing).                                                Wow, I can see your toning!
Comment: Be careful how you state this : )  
How are you feeling?                                                                      How are you feeling?
Comment: This is the most common question. The only response I give is “fine” but if its’ one of those days, beware- you asked, so I’m telling.. : )

Oh, and lets’ not forget “Are you starting to feel the baby move?”  This one is a bit scary, especially since my current response is “No, I haven’t..” Then comes the blank stare and I can sense the person thinking.. “ohmy I hope all is OK.” But, instead, they respond “Well it will take some time I didn’t feel my baby move until.. “xyz". ME (in my head) : Geethanks, I am way passed that week!
The questions do not bother me although this post may seem as if they do. Its’ quite honestly a tad hilarious the things people can say. And, then when they don’t like your response, you know immediately.                           
I must add this one:  “Wow, Catherine I didn’t know you were expecting.”  ME: “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you knew.” “No, I just thought all the 'working out' wasn’t working, but congratulations” ME: “Ummm.. thanks?“                                                                                        
… and assumptions! I was out to breakfast with a business colleague yesterday:  Server: “Coffee?” “No, she won’t be having any, she’s pregnant.” Clearly my business colleague was not part of the crowd that believes one cup of coffee is OK.…I didn’t want coffee anyway J.