Friday, August 10, 2018

Weeks 4-18- Mommy's Pregnant with Baby 3 & The Kindergartener (soon to be 1st grader) is doing well too!

Photos by KianaKaitlynPhotography
This blog was originally started to chronologize my very FIRST pregnancy and running while pregnant, hence the original blog name, RunCrazedPreggo.  But, its changed. Last month I came out with the true story about my son, Lincoln's allergies & sensitivties, and our struggles surrounding those.  An update: He is still going strong and we have the exczema controlled.  We all enjoyed a summer with vacations, swimming pools, summer camp, birthday parties and GOOD NEWS!

Mommy is pregant with Baby #3!  The pregnancy test was positive on May 28th, Memorial Day.
We could have taken the test earlier, but waited, because frankly, I did not believe I was pregnant!  I am "that mom" who never thought she would EVER have 3 children. But, then one day it hit me. We need to try for one more and I really want to be pregnant just one last time. It's not like I get this time back later in life. I would have always wondered, you know?

This pregnancy has been VERY different for me! I've had sore nipples, excessive peeing early on, EXTREME fatigue (like knocked out for days on the couch fatigue), extreme itching, tingling teeth, & morning sickness w/ vomit!

Photos by KianaKaitlynPhotography

Photos by KianaKaitlynPhotography

At week 3, my nipples were super (super is an understatement) sore, like the children would barely lay on me and they felt like razor blades ripping through them.  I thought it was PMS but the pain lingered and has not left!  At weeks 4 and 5 I started waking up in the middle of the night to pee.

With both boys, I ran a half marathon at 7 months pregnant and a marathon at 8 weeks pregant. This time- NEITHER of those will happen. When I found out about my 2 previous pregnancies, I was deep into marathon training, but this time I was at about 5-6 miles, but once the tiredness hit, the only way I could run/walk a 5k was if I was asleep for the rest of the day after running the 5K.

In the first trimester, I managed to run (5) 5K races (Week 8, 9, 10, & 15) and about 6.5 miles during Beach to Bay (Week 5). But, sadly no more running this pregnancy. Walking, yes, but running- not-so-much. I was scheduled to run the Rock and Roll Chicago Half (Week 15) in July over my birthday week, but I moved down to not the 10k, just the 5k. I didn't want to risk being tired for one full day of vacation. Luckily I was great after the 5k- I managed to run most of it and still had a day full of activities.  So while I will not live up to my runcrazedpreggo name for this last pregnancy, I will enjoy the heck out of this pregnancy and try my best to write every few weeks so I remember.

Let's see, cravings- early on I craved milkshakes, like literally I did a 2 a day trip to Chick Fil A for their limited edition orange shake, which they now stopped serving. Also, McDonald's milk shakes were a favorite in Weeks I am now craving Chili's A TON, pickles and potatoes!

Our families were so super excited to find out. (9 weeks) Craig, my brother-in-law was excited because he was looking forward to open bar at our baby shower. The boys are wanting a sister really badly but said any baby will be a good baby.  Girl-fever is for sure running through the minds of all my family and friends and myself. However, watching my baby boys grow has brought me complete JOY and I will be happy with a healthy baby. Though,I am not sure if I will be able to control my reaction when I find out the gender. 

On a sweet sweet note- Wrigley prays for the baby every night and Lincoln kisses and pets my belly often.  Lincoln often wants to kiss my belly before he leaves for school each morning.

Other pregnancy weirdness- I started to get intense itching on my feet and all over my body. (Week 14) I thought it was a pregnancy induced liver issue but once I got the blood testing all checked out fine. 

Since I am over the age of 35, my OB recommended I see a specialist for possible blood testing to find abnormalities, etc. My friends had the blood testing done & said they were 50/50 on the testing and had other reasons for getting their tests. I really only wanted to get it to find out the gender early, but other than that Chris and I agreed not to test. We have our first sonogram this Tuesday so God- willing we will find out the gender! I am on the fence of doing an actual reveal party. I kind of want to since it will be my last pregnancy, but am not sure if I want to put all of the things together to have a party. 

I am taking week by week photos of this pregnancy and trying not to miss a week. We did a baby reveal photo session so that was super fun as well! And, we will likely do a gender reveal photo session for social media as well. Stay tuned!