Saturday, January 14, 2017

30 days

#late post: Disclaimer: This blog chronicles 30 days from 9.22.16-10.22.16 The last 30 days have been filled with some of the most unusual to put it lightly experiences of this moms life. They have allowed me to even more so treasure every moment and take every second to heart, literally. On Thursday, September 22nd my body paused for two minutes. Like by pause, I mean, I literally could not move. I was leaving my bosses office post meeting and felt this sensation in my right leg, I could not move my leg to walk, I made it into the hallway to a set of cubicles, and this is when my coworkers noticed I looked different. They sat me down, and there it began. I was stiff, as much as I tried to speak or get my behind off the chair I could not. They called 911, and shortly after I snapped out of it. I could speak, walk, move and was okay. In this time, they called my husband and told him I could not move. He arrived to my work in literally minutes. I cancelled the ambulance and we went to the ER. A cat scan, and bottle of antibiotics later, I was sent home. Diagnosed with a complex migraine and sinus infection with orders to see a neurologist. And, this my friends is why I have not been running lately. Stay tuned for my full blog that will detail the remainder of these last 30 days. My advice, when you think the worst has happened, keep praying. On Friday September 23rd my 4 year old baby boy went to his third opinion on his eczema breakout. Day 23 of his breakout and 3rd times a charm, this time a dermatologist. For obvious reasons, I could not be there. My husband calls me from the appointment and starts with, "the doctor wanted me to call you...." Dad's, don't start your sentences with this phrase when speaking to your wife while she knows your son is in a doctors care. He continues, "the dermatologist wants to do a biopsy to test for Celiacs Disease." I gasp, my poor baby, but agreed, if this is what was needed to get to the bottom of this, then so be it. They got home and Lincoln had two very tiny holes on his leg covered by two Itty bitty stitches. He took it like a champ, said my husband. I cried. I then cried again as my husband recants the following: Four year old: "Dad, when I grow up I want to be a doctor." Dad: "that's great son." Four year old: "I want to be a doctor so I can help mommy, because she's sick" After all he had been through this day, all he wanted to do was help me, because I was sick. Fast forward to day 12 out of 30. I was on my way back to work from lunch with a coworker. We were minding our own little business, and then it happens. A car rear ends us on the highway. She was driving. And, since then, lower center back, and upper neck/shoulder pain for me. I'm now on my second trip to the chiropractor and still pain. I can't do any of normal activity like run or lift my children without feeling .....pain. Fast forward to the follow up appointment with the dermatologist. Still as red as can be, but negative for Celiacs. We, however are keeping gluten out of his diet and as of today, thanks be to God, the rash is pretty much gone. Fast forward to yesterday. We received a phone call we had been dreading the last five months. Our Aunt Jane had ended her journey with terminal cancer. About 7am my husband came into our bedroom, his face to the floor, and I knew before he spoke words, "Aunt Jane died." And from one day to the next, we are now in flight headed to be with our family. How has your last 30 days been?