Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Struggle is Real: A 5k to kick off the Chi Marathon Training

Last night I attended my first happy hour alone in probably 2 years! WOW! The struggle.
Then, this morning I open my eyes at 6:30am and hear my husband at my bedside saying, "If your going to the run, you need to get up."
Oh yes, the 5k? The struggle.  I was awake at 2am nursing my baby, then woke up at 4am to realize I had fallen asleep and he was sound asleep snug as a bug on my arm! I got up placed him in his crib, to wake up 2.5 hours later and be asked if I wanted to get up. Ummmm, no, not really I'd rather sleep.

But, then I realized the boys would be up in less than an hour likely and I would rather be running a 5k than trapped in doors with two boys that would also rather be running a 5k.

We took the double jogger and I decided to take over when it was the largest hill of the run and of course being the overachiever that I am I tried to fly up the hill. "You should take it slower or your going to burn out at the end"- says my husband. My inner voice, "Right, just watch me, I am invincible!"

He was right, at about mile 2, I wanted to walk and never feel my running feet on the pavement again. And, this is only a 5k!

 I finished: 35 minutes and 20 seconds. I'll take it. The struggle.