Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Baby Boy # 2- Three days away!

I am scheduled to deliver Baby Boy # 2 THIS Friday, July 18th. It is a scheduled c-section, as this baby is also breech as Lincoln was (doc says she thinks I only make breech babies)- plus I was not going to risk going NATURAL after having a c-section. Not worth it to me.

Funny, but I think I'm just beginning to FEEL pregnant, and the fact that baby #2 is on the way is still not real to me.  My last day at work was this Friday, and I have this week to "rest", which I am taking full advantage of. Of course, I am giving my undivided attention to my King Lincoln, along with the help of my Rockstar hubby, together we are taking him to his daily YMCA play group and his weekly library group to keep him busy, because quite frankly I'm not sure how routine those things will be once the new one arrives. Its sad to me-- it makes me sad that my Lincoln will have to change his everyday routine so his mom and dad can accommodate the needs of his new brother. It makes me sad that he may become sad when his brother is born, becaue he will think that he's not on top of my world anymore. It makes me sad that he could get jealous watching his brother nurse. It makes me sad that I will have a long C-section recovery and won't be able to lift him and play as I usually can. But, hopefully I am overthinking this and he will still know that my world will never stop revolving around HIM.

As I sit here writing this blog in my underwear, because frankly none of my pregnancy bottoms are comfy anymore, I thank God and my family for all their support and blessings throughout my second pregnancy. Because of them, I can say I ran my first FULL Marathon with my baby boy inside me. Mind you, I was just 5 weeks pregnant, as I took the test right before the race and it wasn't quite the full color positive, so I knew it was a 50/50 chance. Then, we returned from Vegas, and it was confirmed bright blue on the test. But, it still counts! However, this pregnancy I chose to take a break on further race training as the seasons were switched. I would have had to run in colder weather and I didn't want to risk getting a relapse of the sickness I had at the start of my pregnancy for three full weeks. Which was not pregnancy related, my OB seemed to think it was a case of the flu, and she was very surprised that I fought it off all by myself! However, I have remained active through the pregnancy, working a full time job at The Hotel Contessa as their Senior Convention Planning Manager. The job can be stressful at times and involves a lot of running around. But I survived! I know work didn't think I would make it until my last day, because my tummy was growing quite large, but I made it!

This pregnancy has proven quite simple. Baby number 2 was conceived VERY quickly, quicker than imagined, but all in perfect time. Baby number 2 did not require me to be on bed rest for one second, I was on bed rest at 33 weeks with Lincoln. Baby number 2 allowed me to enjoy all the joys of winter into summer without morning sickness, and no major aches or pains. Which I didn't have either with Lincoln, so I've been blessed.

As I reach 39 weeks today, a few weeks ago, I had my first real contraction, the kind that I couldn't move and felt like I had been hit by a firetruck! Never had one of those with my Lincs! But, I haven't had one since. Last night I visited the bathroom at least a total of 10 times! That only happened in the first trimester with Lincoln.  Oh, and lets talk about the weight gain, I'm not shy. With Lincoln, I started the pregnancy at 136 lbs and ended at 176lbs, so gained a total of 40lbs. With this pregnancy, I started at 140lbs and am currently at 185.5lbs, so we will see where it ends up. I am much larger this time around. The baby is measuring two weeks ahead of schedule and some of my shirts that fit at the end of my last pregnancy, I struggle to get them over my belly. Oh well, its all for a good cause.

It will be a whole other journey getting the weight off, especially since I'm NOT looking forward to exercise. I say that but I just bought a new pair of Newton Running shoes and got really excited when they came in the mail today. I think I have mixed emotions about my post-pregnancy exercise routine. I know I have a long road to recovery, as I don't take any of the post C-section pain meds, so the pain lingers for much longer than a usual C-section. And, I remember the early weeks of nursing, the thought that in less than three days I will have a tiny baby learning how to nurse and my boobies will feel like they are getting ripped off for at least three weeks is not heart warming. But, nursing is one thing that I put my whole heart into, and I will do everything it takes to make sure it happens. After all, I did nurse Lincoln until two months before he turned two years old, and I have no shame!  It was the right thing for my son and kept him super healthy!
Baby number 2 also never once has had the hiccups and Lincoln had the hiccups ALL the time! Funny, the differences.

Also, during my last pregnancy I don't recall not having the ability to get up from certain seated positions like the floor, low chairs etc. without asking for help. My two year old has become quite the expert at coming to my rescue and yelling "Momma needs, HELP!"

So, as this pregnancy comes to an end, I ask for your support and prayers that we have a safe delivery. And, your help and encouragement to get through the early months with a newborn plus a fun, loving, joyful, full of energy, super talking two year old by our side as well!  Pray that my King Lincoln does well with the arrival of his baby brother and that my water doesn't break before Friday, I kind of like the idea of a scheduled birth. As you all know, I am a schedule type of gal!

July 18th is the day, the day after my 33rd birthday! I chose that day, because I delivered on a Friday with Lincoln so the day of week is perfect, and I figured I could still have a mini get together for my birthday without recovering from a huge slice in my stomach. But, he can come at any time, so we shall see. Either way, definitely a birthday present that a mother can only dream of, but I WILL get!

Apologies for only blogging once during this pregnancy, but a 2 year old takes time, a whole lot of it.
Lincoln still says that his little brothers name is going to be "Princess", so we shall see, the name is to be revealed post delivery as we have been back and for the for a while! 

Cheers! Thanks for reading!