Thursday, July 11, 2013

Amazing Summer

I decided to take five minutes to write today.
Today was a wonderful day, Lincoln and I went to the zoo with his cousin David and my cousin Monica. And, Mr. Ernest.

We had such a great time in the water and our brief journey through the animal exhibits. I only take him to see the animals for as long as he will stay in the stroller, if he starts to get anxy, its "next".
When Daddy is part of the zoo outing, he gets out of the stroller, sits and waits for the animals, etc. But, not with momma. My favorite part of the zoo is the cool down, mini beach area. Lincoln has a grand old time in that space. He splashes him self, plays nice with others and lets momma follow him around. Every time I try to hold his hand to help him, he pushes it away, he's a tough cookie this kid. He fell today under my watch and his a little redness on his head. I felt like a bad mother hearing his loud pouty crying and his gasps.  I recovered well though, so I was quite proud of myself. I didn't get nervous or anything, I handled it like a real trooper. :) Yay for me!
After the zoo we went out to lunch at Bill Millers. Lincoln was on his best behavior. He ate all of his bean and cheese taco and some fries and almost three mini tubs of ketchup. He loves ketchup this one.

I am having such an amazing summer with this kid! My time away from work has allowed me to mature into motherhood. I now take him places without Chris or my mom and feel confident. (well somewhat).  I now have the skills to put him down to nap without him waking up. (well most of the time).  I now take him baths all on my own without him getting crazy or mad!

And, this summer has allowed me to get back into my running and exercising combination. Chris watches Lincoln on Monday and Wednesday evenings while I go to Endurafit classes, they are bootcamp style  70 minute classes. They include 1 mile warm up and cool down runs, bats, sledge hammers, jumping through rubber tires, bear crawling with rubber tires, lunges, planks, dummy slams, lots of weights, kettle bells, etc. And, we run as a family/ with our run group on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturdays. It's overwhelming at times, and my weight is not showing an improvement, but maintaining is better than gaining, I suppose.

Tomorrow Lincoln and I are going on a play date with my friend Shelly and her two boys, we are going to eat tacos at Oblate CafĂ©, and then an indoor playground after. Then, in the evening we will be leaving on our 6th or 7th trip of the summer. We will be going to Houston to visit Uncle Craig and Aunt Chelsea.

Lincoln and I have also spent a lot of quality time with Grandma/Nanny Helen. Its been really amazing. We take him to the play area at the mall, go shopping at CVS with all our coupons, have breakfast together, play outside in the garden etc. Its priceless watching the two of them together. He's a totally different person with Grandma; he reads books and loves to learn with her. He will with me but for a limited time frame. With Grandma, its non-stop!

I decided that Lincoln has done too many things for me to keep track of, so now I will just write when I can. Something is better than nothing.

Oh, and today we saw the elephant pee! It was crazy, it literally took him 6 minutes, and it was gushing out like three seven water hoses!

Oh, and I am still nursing.... It's tough and I never thought I would be doing it for this long, but I am secretly proud of myself!

Until next time!