Saturday, April 13, 2013

January & February bliss (published in April)

My husband, the accountant, tells his wife, the English major, "You really need to read your blogs in detail before posting them, you have several grammatical errors."
Hence, it is now April and I am "barely" posting my January blog.

I have had very little time in this journey to write as much as I would have liked. I did, however discover that Blogger has a mobile application! So, I've been able to type all of my blog thoughts, as they happen or as I remember them, straight to my phone.  Pre- discovery of the app. I would write my thoughts in an email each time and would end up with several drafts pasted together. While, that has been great- it is still difficult to accurately edit a posting from my phone. But, at least it gets the post started.

So, if this post seems a little out of whack as far as detail and order, that's because it is.
I wrote most of the below while either nursing my child, or riding in the car next to my child while Daddy drives. Because, that, my friends, is the only free time I get to write.

January 20th and January 21st-  Lincoln decided that he wanted to not fall asleep until midight after he refused to take any naps during the day. My newborn memories came back. Nothing was working to get him to bed, the usual nursing didn't even work! He was very fussy. Daddy had to walk him around in circles through the house like he did when he was a newborn and that worked.
Update 1.27- Lincoln continued to act like a newborn with his sleeping patterns until 1/23 but he is now back on track. I think he was having teething issues or perhaps a growth spurt, but I will never know.
January 26th- We had a great weekend in the 70's! Yesterday, Saturday 1/26 will probably be Chris' last Saturday off until after tax season, so we made the most of it. Started off with an almost 4 mile run at 11am on the riverwalk near the Pearl Brewery. Then, I can't really remember what happened after that, but I know it was a very very fun day, because then I would to have written about it! : )
February 1st- Lincoln is yet again on a crazy sleep pattern, but this time it is because he is sick with allergies.   We also had a Babysitter interview today. Her name is Ms. Brandy, who we met through our friends Roz andvRaf. I felt like a grown up interviewing her, it took me back to my college days, when I was interviewed for a babysitting job.
We really liked her a lot and are going to use her for the 1st time on Friday, for my mom's birthday celebration. Update:  (4.13.13) Ms. Brandy babysat three times total, and then I think she got really busy, (or that's what I will tell myself) because she never returned my calls or text. She is a college student and had a full time job, so it is very likely. Lincoln really liked her. So, we are on the search again for a babysitter that can sit at our house. My mom is full time during the week so I like to let her get her rest at other times.

Friday, February 3rd- 2nd date night since Lincoln was born and 1st night ever for a babysitter! The night was a success, Lincoln had a blast with the babysitter and didn't give her trouble according to what she told us. And, the best thing is he didn't drink too much milk, maybe 2 ounces! Which was a big surprise. I think he was so excited to have a new person to play with that he kind of forgot about milk. Or, he was waiting for mommy to get home.

Saturday February 4th- This weekend proved that Chris and I, plus one can still be spur of the moment. Chris found out Friday that he did not have to work on Saturday, so we decided to take a road trip to H-town to see his little brother, Craig and sis in law Chelsea! Craig and Chelsea as a maried couple are so very cute, they cook together and wash the dishes together and hold hands all the time. I'm so happy for them!
We had a great time in Houston, Lincoln slept through the night for the first time while staying the night at his Aunt and Uncles!

Other updates:
* Lincoln decided while nursing that playing with my nose, teeth, eyes, and mouth is no longer intriging. He now found my other boob and plays with it! Lol,but fine with me, its better than his hand in my face for an entire 30 minute nursing session!
February 1, 2013- This weekend,  I decided that I'm signing up for my first full marathon in or around November 2013!!! Just not sure which one.
February 7, 2013- 2nd night with a babysitter.
February 8, 2013-  Today was daddy's first Saturday of work. But, that didn't stop me and my L. We met grandma and grandpa at Jims on Broadway for breakfast, then went to our second home, The Pearl Brewery.  Chris ended up meeting us there later. It was a drizzly day but we made it work. Uncle Forrest met us there, and it was my mom and dads first time there too. They enjoyed it, so now I can get them to come with us more often.  After Pearl, we went home and watched "what to expect when your expecting". I kept Lincoln nursing throughout most of the movie so dad and I could sit and actually watch the movie. Hey, whatever works.
Now, we are on the way to a surprise birthday party for my aunt at the Cadillac Bar, but children are allowed since the party is in a private room.
We tried to stay home in hibernation for the evening, as its the perfect weather to do so,but Lincoln needed to get some "air". He's sitting next to me in the car right now as we head to the party, he's singing! This kid loves the party!
February 13, 2013- The kids 2nd lent, but first time getting ashes. It was so cute, he was getting a little fidgety, and then it was him and his dad's turn to get ashes. The women placed them on Lincoln's forehead, and instant silence. It was like the holy spirit calmed him, and then church ended and we went outside and Lincoln was so happy, he was proudly sporting his ashes like he was the coolest kid in the world (well he is!)
And, (tonight) the holy spirit also decided that Lincoln needed to wake up from 1am-2am to eat and say Happy Valentines Day. But, Linc has had the case of a bad cough again, so its given him a tad trouble getting to sleep through the night. But, I will take one wake up over three wake ups like he did last Sunday, which was the start to his cough.

A quick update as of today, 4 13 13 the day I finally had time to post. Lincoln will be going to daycare for a whole week starting Monday. Grandma and Grandpa are going on a much needed vacation! Wish mommy luck, I know he will love playing with all the kids, etc. Its just a new experience taking and picking him up every morning and afternoon, etc. More to follow on that.

Oh, and I signed up for the Chicago Rock and Roll Half today.. I'm excited. I decided this is what I needed to get myself out there and run on a schedule again. I've been consistently working out three-four times a week with my boot camp, yoga, and Cardio classes, but running maybe only twice a week. So, I will add the running back.  I am happy to say that I have maintained my 39lbs lost from post baby since August, so I'm excited! I gained a total of 44lbs, so I still have give or take 5lbs to go, but I am happy where I am at.  Which I never thought I would be able to say! : )

Thanks for reading, sorry so sporadic, but hey, thats my life!
Stay tuned for Lincoln Turns One.

January 22, 2013- Daddy's Birthday. Lincoln made him a drawing! We then went to Don Pedro's for dinner with the family. A Sweet Day!