Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mom First, Runner Second!

Blog, What Blog?
That's how feel since its been way to long since wrote!

6. Yes, Lincoln is 6 months and these months have filled with fun yet tiring baby battles, but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

He's still a champion nurser minus the pulling off of my glasses while he's eating, the occasional spit up in my bra (lol) and the marathon nursing sessions, I am very thankful I've made it this far!

He has been battling some skin "issues". The pediatrician seems more confused than us, 1st it was a virus, then it was an allergic reaction. Now, we took him to the local pharmacist and he thinks its a fungal/yeast rash. We see the ped on Friday 8/31 for his 6 month follow up so we shall see what it is.

Today was Lincolns first trip the Children's Museum for his cousins birthday party, he loved it there and he wasn't afraid of Elmo!

Kind of surreal, two years ago I would look in awww at my cousins with their strollers, diaper bags and other baby gear and wonder am I really ready? And, walah, thanks to God, I'm now there too! I'm still working on mastering the super mom skill that I feel every mom but me has, but if I don't get there, I'll settle for honorable mention.

Rundown of Linc's actions, most he's been doing for a while:
Sits up on own, holds bottle, holds sippy cup, eats squash, carrots, bananas, sweet potatoes, Chicken, and Turkey.

And his baptism was fabulous, we had thirty + show up, we filled a good chunk of the church. Lincoln decided to use his multiple personalites to entertain his baptism guests. Us as parents and godparents worked as a team to make it through the service successfully. Boy, will we have stories to share with him about his baptism day. Thank heavens for his back up plaid shorts! :)

And, only 5 months and 3 weeks until his first birthday!

And, mommys running update:
Went to run group for first time twice this week. 6 miles is my longest mileage, and I decided I'm not going to kill myself to get the runs in. Mom first, runner second!

And, I am 6 lbs away from my pre baby weight as of 8.22.12 weigh in.
* Note, on the day I wrote this blog 08-26-12, Lincoln got his first tooth, and one week later he got his second tooth.