Monday, March 5, 2012

Mommy's First Marathon: 26.2 Days of Motherhood, Part 1

The first 17 miles:
If you don’t have time to read this, I suggest waiting until you do. This post is very long, dramatic, happy & sad all at the same time. This is in fact is my first Marathon. I think I am for sure mentally prepared to cross the finish line of a running Marathon especially if I survived “26.2 miles of Motherhood”.  God is my witness, and I have been running to him now more than ever. The scripture of my life right now is Matthew 7:7- Ask and you shall receive. Lord knows, I keep asking and asking and most of the time he gives. My moms’ motto, “The lord doesn’t give you anything that you can’t handle” is sinking in for sure.
My care team also known as "the dream team" Daddy, Mommy and Grandma Helen!
Day 1- I pushed the button near the brown double doors and said, “I’m here to deliver..” OMG! It was all sinking in. I was greeted by my nurse for the morning. She weighed me 175.5, 1.5 less than I weighed the morning before. Woo hoo! She explained to me the plans for the AM. I was ready for one of the most eventful mornings’ of my life!  She handed me my dark green hospital gown with yellow socks, and said “Go to the bathroom, take off all your clothes and come back out with only these.” Well, good morning to me!
Walking into the surgery room was a scene from a movie, of course the first thing I notice were the scalpels and operating tools- scary for sure. I told my anesthesiologists, Dr. Salters, “Hello shouldn’t these be under a blue cover like they are on Private Practice.” He laughed.
Dr. Salters’ started by injecting me with the morphine, spinal and I’m not sure what else, then before I could count to twenty, I couldn’t feel my legs!! Scary indeed.  I thought I was having a nervous breakdown because I couldn’t move, but then I got over it as the doctor started talking to me about Lincoln’s name.
Lincoln and Dr. Gutierrez, I was born at 8:39am
Next thing I know, Chris walked in and they started the countdown, baby will be here in two minutes, then there it went 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 – “it’s a boy indeed” shouted Dr. Gutierrez. Followed by Dr. Highsmith, “he’s a man!” LOL.  
You started kicking as soon as you were out and then you decided you wanted to suck on your toes! Yes, your foot was literally in your mouth! We missed that photo op, but Chris saw it firsthand.  My first thought, was OMG, “he has hair!”
I went into recovery for about five hours and apparently was chatting with all the interns and never shut my mouth. If only I knew what was ahead, I would have shut up and slept those 5 hours straight.. Because who knows when five hours straight will come again!

I made it out of recovery and into my hospital bed, and the symptoms started. I could not stop itching, my reaction to the morphine. They wrapped tightening braces around the bottom of each of my legs to help prevent blood clots. And, I wanted to cut them off because I couldn’t itch my legs. But, my mom and Chris hid the scissors from me. My body was in shock for a good five-six hours. I felt so uncomfortable I wanted to take a shower so bad. I got in a small argument with the nurse because she wasn’t cleaning me correctly, I told her to give me the sponge and I would do it myself. But, then she cooperated. The first time I went to the bathroom was about 2am the next morning. It was rough, I could barely squat much less walk. It took me 5 minutes for something that usually only takes 30 seconds.  
My first moments with my son!!
The first time I got to hold you in my arms, is a little blurry but I know it was during your first feeding. I don’t remember what went through my mind because I was too worried about you wanting to eat my milk. I was scared that you wouldn’t want to latch on, but you had no issues. The lactation consultant brought you in the room, placed you in my arms, showed me how to hold you and there you were, sucking away! Your favorite is the football hold.  At first it hurt more than words can explain, but now you are a champ. You eat VERY well. One of the hardest things for me is adjusting to your eating schedule, I can’t really sleep much passed three hours, without waking up to feed you. It is very tiresome and stressful, but I am staying positive and know it will pass in due time. This is where I need the most encouragement, when do the restless nights end? Friends, encouragement.. PLEASE! The first three nights of being home I slept a total of 2 out of 72 hours- Lincoln would sleep, but I just couldn’t go to sleep. It was very hard on my body, and I think I am still paying for it now.
You had a lot of visitors on your birthday, you are very popular! Grandma Helen of course, Tia Mache, Tia Josie, Jen, Tanya, Erika, Sheryl, Anna, Aunt Bebe and Uncle David, Uncle Forrest, Michele, & Katelyn. And, then more throughout your stay, Grandpa Jesse, Aunt Elvira, Cousin Valerie and Shelly & Jeanice.  And even more visitors at home- Uncle Forrest, Michelle and Melanie; Uncle Marky; and Stephanie and Meghan. Everyone loves you Lincoln!
Now in Lincolns’ voice… (I got tired of writing in my voice, so I decided to switch it.)
On Sunday, 2.19, Mommy, Daddy and Grandma took me home from the hospital. I enjoyed being in the car seat and daddy drove us down this bumpy road (San Pedro). I felt like I was on a rollercoaster and I felt bad for Mommy because she was in pain from her tummy cut. She also had a bulging belly, so she was sad. The doctor told her it was natural for a c-section, because her stomach was asleep and the air that entered her would take time to exit her system.  To me and Daddy, Mommy is always beautiful. I hear daddy telling her nice things all the time, I can’t wait until she can hear me speak so she can know that I think she’s beautiful too.   She’s also very strong and she doesn’t believe it when people tell her she is.
Grandma spent the night tonight for the second time (2-23). She wanted to be with all of us for my big day on Friday.
On Friday, February 24th mommy had one of the hardest mornings’ of her life, I was having my first mini surgery for my circumcision. Mommy could not bear to see me go through the pain but she knew it was what Daddy wanted. Mommy stayed in the waiting room and let Grandma and Daddy take me in. She held on tight to my jacket and held it to her nose so she could smell me.  And, she was trying her best to think of happy moments.. The process was 20 minutes, but by far the longest 20 minutes of mommy’s life. She cried the entire time. I recovered like a champ and made Mommy very proud! I met my Uncle Craig and Aunt Chelsea in the evening. I kind of did the restroom on Uncle Craig, but I didn’t get his clothes dirty so Mommy said it was OK.
Daddy was supposed to run a race on Saturday 2/25, the UTSA alumni dash, but he skipped it because I had a restless night. It was the first night of my surgery, so I was probably in a little bit of pain. I’m sorry daddy, I love you. Mommy was sad, because she really wanted dad to run the race but she didn’t think she could handle the morning without daddy. So, she was secretly happy that Daddy stayed with her, but deep down she really was sad that he didn’t get to go. (emotional rollercoaster for sure)
Daddy returned to work full time on Monday 2.27. Mommy cried when he left. She wasn’t sure she could handle me all by herself. Well, the mornings’ because Grandma has come to see me every day since I was born, she comes between 10am and noon, and she stays with us as long as she can. She spends the night with us once a week. Mommy and Daddy get more rest when Grandma is here. She cooks for us too. She makes sure that Mommy has good nutrients while feeding me.  Mommy survived the first week of half days by herself with me. She thought she wasn’t going to get through it, but she did. We even started to do Zumba (2/28) together. She likes that I fall asleep quick when I hear Zumba music.  I just like to dance.
The first 13.1 days of Mommy’s marathon have come and gone, and plenty has happened:  

·        I took the pacifier for the first time 2.27.2012 (but mommy doesn’t let me have it all the time)

·        Mommy went down from 177 to 160 (fresh out of hospital) and is now 155 lbs 2.27.12

·        Daddy went to work for the first full day 2.27.12

·        I received my first piece of mail, my social security card 2.29.12

·        I went to church with Grandma, Chicken Grandma and mommy for the first time2.29.12

·        Grandma got her t-dap shot so she can make sure I am safe. Mommy was sad because the shot hurt Grandmas’ arm 2.29.12

·        Mommy fell off the chair today, on her butt, just when she thought her back was getting better she fell, I woke up as soon as I heard the fall, but she’s strong , she got up like a champ. 3.1.12

·        I had my two week Circ follow up and two week check up, I now weigh 7lbs 8 ounces and am 20.5 inches tall. I also got my hepatitis B shot and PKU’s and I handled them very well. 3.2.12

·        Mommy had her two week check up and doctor said she looks great, she still cannot run or drive, but she is healing well. 3.2.12

·        My belly button fell off 3.4.2012

·        My first party at Sarah and Jeremy’s for their house warming: 3.3.2012

·        My first time at Church with Mommy and Daddy. And I was blessed by Father Pat. 3.4.2012
Mommy is really tired right now, she gets so tired sometimes that she cries, but she knows this is a phase of my newborn life and it will pass way to FAST. She is treasuring all of these moments with me because she knows time will fly.  Friends & Family, please send Mommy some praise, advice, prayers and keep commenting on my pictures on facebook, she gets’ happy to see all of the positive thoughts come her way. I promise I am going to make it easier for you, Mommy- I love you.
Cathy’s voice:
The first miles (days) have been quite the rollercoaster. I survived the first 17 miles of my first marathon and can’t wait to tell you about the second. Its’ so amazing that I get to wake up every morning to this very special blessing. He amazes me each and every day.  Its’ crazy how one day me and Chris’ conversation consisted of : “what are we going to watch on Netflix? and what’s for dinner?” And, now our conversations consist of “Did he poop and pee yet? What color was it?  Where’s’ the paci? What time did he eat last? What time did he fall asleep?“ It’s definitely all about Lincoln. Although, its a rollercoaster, it is the best rollercoaster ride of our lives and we are loving every minute!! Chris and Grandma Helen have been my guardian angels throughout, they are my cheerleaders, my friends, and my family!  9 more miles/days to go to finish the big 26.2. Stay tuned.