Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tomorrow I will be a mother!

14 day countdown-  By the time most of you read this I will be a mother.. how crazy is that. As promised, below is the countdown to my baby boy. I decided to write a little bit each day leading to his big day! Not sure how repetitive things’ will become, but I thought it would be fun for Lincoln to know what all was going through his mommys’ head on the days before he was born.

2/3/2012-  14 days until Lincoln- Today I am thirty seven weeks, I am so happy I made it to what is considered “full term”. A month ago, doctors were pretty convinced I wasn’t going to make it this far. But, I left it in Gods’ hands and he gave us what he wanted.  Its just odd how all of these things were happening inside me and I didn’t really ever feel different. At 37 weeks, I still really do not feel much different. Well besides the fact that I have a large belly staring up at me, and at times I get these sharp pains that I think are never going to end. But they do end, all I have to do is turn a different way.
Today is my parents 37th wedding anniversary and yesterday was my Mom’s 60th birthday.  I feel bad because they would be in Vegas right now, but they cancelled the trip so they wouldn’t miss Lincolns’ arrival. Its crazy to think that when Lincoln is 13, my parents will have been married 50 years, and my mom and dad will be 73! Again, we will leave it in Gods’ hands and we will make sure that Lincoln gets to know his grandparents very very well! Its such a different love between children and their grandparents and I do not want Lincoln to miss a beat!
Oh yes, and I did my 37 week photo shoot and took some pretty cute shots.. too think the weather was almost 80’s in February and I wore a tank top. Oh, yes and Chris took me to dinner at Mama Margies’ – what can I say those bean and cheese tacos are simply the best!
2/4/2012-13 days until Lincoln- I thought today would be a very productive Saturday since its one of two Saturdays left before our baby boy arrives. However, it proved otherwise.  I did manage to empty some trash out of one of the junk drawers in the kitchen and that’s about it. Well empty means took it out and placed it on the table, I really haven’t sorted through it and thrown it away.. : ) I will get to it thought!
I also had the strong urge to shop. So logged on to and purchased a few personalized bags for Lincoln, myself and for my younger cousin who will welcome a baby girl in May. I probably didn’t need the bags I purchased, but they were cute and I love having things that are personalized. I figured Chris would need a more manly bag to carry for a diaper bag so the personalized ones are in blue so that can be his bag to carry.  I also purchased a red solid wood trash bin that will fit perfectly with Lincolns’ room color scheme!
My outing for the day was an early dinner/ super late lunch at my favorite Mexican Café. We then came home and watched Field of Dreams. I cannot believe I had not seen that movie. A great baseball classic… seeing them in Fenway makes me miss Wrigley Field.. so many memories. However, it just makes me so very happy that I will get to take Lincoln there someday to enjoy the game with us. Maybe not in the crazy bleachers like we are used to, but to the game of course!
Its after midnight and I’m not really sure why I am still up, but I shall go to bed now.. Until tomorrow! (super bowl).

2/5/2012- 12 days until Lincoln
Today is Superbowl and I get to go to my parents house to watch the game and eat bad food. I’m excited but feel exhausted for some odd reason. Perhaps because I stayed up until 1am last night for absolutely no reason but to shop online.
I managed to clean a little bit more, I cleaned out a hat box that was full of matches I had collected from college until now and a ton of beads I had saved from New Orleans Mardi Gras. Tow items I can live without.  Do not associate this cleaning with nesting, as it only involved separating the two items into grocery bags and placing them in a large bag to give to my mother and brother.
I recently have become obsessed with selling stuff on ebay (again) I go in phases. However, I am not sure I have the energy to really post anything. I sold a Mont Blanc pen that was given to me as a gift by a corporate client and a baby jogger city mini adapter. I bid on and won a set of two on baby joggers ebay, and only needed one. And, totally profited by selling the other.. sold for $42, when I only paid $15 total for the both. As for the pen, I had no idea it was worth so much, and am so not the person that needs to write with a pen valued at $279.00 to feel important. So, more money for the baby fund : ) . I want to sell some Coach purses, because I recently have also got into the phase of.. Do I really need ____ purses? Do I really need _______ pairs of shoes? And, the list goes on and on!

2/6/12- 11 days until Lincoln
I survived Superbowl and only ate two hot dogs with Chili and Cheese, one piece of banana cream pie, three large glasses of sweet tea, half of a crème filled donut and that was it.  I felt privileged because I was granted the seat in the large brown comfy recliner for the entire game. Not one person tried to steal my seat or told me to move. This is usually my Dads’ chair and is off limits. Ahem- the joys of being pregnant and enormous.  I actually sat through the entire game to include America the Beautiful which I felt was definitely no Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. Kelly Clarkson sing the national anthem, if only Whitney Houston could still sing. I was entertained by Madonna- my favorite song was Like a Prayer, the choir made the show.  It reminds me of how much I really wanted to have a choir at my wedding, oh well plenty of life events where it can still happen. Between being a Superbowl crtic and keeping my attention span focused on the game, I managed to get up go restroom about 10 times- the shrinking bladder is taking a toll on me. And, it sure did feel like exercise lifting myself off the big brown chair every time! 
My dad and brothers seem to think I’m having twins now- they are convinced that my stomach is enormous! I guess it is expanding. A tad scared of my next scale reading. I recently have become obsessed with looking at pictures of myself around the house and making the statement, “Ohmigod, look how small I was.” I really thought I didn’t do too bad for the belly growth, but after looking at those pictures I was sadly mistaken. And the pregnancy countdown continues..  

2/7/12- 10 days until Lincoln
OMG- 10 days.. I remember my “10 week wait” blog post.. and today its 10 days. Its starting to feel “really” REAL! Still having the same rough Braxton Hicks contractions at night… I think to myself “could this be it?” and then I wake up in the morning feeling like the tugging, pushing, tightness in my belly never happened.. so relieved.. it wasn’t “it”..
At this point I am the most un-stretched person in the entire world. I want someone to grab my two hands and someone else to hold my two feet and swing me like a hammock. I soooooo need it! But my doctor said no stretching, reaching, bending, oh my!

2/8/12 – 9 days until Lincoln
I had my second to last OB check up today.. Since my doc is in Europe I met with another doctor. He started with checking the heart beat, and didn’t find it immediately so had my lay on my side for about three minutes and then came back to check on me. Whew, it was fine. I was a tad worried, and started to day dream about changing into the hospital gown and being rolled into the operating room. Kind of scary, especially knowing my doctor was not in the country! !
He didn’t check to see if I was dialated or not, and some people thought that it wasn’t normal for him to not check. I guess my doctors’ office do not do the “normal” things that other doctors’ do. So, I guess its safe to say that maybe I’m not dialated whatsoever! : )  
A group of my running friends all signed up for the Chicago marathon in October 2012, I was seriously contemplating it.. but I just couldn’t do it.. not knowing how much training I will get in and knowing I have other mandatory trips planned this summer. Hence, I missed the deadline and now the race is filled. (if its meant to be, perhaps I will find a bootleg’d bib) I was sad at first but now I realize there will be plenty more races. And, I really don’t want to feel rushed and overwhelmed training for my first marathon. But I do have the goal of finishing my first marathon before having baby number two. OMG- I just said baby number two. I think I need to get some food in my system now- to the dinner table I go. : ) Hasta manana!

2/9/12- 8 days until Lincoln
Today Chris came home from work and made us Chicken tacos, they were awesome!
I had a vision today of Chris all dressed up in the blue hospital gown, hat, and shoes over your shoes that they have you wear when you go into the operating room. He was carrying our little boy on one arm, showing him to me, saying “look wife, we did it”!

2/10/12 – 7 days
I am suffering from “this time next week” emotions. This time next week I will be a mom. This time next week I will have a large scar at my bikini line. This time next week I will officially be mom!
Wow”za”s – I’m a little scared. And, I’ve had the weirdest cravings for cupcakes of any kind, homemade or store bought. Heck, I’ll even settle for the Little Debbies brand, ding dongs, or banana crème pies. I guess I’m also having the realization that this time next week I no longer can use the excuse “eating for two” and eat whatever I want whenever I want. I think I actually have done great weight wise. Especially since I’ve pretty much been confined to minimal movement since December 29th. I started at 136.5 and now weigh 171.5- so not to shabby with one week of pregnancy to go. I think I will be a tad over the 35 max healthy pounds they say you should gain, but I’m OK without. Especially considering that I did not make any attempt to stop eating what I wanted!   
 2/11/12- 6 days
Today was a very productive Saturday, to me at least. We hooked up the baby monitor, installed the car seat base, and I finished all my labels in the baby room (yes I labeled all the bins, etc. and I know it won’t last I figured stay organized while I can).  I also uploaded tons of pictures to facebook.. and once I have a newborn this may not last either. I have this mentality that I need to do all these things before he gets here. And, I just don’t really have the strength or want  to complete every task.  Since I am technically still on bedrest I also don’t want to over do anything.  Oh, and Chris let me go to Big Lots with him, which was my adventure for the day. I’m going to have to retrain my feet to shop, because after 30 minutes I wanted to go home.
Its just such a funny feeling not knowing what to expect. I’ve heard all the stories, your life changes forever you will always be tired, it will be all about him, and I’m ready for it and I get it. But, I won’t know what it really means until he’s here. I would think I would hear more about the positive changes than the latter, but I suppose it is much better to be prepared than not at all. Which I totally am.  Honestly, the things I hear do not scare me in the least,(make me nervous, but not scared) all I care about is seeing my son for the first time, and that will make everything else seem meaningless. I will be a mom, and that will be all that matters to me!
 I also ate way too much food. Three tacos for breakfast and a sweet tea.  Foot long cheese coney for lunch and a sweet tea. And Freddy’s for dinner and a sweet tea. This is the only day that I feel like I took full advantage of the eat what you want.. and I paid for it.. I felt like the sickest person in the world. But, I no longer want sweet tea, and don’t think I want to see another breakfast taco for a year.  But I can say I haven’t eaten this bad throughout the pregnancy, so I did it and I’ll stop now! : )

2/12/12 5 days - What an interesting Sunday, its cold here now.. about 40s.  We had another outing today, my cousins baby shower. They are due in 8 weeks. It was fun watching the games and mingling with family. I didn’t play the physical games in fear of tumbling over. I love all the positives I hear from my family, it makes everything feel so great.  And, the homemade wedding cookies, chicken salad sandwiches with all the trimmings were the best ever!  My family said I didn’t look tired and I look great , especially since I will deliver on Friday! And, I did feel great, we were at the shower for a few hours. We left the shower and I was exhausted.. we briefly stopped by my parents then I came home, and immediately landed on the couch .. I still had my jacket on when I woke up from my nap. Talk about totally exhausted.
2/13/12  4 days Today is Monday, and Lincoln will be born on Friday, wow! I’ve been getting these totally harsh leg pains that make me just want to scream. I thinks its’ sweeling, but dang, they sting! Its like being sore after a long run, but worse.
I’m glad these just started within the last few days, I don’t think I could have handled pain throughout my pregnancy. I’ve really been blessed, despite the hospital stays, I’ve managed to survive, no major pains (until now with the legs and back), no morning sickness, able to exercise until 30 weeks out .. I was lucky for sure!
Today, daddy realized that he hadn’t felt Lincoln move in a while and it was only a matter of days that the movements in tummy would be no more! And, as soon as he touched my tummy, there went his boy, moving and very active. He is so active these days!
And, we had visitors today, my cousins Evette and David came to see Chris to do their taxes. And, they brought me pecan pie which was delish! 

2/14/12-3 days
Today is Valentines’ day. Woke up in complete exhaustion, ate two bowls of cereal, showered, and then was greeted at lunch time by hubby with two boxes of cupcakes from Kates’ Frosting a local favorite. We ate lunch together and then he was off- back to work. I took a nap for about an hour and a half and was greeted by my sweet mother with a Valentines basket from my father. … and Whataburger chicken tenders and fries! : )
Now, Chris and I are eating pizza and watching movies, a perfect Valentines’ day at home with my love. Was not in the mood for a restaurant.
Tomorrow will be our last doctors appointments, we have an ultrasound and a visit with my OB. If all goes well, then I think Friday it is..

2/15/12- Just two 2 days !!!!
Appointments this AM went fantastic, baby has fluids of 8.3 ounces, which is perfectly normal for this close to delivery. He is weighing in at 6lbs 12 ounces, but I have this feeling that he is going to be larger.  AND- somehow I managed to gain 5.5 lbs within the last week, my now weight is 177lbs. (please keep your comments to yourself). : ) My tummy is definitely large, so large that I can now balance things on top of it.. Like a credit card. I am sitting here inputting my credit card for a purchase online and it is sitting on my the very top of my tummy perfectly..
My good friend Karen from work came by to visit me today, dropped off some work supplies and she wanted a picture of me and her daughter.. (her daughter is due March 1st). Lots of pregnancies in the air, for sure…  I am expecting Chicken Grandma, Mom and Tia Mary Alice later on today. Ugh—almost forgot I could not fall asleep last night, it was not due to pain, I was just not tired, but I am paying for it today. I wish I would have just gotten out of bed and did to-dos, those always make me sleepy.
I am definitely nervous, I want to look up and read about complications during C-Sections but I am too freaked out to do so, so I think I will just go in with what I know!

2/16/12- 1 day

Its finally here, I’m nervous super excited and a bit scared all at once. I just can’t wait to see his little face and hope and pray that he is a healthy baby boy.
I’m scared of not being pregnant anymore.. I’m thinking dang.. did I take enough pictures, did I enjoy it enough? And, then I remember what one of my cousins said, its all good, you will be pregnant again! : )
I’m trying my best to remain calm.. so I made my decaf coffee, and Chris bought me creamer and its just perfect! It makes everything feel better.
So, they said I can’t eat or drink anything after midnight. So, can I brush my teeth?  Chris said I could I just couldn’t swallow any water. That’s stressful.
My hair really needs a trim and I didn’t get time to get a pedicure but things could be a lot worse.  Well, things are getting better as the day goes on. Michele is coming to trim my hair and Melanie is going to do my nails, so I should be all set..
I find myself saying all these things to myself, but in a good way. This will be the last shower I take before I’m a mother. This will be the last time I get the mail as not a mother. And, so on. Just funny little things..
I’ve also been getting a ton of support emails, texts, phone calls, cards, etc.- so they are making everything fall into place. I could not asked for a more supportive group of friends and family.
I’m trying to decide if I will keep this blog going or start a totally separate one for his birth. I think I’m going to keep this one, but just alter the title a bit.  We shall see. Well the countdown to my last nights sleep before a mother is here. So, I will post this blog, have Melanie finish my nails and Michele cut my  hair and then to bed I go! Thank you all for your following and get ready for much more to come!